

哦,一旦强大的SAC Capital Portfolio经理如何继续下跌。最新的:迈克尔斯坦伯格,周五的人被判处三年半,在内幕交易丑闻中的作用。他还被罚款200万美元并命令丧失365,000美元。这位42岁的岁月曾在SAC的SIGMA Capital Management股上的技术,媒体和电信股负责,在12月份被判有罪,以便使用内幕信息交易多个技术股,这些信息产生了180万美元的利润。“对于这个星球上的大多数人来说,180万美元的收益是累积财富的一生,”美国区法官Richard Sullivan说,据彭博。“也许在对冲基金中,这是没有大的交易,但这对大多数人来说都是很多钱。”尽管如此,政府仍在寻求六年多的判决。在政府对SAC Capital的调查中被定罪,共有八名经理和分析师共有罪。接下来是被判刑:Mathew Martoma是Sac Cr的内在投资者单位的前基金经理,该单位计划于下个月听到他的命运


Darden餐厅在右舷和最近呼吁公司举行特别会议的大多数股东困扰着它的中指。餐厅公司周五宣布,它将以21亿美元的价格向金门之大盘出售其红龙虾业务。Darden数据从交易中获得16亿美元的现金,并计划使用约10亿美元来退休债务和剩余的购买股票。The deal did not sit well with Jeffrey Smith, Starboard’s CEO and chief investment officer, who in a statement called it “the wrong transaction, at the wrong time, for the wrong reasons” that “woefully undervalues” Red Lobster and its real estate assets. “It is truly unbelievable that the current board has the audacity to negotiate a transaction that does not require shareholder approval when a significant majority of Darden’s shareholders have formally demanded a special meeting on this very topic,” Smith stated. “If the company was intending to ignore the will of the shareholders and rush to do a transaction, you would have at least thought that it would have been a highly opportunistic transaction at a substantial premium to the underlying value of Red Lobster. However, that is clearly not the case and it appears that Darden has instead sold Red Lobster in a rushed transaction at a severe discount. We seriously question the decision to rush such a transaction rather than wait to hear the views and perspectives of shareholders on this critically important topic.” Critics of the deal assert that if Darden had announced a tax efficient transaction for the real estate, the company could have received about $1.5 billion for Red Lobster’s real estate without paying taxes. We earlier reported that shareholders holding 57 percent of the shares outstanding had consented to call a special meeting in order to voice their opposition to Darden’s earlier plan to extricate Red Lobster.


Christopher Hansen的Valiant Capital Partners是一群投资者,同意在旧金山的社会书签网站上投资约2亿美元,在F资金中是最佳的。根据CrunchBase.com的说法,这至少是公司投资的第二次勇敢。它以前在Facebook Inc.,Dropbox Inc.和Evernote Corp.的私人投资


这是官方的:国家篮球协会一致批准出售密尔沃基雄鹿队到大道资本集团联合创始人Marc Lasry - 谁在阿尔法的富裕名单,第二队 - 和他的长期朋友Wesley Edens,私募股权和对冲基金公司堡垒投资集团的主要和共同主席绑定了40名。这笔交易,其中Lasry和Edens同意购买5.5亿美元的团队,预计将很快关闭。新的主人可以希望球队从联盟所说的新竞技场中受益匪浅,今年的最高选秀权之一。然而,由于alpha报道前,NBA已同意从2017年秋季未被建设中举行的5.75亿美元,在这种情况下,如果竞技场未被施工,那么联盟可能转向并将团队销售给新所有者谁将它移到另一个城市。


大量的对冲基金夜司是星期六在双打网球比赛中竞争的48个金钱经理中,使R Babin Foundation受益。该基金会由马拉松资产管理公司的合作和伴侣安德鲁·拉比特(Rabinowitz)创立,有助于改善儿科应急医疗,特别是为地区医院提供补助,以帮助确保患有病毒感染和其他传染病的新生婴儿接受顶级护理。在对冲基金会参与者中:威廉A.潘兴广场资本管理的Ackman,Marc Rasry Avenue Counte Group和Marathon的Bruce Richards。