
早上简介:热量是囊;Citadel的Abercrombie Play

SAC的Steve Cohen毫无疑问,感觉在他公司下的热量。Prosecutors Tuesday charged Matthew Martoma, a former portfolio manager at CR Intrinsic (a wholly owned division of SAC Capital), of using illegally obtained inside information to make profits and avoid losses of about $276 million, in what Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara called “the most lucrative inside tip of all time.” The 38 year-old, who worked at CR Intrinsic between 2006 and 2010, was arrested earlier in the day in Boca Raton, Florida. He is accused of receiving the non-public information from a doctor who served as an adviser to Elan Corp., a pharmaceutical stock owned by CR Intrinsic, on the clinical trial of an Alzheimer’s Disease drug. Cohen is not named in the complaint; however, it does refer to Martoma speaking to “the owner” of the hedge fund where he was employed. For example, the government states that at some point in July 2008 “Martoma and the hedge fund owner instructed a hedge fund trader” to sell the firm’s entire position in Elan, for example. “Mr. Cohen and SAC are confident that they have acted appropriately and will continue to cooperate with the government’s inquiry,” an SAC spokesman said in a statement Tuesday afternoon. Stay tuned.

这里还有更多的确认,即对冲基金保持效忠苹果的股票。根据Goldman Sachs的清新分析,消费电子巨头是迄今为止在第三季度结束时的231个投资组合中的对冲基金中最受欢迎的股票。第二个最受欢迎的股票 - 谷歌 - 由177个对冲基金举办。舍入前10名列表:AIG,Microsoft,Qualcomm,JPMorgan Chase,花旗集团,Wells Fargo,美国银行和雅虎。一个相对不知名的加拿大石油和天然气公司吸引了第三季度对冲基金的关注飙升。据Goldman Sachs称,大约24%的Nexen市场由对冲基金所拥有,从6月季度截止日期上的1%。第三季度最大的新投资者包括法拉蒙资本管理,梅森资本管理,Eton Park Capital Management和D.E.肖。高调管理人员经营的几项对冲基金超过10月的20%以上。它们包括Michael Hinze的CQS定向机会饲养基金,增长28.93%; David Tepper’s Palomino fund, up 24.12 percent; and Leon Cooperman’s Omega Overseas Partners, up 22.08 percent. We previously reported that Dan Loeb’s Third Point Ultra is up 22 percent, while Ricky Sandler’s Eminence fund is up 21.5 percent. Shares of Groupon surged 8.53 percent to $3.37 after Tiger Global disclosed late Monday that it amassed a 9.9 percent stake in the struggling Internet coupon company. Chase Coleman and his cohorts certainly know the Internet. But this is a tough one to embrace given the high competition and low barriers of entry into the business.

Ken Griffin的Citadel Advisors报道它拥有6.3%的零售商Abercrombie&Fitch。对冲基金披露了13克的股份,这表明它是一种被动投资。在第三季度结束时,Citadel在普通股中的相对较小的位置外,Citadel在股票中提出了股票的职位。