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    From the May 2018 Most Wanted Allocators First Team


    Nice work if you can get it.

    Who are the investors coveted for these treasured CIO roles? When recruiters dream of their ultimate long list, who’s on it?亚博赞助欧冠问他们。以下是前25名机构分配者,招聘人员最想要的是CIO工作,尚未拥有它们。

    The top talent brokers helpedII’s editors design a formula to quantify desirability and score candidates, according to what they think matters in a first-time CIO.


    • Investment track record: 25%*
    • 接触复杂的投资和资产课程:15%
    • Manager relations and access: 10%

    Non-Portfolio Management 50%

    • 管理和领导技能:20%
    • Communication, interpersonal skills, and board interaction experience: 20%
    • Reputation of employer: 10%

    With these criteria in hand,II编辑收集,审查和得分的建议,主要来自三大洲领先的招聘人员,也来自资产经理,顾问和知识人士。当超过一位投资者获得相同的总分时,通过减去投资轨道记录和雇主声誉的等级来破坏关系 - 这两个标准最依赖于个人组织的质量。

    Crucially, this lists recruiters’ fantasy draft picks, not free agents — to an extent: Allocators assumed to be unmovable (Yale’s Dean Takahashi, say) were ignored; so were individuals with no previous allocating experience. Otherwise, any institutional allocator worldwide, regardless of age or fund size, was fair game. Some may have decided long ago to remain pure investors, and that the work of coddling board members, managing scandals, and debating salaries wasn’t for them. To those who see members of their staff listed, congratulations! Take this is as a testament to your ability to develop talent — and an annual market valuation of it.

    欢迎来到II’s inaugural Most Wanted Allocators: First Team, ranked 1 through 25. TheSecond Team(26到50)可以找到这里.

    Comments, complaints, candidates for next year?Let us know.


    1Donna Snider



    Kresge的最高员工之一,Snider的赔偿金 - 2016年近635,000美元 - “为自己说话。”前准备证是“非常复杂的资产课程”和“高效”通信商的“专家”。反过来,她的雇主是以其“进步”投资而闻名的基础。几乎每个人都有几乎每个人都查询这个列表,Snider是一个“强势第2号,谁将成为一个CIO。”

    2Scott Taylor

    Managing Director, Investment Partnerships at Canada Pension Plan Investment Board

    Total Score: 86/100

    美国招聘人员和加拿大同行相似在泰勒的未来看到CIO。“他只是一台机器。他运营外部经理计划,这是一个非常重要的投资组合“ - 当您控制价值940亿新元(730亿美元)的分配时,轻描淡写。“他有大约30或40人在多伦多,他们只是曲柄,”一位内幕说。泰勒和他亲近的伦敦同行亚历山大威尔是“非常适合。我认为Alek有点创造力。“

    3Tanya Carmichael


    Total Score: 85/100

    “令人难以置信的领导技能,”一个招聘人员狂欢。Carmichael在香港,伦敦和多伦多母舰上提供了大约15个投资专业人士,所有这些都是主要寻求直接和协同投资“私募股权重点”。超越安大略省教师 - 一些措施世界上最好的表演养老基金 - “她与投资者社区和椅子ILPA一起参与”,机构有限合作伙伴协会。

    4Timothy Dolezal

    Investment Director, Private Equity at University of Notre Dame


    Notre Dame “born and bred,” Dolezal is often viewed as CIO Scott Malpass’s “heir apparent,” though recruiters note that the young-for-his-tenure Malpass is “not retiring any time soon.” Still, they say Dolezal — with his great people skills and technical experience — is “going to be a CIO somewhere.”

    5Ed Cass

    Senior Managing Director and Global Head of Real Assets at Canada Pension Plan Investment Board

    Total Score: 83/100

    Cass “could be the CEO of any fund in the world, let alone the CIO,” one industry insider says. “Not that it looks like he’s having any fun. He’s a bit like Eeyore, a contrarian.” Cass took over the real assets arm to fill a need for solid leadership, adding yet another CPPIB division to the list of groups he’s run. The question about Cass is not whether he’s wanted as a CIO — he is — but rather if he wants to be one.


    Chief Risk and Strategy Officer at Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan


    ZVAN“非常经验,非常明亮,甚至是昂贵的” - 所有特征在招聘人员的情况下,机构的所有特征都希望填补的最困境之一。ZVAN的双重风险/策略授权是罕见的,并且加入负责任的投资署让她的工作唯一一种。她在多伦多大学的商学院教授了国际养老金管理中心,并建议省养老金政策。“她可以成为任何养老基金的建筑师”。


    Managing Director of Absolute Return Strategies at University of Pennsylvania

    Total Score: 81/100

    A top recruiter pick for filling a CIO role, Woodbury is “a star.” With a “sizeable team for an endowment,” the Wharton grad is “super polished.” Those in the know say Woodbury has a similar skill set to ex-colleague David Harkins, who got picked off in 2015 to lead the University of California San Francisco Foundation. Woodbury, now heading absolute return strategies at U. Penn, started out in equity research, giving him security-level experience.

    8Kathryn Graham

    Head of Strategy Coordination at Universities Superannuation Scheme

    Total Score: 80/100

    “有效地说明了美国的指挥,格雷厄姆”非常思想“在行业中,从管理对冲基金到刺激新定义缴费计划的设计做出了一切。如果她有一个薄弱的观点,这是她与外部管理人员的关系 - 作为战略协调的主管,她没有直接参与经理选择。



    Total Score: 80/100

    Coke reportedly trained as a Catholic priest before realizing it wasn’t for him. The church’s loss was the Wellcome Trust’s gain — over the last 19 years Coke has been “very, very active” in building out the preeminent foundation’s alternatives program. Recruiters question why Coke, who hasn’t yet run a “fully-fledged team,” hasn’t moved into a more senior role — but in the tight European endowment and foundation world, there are “not too many seats for him to go to.”

    10Monica Lai


    Total Score: 79/100

    赖是一个“安静的明星”,一个“不同的背景”,包括私募股权和辉瑞公司养老金的角色。现在在Sloan基金会上,她“有巨大的责任”在经理选择和尽职调查中 - 导致高度复杂的分数。招聘人员高度评价她的个性,领导力和与董事会成员的经验,她的“丰富的职业历史”。

    11Kelsey Morgan

    Deputy CIO at Dartmouth College Investment Office

    Total Score: 79/100

    The market is “just waiting” for Morgan to be a CIO, and he’d be a “very good pick.” He is “a little bit on the young side,” but “pretty polished — a double degree from Dartmouth helps,” as does a two-year stint at Michael Bloomberg’s family office. But as one recruiter warns, “it’s much harder to get the CIO role after you’ve been passed over,” which Morgan reportedly was when Alice Ruth took over from Pamela Peedin in 2017. “A little pause for thought there — but just a little.”

    12Eduard Van Gelderen.

    Senior Managing Director at University of California Regents

    Total Score: 78/100

    UC scored a “major coup” last year in attracting van Gelderen, the “world-class” CEO of APG Asset Management. As the former head of a “top-tier” Dutch fund responsible for nearly $500 billion, van Gelderen has serious board chops, as well as skill in balancing professional investing with public accountability. But UC’s “all-star” team has suffered notable exits of late, knocking a point off van Gelderen’s fund reputation score and piquing headhunter interest in those remaining.



    Total Score: 78/100

    虽然牛津的捐赠是“相当小”,但额为30亿英镑(40亿美元),这是一个“全球精致的平台” - 建立埃德曼森作为“未来的城市。”在加入牛津之前,副主任在一家私募股权公司度过了五年,并继续拥有“强大的ALTS焦点”。然而,作为牛津商学院的毕业生,招聘人员认为埃德蒙森将在离开他的母校之前等待“正确的CIO位置”。

    14Ingrid van Sundert

    Head of External Managers Selection and Monitoring at APG Asset Management

    Total Score: 77/100

    After almost 20 years at APG, van Sundert is “highly regarded” both internally and externally. Now running all of the Dutch fund’s manager selection, she started out in real estate before moving on to debt and equities, giving her high marks in portfolio management. At such a large organization, however, she’s had less experience dealing with boards than others on this list.

    15Alistair Barker

    Head of Portfolio Construction at AustralianSuper


    “LEGIT,” as one recommender says. Barker has a prime pre-CIO role at Australia’s largest retirement fund, which is arguably the world’s best overall system. He’s been “on the radar” for a long time, “making a name for himself” that’s grown with AusSuper over the past decade. He’s praised as a “fantastic mentor,” strong public speaker, and “deep portfolio-wide thinker,” despite his relative youth. There’s “lots of talent — and money — in the Aussie market.”




    知情人士表示,有两个强大的代表在长袍rt Manilla’s team: Donna Snider is one, Barker the other. Although still “a bit young,” Barker is “very polished” and “pretty seasoned.” After graduating from Notre Dame, Barker was hired by the university’s CIO, Scott Malpass, and stayed at the endowment for nearly five years. Recruiters think he’s now “sitting it out” at Kresge in hopes of succeeding Manilla.

    17Sarah Samuels&Greg Turk(领带)


    Sarah Samuels’ Total Score: 75/100

    这位前惠灵顿管理和马萨诸塞州的养老金“明星”在2017年跳到了Wellesley禀赋。被众多外人所看到的“等待”,她在大规模的养老金中作为副CIO的依据给了她“领导和投资组合”experience, as well as “likely exposure to senior stakeholders” due to CIO Michael Trotsky’s acknowledged skill in mentoring talent. The question one recruiter has is simple: “Would she leave Wellesley? I don’t know.”

    Greg Turk’s Total Score: 75/100

    Although perhaps less “Northeastern polished” than others on this list, Turk is “super disciplined” and “very, very bright.” This “folksy” Midwesterner with an “analytical bent” is skilled across asset classes — and insiders say his people skills are equally good. “Super composed” during even conflict-ridden board meetings, Turk “doesn’t talk a lot… the mark of someone thoughtful.”


    Managing Director at Stanford Management Co.

    Total Score: 75/100

    This Yale endowment alum is “ready to go” skills-wise for a CIO job. With a “good reputation” and “good pedigree” from years at the Hilton Foundation, Kang is “certainly” strong from a technical standpoint. But working at Stanford — with its “very challenging” board — the question mark for Kang is how he will deal with a new investment committee.

    20Christy Richardson


    Total Score: 75/100

    在硅谷的心脏,“大规模但雷达”惠普基金会下跌“一些最佳”的业务回报。Cio Ana Marshall“很多”作为首席,包括处理“董事会,政治”等 - 这让她的精益团队在投资中研磨。“惠特没有耶鲁式领导机”给导师理查森船上求爱。但它确实有一个alpha机器,由“崇高的才华横溢的风险投资者”锚定 - Richardson包括。

    21Rich Hall

    Deputy CIO at UTIMCO

    Total Score: 74/100

    在凌乱的哈佛管理公司在凌乱的哈佛管理公司“完成了他的时间”,霍尔于2018年初返回德克萨斯州和乌里米科,并与前老板Britt Harris团聚。在德克萨斯州教师成功职业生涯后,哈里斯在德国教师成功后,会很快得到霍尔回来“说话卷 - 基本上你需要知道的一切。”寻找大厅要么“成功哈里斯,当时的时间是正确的,或被诱骗自己的非营利组合。”

    22Stephen Gilmore&Ed Hethington(TIE)

    Former Chief Investment Strategist at Future Fund & Managing Director of Public Investments at UNC Management Co.

    Stephen Gilmore’s Total Score: 74/100

    3月未来基金重组,消除the chief strategist role in favor of two deputy CIO positions. Gilmore — with his “broader, top-down investment style” and “deep fixed-income background” — was the shake-up’s biggest casualty. Although a free agent for now, the “incredibly intellectual, incredibly strong” Gilmore is unlikely to stay on the market for long, recruiters say.

    Ed Hetherington’s Total Score: 74/100

    这款UPS Pension Alum有一个“现在的广泛体验,他搬进了业务的捐赠方面”。优势包括“强烈的”经理关系 - “对于候选人来说,始终很重要”为CIO角色 - 以及“非常尖锐,有趣的个性”。Word是他已经“考虑了一些领导角色”,但截至目前,“在UNC的内容。”

    24Jane Dietze

    Managing Director at Brown University

    Total Score: 73/100

    Dietze - 携带堡垒投资组和风险公司Nextport Partners和Columbia Capital的简历 - 大多数招聘人员都强烈推荐。她于2012年开始在2012年捐赠,当时加入了Bowdoin College担任私募股权总监。现在,棕色,迪尔兹的第二个命令也为美国足球联合会投资委员会提供服务。

    25Elise McDonald


    Total Score: 73/100

    一个“非常好的投资者”,麦当劳过度返回投资,然后投资组合策略,在迅速的最新首席执行官NARV NARVEKAR下的一般角色。哈佛此前的“功能失调”环境意味着过去的麦当劳缺乏“适当的指导”,但在Narvekar下,她正在获得“良好的曝光和宽度”。

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