



  • 安迪霍华德,可持续研究负责人,Schroders
  • Jillian Reid,校长,负责任投资,Mercer
  • Thomas Fabricius,高级ESG和股票分析师,Danske Bank
  • Schroders基金经理Simon Webber

通过Citywire的Angus Foote托管的活动完全重播,可以在这里查看,但这是一个快速摘要。


“气候变化并不是一个新问题;科学是hind it and solutions to it really haven't changed that much over the last 10 years. But what's changing now is that we're beginning to see some of those points start to shift from being potential future questions to things that are really beginning to change.

“Whether it’s the regulation we’ve seen on diesel cars or on carbon pricing, or the dramatically-improved economics of clean energy, we're at a very interesting point for climate change and it’s clear it will be a critical issue going forward.”

Jillian Reid,校长,负责任投资,Mercer:





“当你看看所有不同的事情发生时 - 无论是那种清洁能源投资,石油和天然气生产,政客们的陈述,还是碳的价格 - 他们都可以涂漆非常不同的图片。所以我们已经建造了施罗德的气候进步仪表板,试图了解这一非常复杂的情况。“



Schroders基金经理Simon Webber:


“If we’re going to get to the middle of this century with a 70% to 90% cut in greenhouse gas emissions, it is a complete transformation in the architecture of our energy industry, as well as automotive transportation, agriculture, heavy industry and chemicals and numerous other sectors.


"Some companies will just focus on maximising their short-term profits. They won’t think about investing for five to ten years down the line, whether that’s so they have a license to operate, or whether it’s for technology that their customers are going to want. These short-sighted companies will see their business start to shrink.

“For active managers, there is a wealth of opportunity for us from being part of that solution. In my experience, having run a climate change-focused strategy for 10 years now, I am constantly amazed at how markets, investors, analysts, and company management teams struggle with the scope of the change that is likely coming. Therefore, there is a big role for investors and active managers to support those companies that can help us move in the right direction.”

You can view the full video of Schroders Live by clicking here.