

A group of the largest hedge funds is currently bullish on medium grade (BBB/BB) U.S. corporate debt, U.S. fixed-rate asset-backed securities, global high-grade (AAA) corporate debt and U.S. equities with a bias towards large capitalization and growth characteristics. These are the findings by eVestment in a new report detailing aggregate fund exposure. The analysis is based on the 30 largest hedge funds in the eVestment database, which represent 14 percent of its estimated total industry asset base at the end of the third quarter. “Understanding the current market exposures, risks factors, and performance expectations of these funds, especially if a crisis were to occur during the following month, offers a way to gauge the positioning of the broader hedge fund industry,” eVestment states in the report.

Franklin Templeton Investments推出了Franklin K2替代战略基金,其第一款多方经理,多策略共同基金专注于替代投资策略。该基金借鉴了K2顾问的对冲基金专业知识,这是一个对冲基金公司的顾问,富兰克林在2012年收购。根据宣布,新基金提供日常流动性的对冲基金组合,寻求与传统相关的相关性降低资产类别和较低的波动性。它是零售投资者开放的。该基金借鉴了广泛的对冲基金策略,包括活动驱动,全球宏,长短公平和相对价值。The Fund’s initial set of sub-advisors includes: Basso Capital Management, LP, Chatham Asset Management LLC, Chilton Investment Company, Impala Asset Management LLC, Jennison Associates LLC, Lazard Asset Management LLC, Loomis Sayles & Company, LP, P. Schoenfeld Asset Management LLC and York Capital Management LP.

J. Kyle Bass’ Hayman Capital Management disclosed it owns 9.5 percent of NMI Holdings, the parent company of mortgage insurer National Mortgage Insurance Corp. In the boiler-plate language typical of a 13D filing, the Dallas hedge fund said it believes the stock is undervalued and reserves the right to discuss the investment with other parties or make some sort of undefined plan for the company. However, it did not provide specific proposals.

Eric Mindich的Eton Park Capital Management披露它在灵魂空气系统中占据了6.21%的被动股,这是商业,军事和商业喷气机的气结系统的制造商。

德意志银行从14至13美元的价格将其价格从14美元到13美元的价格削减,也将盈利估计在纸币的第三季度结果之后。Wausau目前是纽约市右舷价值LP的活动家对冲基金经理Jeffrey Smith的目标。史密斯最近解雇了一个16页的信,详细介绍了如何以及为什么改变Wausau纸张,包括购买股票并发出1美元的股息。10月29日,德意志银行降低了股票的评级,从买入。
