Timothy Dolezal.
Notre Dame大学私募股权投资总监
For many, the role of chief investment officer at an elite institution is the end goal of a career on the allocating side of the financial industry. It means leading a team of investors, allocating a portfolio worth billions, and serving a meaningful mission (with a solid paycheck, too).
投资者为这些珍贵的CIO角色垂涎的投资者是谁?当招聘人员梦想他们的终极名单,谁在上面?亚博赞助欧冠asked them. What follows is the top 25 institutional allocators that recruiters most want for CIO jobs and who don’t yet have them.
- 投资轨道记录:25%*
- Exposure to complex investments and asset classes: 15%
- 经理关系和访问:10%
- 管理and leadership skills: 20%
- 沟通,人际关系能力和董事会互动经验:20%
- 雇主的声誉:10%
用这些标准在手中,IIeditors collected, vetted, and scored reams of recommendations, sourced primarily from the leading recruiters on three continents, but also from asset managers, consultants, and CIOs themselves. When more than one investor received the same total score, ties were broken by subtracting grades for investment track record and employer reputation — the two criteria most dependent on the quality of an individual’s organization.
至关重要的是,这列出了招聘人员的幻想草案选秀权,而不是免费代理商 - 在某种程度上:被认为是不可移动的分配者(耶鲁的Dean Takahashi,比如说)被忽略了;个人没有以前的分配经验。否则,任何全世界的机构分配器,无论年龄或基金规模,都是公平的比赛。有些人可能已经决定了很久以前才能保持纯粹的投资者,而溺爱董事会成员的工作,管理丑闻和辩论薪水不是对他们的。对于那些看到其员工所列人员的人,祝贺!承担这一证明是您培养人才的能力 - 以及其年度市场估值。
Welcome toII首届最受欢迎的分配者:第一队,排名第一到25.第二队(26 to 50) can be foundhere。
1Donna Snider.
Total Score: 87/100
One of the highest paid employees at Kresge, Snider’s compensation — nearly $635,000 in 2016 — “speaks for itself.” The former actuary is a “specialist at very complex asset classes” and a “highly effective” communicator. Her employer, in turn, is a foundation known for its “progressive” investments. Recommended by nearly every person consulted for this list, Snider is a “strong No. 2 who will be a CIO somewhere.”
美国招聘人员和加拿大同行相似在泰勒的未来看到CIO。“他只是一台机器。他运营外部经理计划,这是一个非常重要的投资组合“ - 当您控制价值940亿新元(730亿美元)的分配时,轻描淡写。“他有大约30或40人在多伦多,他们只是曲柄,”一位内幕说。泰勒和他亲近的伦敦同行亚历山大威尔是“非常适合。我认为Alek有点创造力。“
3.Tanya Carmichael.
“令人难以置信的领导技能,”一个招聘人员狂欢。Carmichael在香港,伦敦和多伦多母舰上提供了大约15个投资专业人士,所有这些都是主要寻求直接和协同投资“私募股权重点”。超越安大略省教师 - 一些措施世界上最好的表演养老基金 - “她与投资者社区和椅子ILPA一起参与”,机构有限合作伙伴协会。
4.Timothy Dolezal.
Total Score: 84/100
Notre Dame“出生和繁殖”,Dolezal经常被视为Cio Scott Malpass的“继承人,”虽然招聘人员注意到他的任期较年轻的男性Malpass是“不再退休。”仍然,他们说Dolezal - 凭借他的伟大人才技能和技术经验 - “将成为一个CIO。”
Cass“可能是世界上任何基金的首席执行官,更不用说CIO,”一个行业内部人士说。“并不是看起来他有任何乐趣。他有点像eeyore,一个逆势。“CASS接管了真正的资产手臂,填补了坚实的领导力,将另一个CPPIB部门添加到他运行的团体列表中。关于CASS的问题不是他是否想要作为CIO - 他是 - 而是如果他想成为一个。
6.Barbara Zvan
Total Score: 82/100
ZVAN“非常经验,非常明亮,甚至是昂贵的” - 所有特征在招聘人员的情况下,机构的所有特征都希望填补的最困境之一。ZVAN的双重风险/策略授权是罕见的,并且加入负责任的投资署让她的工作唯一一种。她在多伦多大学的商学院教授了国际养老金管理中心,并建议省养老金政策。“她可以成为任何养老基金的建筑师”。
7.Thomas Woodbury
一个顶级招聘人员选择填补CIO角色,伍德伯里是“一颗星”。随着“捐赠的相当大,”沃顿毕业生是“超级抛光”。那些知道伍德伯里有一个类似的技能,将于2015年挑选的前同事大卫哈克,以领导加州大学旧金山基金会。伍德伯里,现在在U. Penn领导绝对的回报策略,在股权研究中开始,给了他安全级别的经验。
“有效地说明了美国的指挥,格雷厄姆”非常思想“在行业中,从管理对冲基金到刺激新定义缴费计划的设计做出了一切。如果她有一个薄弱的观点,这是她与外部管理人员的关系 - 作为战略协调的主管,她没有直接参与经理选择。
在意识到它不适合他之前,据据报道,焦炭训练为天主教牧师。教会的损失是惠康信托的收益 - 在过去的19年中,可乐在建立卓越的基础替代方案方面是“非常非常活跃”。Recruiters question why Coke, who hasn’t yet run a “fully-fledged team,” hasn’t moved into a more senior role — but in the tight European endowment and foundation world, there are “not too many seats for him to go to.”
10.Monica Lai.
Lai is a “quiet star” with a “varied background” including roles in private equity and Pfizer’s corporate pension. Now at the Sloan Foundation, she “has huge responsibilities” in manager selection and due diligence — resulting in a high complexity score. Recruiters speak highly of her personality, leadership, and experience dealing with board members, the result of her “rich career history.”
11.Kelsey Morgan
市场是“只是等待”为摩根成为一个CIO,他是一个“非常好的选择”。他是“年轻人的一点点”,但“漂亮的抛光 - 从达特茅斯的双重程度有所帮助,”迈克尔·彭博家的家庭办公室有一个两年的精神。But as one recruiter warns, “it’s much harder to get the CIO role after you’ve been passed over,” which Morgan reportedly was when Alice Ruth took over from Pamela Peedin in 2017. “A little pause for thought there — but just a little.”
12.Eduard Van Gelderen.
UC去年在吸引Van Gelderen,APG资产管理的“世界级”首席执行官吸引了“主要政变”。作为“顶级”荷兰基金的前负责任,van Gelderen负责近5000亿美元,拥有严重的董事会,以及通过公共责任平衡专业投资的技巧。但是,UC的“全明星”队遭受了显着的出口,延迟了Van Gelderen的资金声誉得分,并在剩下的那些中引起猎头兴趣。
13.Jack Edmondson
Although Oxford’s endowment is “quite small” at £3 billion (US$4 billion), it is a “globally sophisticated platform” — setting up Edmondson as a “CIO of the future.” The deputy chief spent five years at a private equity firm before joining Oxford, and continues to have a “strong alts focus.” As a graduate of Oxford’s business school, however, recruiters believe Edmondson will wait for the “right CIO position” before leaving his alma mater.
14.Ingrid Van Sundert.
经过近20年的APG,Van Sundert在内部和外部的“高度重视”。现在运营所有荷兰基金的经理选择,在履行债务和股票之前,她在房地产中开始,在投资组合管理中发出了高分。然而,在这么大的组织中,她的经验较少处理与此名单上的其他人。
15.Alistair Barker.
Total Score: 76/100
“合法”,一位推荐人说。巴克在澳大利亚最大的退休基金中拥有素质前的CIO作用,这可以是世界上最好的整体系统。他已经“在雷达上”了很长一段时间,“为自己的名字”,在过去的十年中,随着援助的援助人员成长。他称为“梦幻般的导师,”强大的公众演讲者,以及“深深的投资组合思想家”,尽管他的相对年轻人。有“很多人才 - 和金钱 - 在澳大利亚市场”。
16.John Barker
Total Score: 76/100
内部人士称,Robert Manilla的团队中有两个强有力的代表:Donna Snider是一个,Barker另一个。虽然仍然“有点年轻,”巴克是“非常抛光”和“经验丰富”。毕业于巴黎圣母院后,巴克被大学的Cio,Scott Malpass聘用,并留在终点五年内。招聘人员认为他现在在克雷斯队“坐下来”,希望成为后续马里拉的希望。
17.Sarah Samuels&Greg Turk(领带)
Sarah Samuels的总分:75/100
这位前惠灵顿管理和马萨诸塞州的养老金“明星”在2017年跳到了Wellesley禀赋。被众多外人所看到的“等待”,她在大规模的养老金中作为副CIO的依据给了她“领导和投资组合”experience, as well as “likely exposure to senior stakeholders” due to CIO Michael Trotsky’s acknowledged skill in mentoring talent. The question one recruiter has is simple: “Would she leave Wellesley? I don’t know.”
Greg Turk总分:75/100
虽然可能少于这个名单上的“东北抛光”,但土耳其人就是“超级纪律”和“非常非常明亮”。这种“Folksy”中共有“分析弯曲”的熟练跨越资产课程 - 内部人士表示,他的人民技能同样好。“超级组成”甚至在冲突的董事会会议期间,土耳其人“不聊......有人周到的标志。”
19.Jay Kang
这个耶鲁养老院是“准备好”的技能 - 为CIO工作而言。在希尔顿基金会的“良好的声誉”和“良好的血统”和“良好的血统”中,康在技术角度来看,康“当然”强劲。但在斯坦福 - 斯坦福 - 与“非常具有挑战性”的董事会 - 康的问号是他将如何处理新的投资委员会。
在硅谷的心脏,“大规模但under-the-radar” Hewlett Foundation pulls down “some of the best” returns in the business. CIO Ana Marshall “does a lot” as chief, including dealing with the “board, politics,” etc. — which lets her lean team grind at investing. “Hewlett doesn’t have a Yale-style leadership machine” to tutor Richardson on board wooing. But it does have an alpha machine, anchored by “supremely talented venture directors” — Richardson included.
Having “done his time” at the messy Harvard Management Company, Hall returned to Texas and UTIMCO in early 2018 to reunite with former boss Britt Harris. That Harris, newly implanted at UTIMCO after a successful career at Texas Teachers, would so quickly get Hall back “speaks volumes — it’s basically all you need to know.” Look for Hall to either “succeed Harris, when the time is right, or be lured away to run his own non-profit portfolio.”
22.Stephen Gilmore&Ed Hethington(TIE)
Stephen Gilmore的总成绩:74/100
未来的基金于3月重组,消除了主要的战略师的作用,支持两位副CIO职位。Gilmore - 凭借其“更广泛,自上而下的投资风格”和“深度固定收入背景” - 是震撼最大的伤亡。虽然现在是一个自由的代理,但“令人难以置信的知识分子,令人难以置信的强势”Gilmore不太可能在市场上留在市场上,招聘人员说。
Ed Hetherington的总成绩:74/100
这款UPS Pension Alum有一个“现在的广泛体验,他搬进了业务的捐赠方面”。优势包括“强烈的”经理关系 - “对于候选人来说,始终很重要”为CIO角色 - 以及“非常尖锐,有趣的个性”。Word是他已经“考虑了一些领导角色”,但截至目前,“在UNC的内容。”
Dietze — with a resume that includes Fortress Investment Group and venture firms NextPoint Partners and Columbia Capital — comes highly recommended by most recruiters. She began working at endowments in 2012, when she joined Bowdoin College as director of private equity. Now the second-in-command at Brown, Dietze also serves on the investment committee of the U.S. Soccer Federation.
A “very good investor,” McDonald oversaw absolute return investments, then portfolio strategy, before taking on a generalist role under HMC’s latest CEO Narv Narvekar. The formerly “dysfunctional” environment at Harvard meant a lack of “proper mentorship” for McDonald in the past, but under Narvekar she’s getting “good exposure and breadth.”