美国投资级公司债券定价bit like navigating your way to a friend’s summer house for the weekend. They give you directions, and mile markers along the way, but your journey is invariably marked by traffic, potential detours, and other factors holding up your holiday. Fortunately, GPS technology and community driven platforms like Google Maps and Waze have transformed how we travel by providing live reference data to find the fastest and easiest route to our destinations.
In many marketplaces, there are enough visible prices to help discern where the market is trading before an investor seeks to process an order or execute. This level of pre-trade transparency is relatively common in treasuries, equities, FX, or futures, but not in more bespoke markets like U.S. corporate bonds.
“这部分是一个精确的问题,但我会争辩到这一点,”美国学报队长Chris Bruner说TradeWeb.。“这也是一个时间问题。例如,拍摄公共跟踪数据并确定最后一次贸易传播是不难的。但是,如果上次贸易在公司债券上蔓延到一个月前,那么现在债券的价格是多少?在当前的环境中,产量可以在几周内转移30或40个基点。“
这种缺乏普遍同意的贸易前基准价格让市场参与者以零碎的方式进行,这使得这一工作很困难。“你甚至不能做一个不完善transaction cost analysis if you don’t have some sense of what the benchmark price was at the time of execution,” says Bruner.
This is why institutional credit trading is frequently described as part art and part science. But as is the case with GPS and traffic apps, Bruner and his team at Tradeweb are adding a heavier dose of data science to improve the equation for pricing in the U.S. corporate bond market.
“其他资产类别中使用的典型方法,例如引导曲线,不要捕获公司债券价格变动的动态。我们的数据科学模式与我们的域名专业知识结婚,以获得债券之间的关系以及这些关系如何通过时间演变,“布鲁纳说。“随着世界上每一项公司债券贸易的数据,我们采取所有这些信息和这些证券之间的协会,并说'正确的价格如果it were going to trade again right now?’ That’s basically our approach.”
创新whose time has come
“Our clients who use AiEX need a price quality check to make sure a price isn’t too far out of bounds, and they’re already using our reference price as that check,” says Bruner. “That is strong confirmation we are headed in the right direction so we will continue to refine. It’s important to note we are not suggesting the model is an executable price. Rather, having a robust reference prices with broad coverage allows new workflows that didn’t exist before. In this case, combining AiEX with the real-time pricing helps fully automate trades within a tolerance, but allows clients to manually inspect those that need closer attention before executing.”
Yet another change the reference price model could bring about is in transaction cost analysis (TCA). In the near future, the model will power transaction cost analytics for Tradeweb credit clients. “We have an opportunity to offer a differentiated solution; the model delivers advanced metrics such as liquidity scores, price confidence values, and flow metrics, along with price estimates. They’ll easily be able to look at whole portfolios of trades and have an efficient route to figure out pricing, and finally be able to move away from the current trade-by-trade process. That’s the value of having a better benchmark.”