
The Morning Brief: More on Herbalife Versus Pershing Square

Herbalife正在挖掘与对冲基金歌舞广场的长期艰难的战斗。卫生产品公司表示,它将在1月10日在纽约举行分析师和投资者会议,当时高级管理计划为投资者对其商业模式的问题提供“全面的回应”。它还表示,它保留了Moelis&Co.作为其战略顾问。从4月中旬开始,股票亏本较高的价格超过72.32美元,跌破了大约25%以来,潘兴广场的比尔·阿克曼在12月下旬呼吁公司Ponzi计划。请记住,直到最近,米尔巴里比州都有许多粉丝在华尔街上。例如,正如最近24日,巴克莱分析师Brian Wang在股票上有一个超重评级和89美元的价格目标,让客户放心:“我们认为该公司正在采取适当的措施来恢复投资者的信任,包括提高透明度它的商业模式,改变或消除可能被视为消极的政策,购买股票......我们预计股票会随着时间的推移有意义地恢复。“

rajrajaratnam,already serving 11 years in prison -- the longest ever -- for insider trading, has agreed to pay nearly $1.45 million to the Securities and Exchange Commission to settle civil charges. The sum includes $1.29 million, which includes gains and losses avoided as a result of some of his trading activities, and $147,738 in prejudgment interest. The settlement stems from trades made on tips from Rajat Gupta.

Stephen Mandel’s Lone Pine Capital has lifted his stake in Trip Advisor to 5 percent. The Tiger Cub now holds more than 6.5 million shares of the online travel site, up about 14 percent from his stake at the end of the third quarter. Trip Advisor is one among a handful of stocks widely held by the Tiger Cubs.

Activist hedge fund Starboard Value LP is apparently raising cash. It recently reduced its stake in MIPS Technologies to 2.66 million shares, or 4.9 percent of the total outstanding, putting its total holding just under the threshold requiring it to file a 13D. As recently as November 9, Starboard owned 4.46 million shares, or 8.83 percent of the company. Earlier this month, Starboard also cut its stake in marketing company Viad by 430,000 shares, to 4.2 percent of the total outstanding, and trimmed its stake in Progress Software to 7.4 percent from 8.7 percent. Also in December, it raised its stake in Regis Corp. to 6.9 percent and lifted its position in Tessera Technologies to 6 percent from 5.7 percent.

Ken Griffin的Citadel Advisors报道它拥有超过500万份的视频游戏制造商Take-Birte软件,占优秀总数的6.06%。亚慱体育app监管申请表明这是一种被动投资。

Citi research has downgraded shares of hedge fund favorite Apple to Neutral from Buy, asserting its previous Buy rating was trading oriented based on its expectation for a rally fueled by strong iPhone5 sales. “However, near-term supply chain order cuts, while inconclusive in nature, bring into question the strength of iPhone5 and refocus investors onto risks in the Apple story,” it told clients in a recent note.

Brevan Howard’s BH Macro fund was up 3.30 percent through December 21.

Good news forPorschein its battle with an army of hedge funds. A New York State court finally dismissed a four year-old lawsuit brought by 26 hedge funds against the European car maker. The investors accused the car maker of engineering a short squeeze on the stock of Volkswagen in October 2008 when it bought most of Volkswagen's shares as part of a plan to buy the company. The ruling by New York State Appeals court essentially said the lawsuit does not belong in this court. Meanwhile, in late December a court in Stuttgart, Germany, where Porsche is based, brought charges of market manipulation against former Porsche Chief Executive Wendelin Wiedeking and former Chief Financial Officer Holger Haerter in connection with the purchase of Volkswagen’s stocks.

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