
The 2018 Hedge Fund Rising Stars: Bringing the Hustle

Some seemed preordained for Wall Street success — Harvard degrees abound — while others pushed their way in. They left behind small towns and law careers for late nights on the Goldman propriety desk or, for many, their own shops. In an industry packed with talent, they are the 30 Hedge Fund Rising Stars.

From the Jun 2018 Hedge Fund Rising Stars

A handful were born outside the U.S., while others are first-generation Americans. Some were shoo-ins for the Ivy League, while several relied on athletic scholarships to attend a top-flight college. And while a number had been personally investing since their teens, others were not thinking of Wall Street when they headed off to college. But these 30 individuals are now joined by one common distinction: They make up亚博赞助欧冠’s 2018 class of Hedge Fund Rising Stars.


其中许多人为Paul Singer的Elliott Management Corp.等顶级对冲基金公司工作,虎崽唯一的松树首都和蓝岭首都,Kenneth Griffin的城堡,Dan Loeb的第三点和Steven Cohen的Sac Capital Advisors。

所有30人都引起了对冲基金行业的同事,竞争对手,服务提供商,投资者和其他人的关注。当然,作为一个冉冉升起的明星并不能保证一个人实际上会成为一个明星 - 我们过去的荣誉是第一个证明这一点的明星。但是,这个名单上的人值得被视为他们进一步区分他们的个人对冲基金职业。

1Angela Aldrich.

Teca Partners

Angela Aldrich., for better or worse, will forever be known as a Tiger Grandcub after spending four years at Blue Ridge Capital, headed by Tiger Cub John Griffin. There, she was responsible for idea generation, research, and other tasks. “The quality of the mentorship and learning experience has been invaluable,” she says. After Griffin announced he was shutting down Blue Ridge, Aldrich teamed up with Fernando Vigil to launch Teca Partners.

奥尔德里奇从小就对商业世界着迷,她的姑姑从事私人财富管理——尽管她不知道那到底是什么。当奥尔德里奇十几岁时在一家商场工作时,她注意到这家商场的经营效率低下,并因她认为“显而易见”的建议而受到赞誉。奥尔德里奇在杜克大学主修经济学,曾在高盛投资银行部门工作,并在私人股本公司BDT Capital Partners工作了两年,之后从斯坦福大学商学院(Stanford Graduate School of Business)获得工商管理硕士学位,希望最终进入一家对冲基金。果然,她在蓝岭获得了实习机会,并在童子军资本管理公司(Scout Capital Management)工作了四个月,然后全职加入蓝岭。

2Steven Boyd

Armistice Capital

后receiving a bachelor's degree in economics as well as a bachelor's in political science from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Steven Boyd joined McKinsey & Co. as an analyst.

两年后,他在担任SAB Capital Management担任分析师,这是一家值型长短股票对冲基金。然后,他在约克资本管理中作为副员工进行了一年的坑,主要关注在2008年2月加入参议员投资集团作为首次分析师之前对消费者和医疗股票的投资 - 在其实际启动之前。

Boyd founded Armistice Capital in 2012. The firm is a global, long-short, value-oriented, event-driven hedge fund focused primarily on the health care and consumer sectors. At the end of 2017, the firm had $1.25 billion of regulatory assets, according to an SEC filing. In 2017, Boyd was named to the board of directors of Cerecor, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company and the hedge fund’s largest individual U.S. long position.

3Sarah Carne


Sarah Carne是来自澳大利亚的孤独崛起的明星。墨尔本大学毕业后,她在墨尔本和纽约的德勤和资产咨询中度过了德勤和塔林的德勤和资产咨询所在地。Carne继续在Frontier Investment Consulting度过七年的时间,为机构客户提供建议,在投资战略,目标,投资组合建设,经理选择和监控方面提供建议。自2008年以来,她一直与未来的基金,澳大利亚主权财富基金。Carne在股票队伍上工作,主要负责其全球全球长短股票计划。她还坐落于经理审查委员会,负责监督未来基金投资组合的所有部门的任命和终止。主权基金在十年内产生了8.5%的年度回报率,超过其授权目标基准返回6.7%。

4Charmaine Chin


当夏尔曼下巴离开她的家乡新加坡ttend Harvard University, she figured she would eventually return home. However, after receiving a bachelor's degree in economics, she landed in the Goldman Sachs training program and stayed with the firm for five years. She worked 80- to 100-hour weeks as an analyst in the investment banking division, laboring over IPOs, mergers, and other deals. “It was a good time in life to be working those hours,” she says. Chin volunteered to move to Goldman’s Hong Kong office but wound up meeting her husband just before leaving. As a result, she spent only one year overseas. Chin returned to work on Goldman’s proprietary desk, investing using the bank’s balance sheet, which is similar to an internal hedge fund. Ten years ago, on an introduction from a friend, she moved to K2 Advisors. Today, Chin heads up the credit, relative value, and event-driven strategy team and oversees Asia hedge fund exposures. She is also a portfolio manager for the Franklin K2 Long Short Credit Fund.



对冲基金抓住了劳伦斯·科曼作为第十年级学生的关注。他记得在1997年亚洲金融危机中的角色阅读他们的角色,并次年关于长期资本管理的崩溃。他赢得了两家经济学学位 - 来自麦吉尔大学的一个学士学位,以及约翰霍普金斯大学的硕士学位 - 然后加入了一家对冲基金公司。在常春藤资产管理下,Cinamon最初专注于证券化产品,然后专注于投资宏观战略,商品贸易顾问和商品的资金基金。2009年6月,Cinamon加入了Aksia,他从那以后。今天,他是全球宏的战略负责人,负责投资,尽职调查和监测。他还花费大量的时间帮助机构投资者对他们的选择感,并找到了他们的投资组合和目标的最佳选择,他称之为工作中最亚博赞助欧冠有价值的方面。“我努力充分利用网络,”Cinamon说。


TPG Capital

朱莉洪克亚顿had no idea what she wanted to do professionally until she took an economics class in high school. “That’s when it started to resonate,” she recalls. After her senior year she secured an internship at Salomon Smith Barney, the first of four straight years in Wall Street internships. Clayton graduated from Harvard College with an economics degree in 2003, and started her career in investment banking at UBS. The following year she moved to focus on equity capital markets at Merrill Lynch, then landed at TPG Capital, the private equity giant that now manages $72 billion. Today, Clayton is a partner and leads the equity capital markets platform. She serves as the primary internal adviser to deal professionals and portfolio companies on IPOs and public equity transactions, and closely monitors TPG’s public equity portfolio. “I have a healthy and constructive dialogue with hedge funds, who are active in the equity capital markets new-issue calendar,” she says.

7Jesse Cohn

Elliott Management Corp.

尽管保罗歌手是艾略特的公众形象anagement Corp., the $35 billion multistrategy hedge fund firm, those most familiar with its hard-charging activist strategy know Jesse Cohn’s name — because he signs many of the letters to the boards and management of its targets.


科恩在长岛长大,参加了青少年电脑夏令营,自学编程。2004年,他在摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)担任并购集团分析师后,加入了Elliott。他在宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院获得经济学学士学位。他还是哈佛法学院公司治理项目顾问委员会成员。


8Lucy DeStefano

Soros Fund Management

当Lucy Destefano于1995年向普林斯顿大学向普林斯顿大学出发时,她确信她会成为一名教师。然后,她的父母鼓励她申请夏天申请融资实习,然后在1999年毕业于历史学士学位。“他们认为我希望销售和交易的速度和竞争性,”她在2017年访谈中告诉市场媒体。“我们应该相信我们的父母。”

DeStefano说她花了一个夏天在Na“羞辱”tionsBanc Montgomery Securities, helping a financial adviser process paperwork. There, she was exposed to a broad array of functions including private wealth management, sales, trading, and research. When she graduated she got a job at Goldman Sachs, starting in research before moving to the international trading desk. Later she moved to Morgan Stanley, where she was a managing director in the equity division before joining Pine River Capital Management in 2013 as its head of listed securities. In 2016 she moved to Citadel’s Aptigon Capital to head up trading, ultimately running trading for both Aptigon and Citadel’s fundamental strategies businesses. She left earlier this year to join Soros Fund Management, where she focuses on the systematic trading strategy in the macro space.

9Andy Frank

Fortress Investment Group

Call it a fateful internship. When Andy Frank secured a summer job at Bear Stearns while attending Tulane University, he was put in the structured credit group. He parlayed the experience into a successful specialty. “It helped advance my career out of college with a skill set few had,” Frank says.

经验帮助弗兰克得到他的第一份工作在Deloitte & Touche after graduating with dual degrees in finance and accounting. He helped build a group that “audited” various intricate securitizations, which required the reverse engineering of many different underwriters’ structures. Frank was subsequently recruited by his largest client, Merrill Lynch, as a banker in its structured credit products group. After the business dissolved during the credit crisis, he joined several colleagues to build a boutique asset management, advisory, and broker dealer they called FSI Capital. It was acquired by Stifel Nicolaus, and Frank and his team built out the investment bank’s leveraged finance and structured products businesses.


10Jamil French

Rainmaker Securities

几年前,贾米尔法国人决定拒绝大量奖学金,而是参加普林斯顿大学,他的梦想学院。随着这个选择来了成功的严重压力。“我的父母穿过流泪微笑着,”他说。法国人是他家的第一个参加常春藤联盟学校,并去了其中两个:普林斯顿第一,然后是哈佛法学院。他巩固了他的第一项法律就业,在辛普森·桑赫赫和巴特利特进行了兼并和收购,最终将他暴露在另类投资中。他转向与私募股权基金和一些对冲基金合作,他喜欢,特别是高调的资金。事实上,法国人继续专注于对冲基金,在那里他觉得文化为更广泛的人横断面提供了机会。亚慱体育app怎么下载他喜欢Sandell Asset Management,Credit Suisse和Pershing,By Mellon Company享受斯金斯。今天,法国工程在资本介绍中,将对冲基金与潜在投资者联系起来。他还为全球私营公司投资的人提供了财务和法律顾问。 Based in Miami, French is an independent representative on the Rainmaker Securities platform.

11Ryan Israel


当他大约八岁或九岁时,瑞安以色列想在看到汤姆巡航后成为一名律师几个好人. Growing up in Kansas City, Missouri, he participated in mock trials in high school and worked one summer at a law firm. That’s when he realized that law might not be for him. So on the advice of his father, who owned a small security business, he decided to apply to the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School.

Israel found finance very interesting. While earning his bachelor’s degree in economics, he came upon letters from Warren Buffett. “That’s when everything clicked,” he recalls. After graduation, Israel joined Goldman Sachs’s two-year boot camp program. Before his tenure ended he was contacted by then-Pershing Square Capital Management partner Scott Ferguson — now the head of Sachem Head Capital Management. Israel joined Pershing Square in early 2009. Over the years he has worked on more than 15 different investments. His most significant accomplishment has been recommending that the firm stick with its investment in Restaurant Brands International. Since Israel took over the position in 2013, the stock has tripled. At 28 he joined the board of Platform Specialty Products Corp. This year he has spearheaded two major investments in United Technologies Corp. and Lowe’s Cos.

12Lauren Jacobson.



“Sports were the primary driver of my college decision,” she says, emphasizing that the scholarship enabled her to attend an expensive, quality college.

后initially majoring in accounting, she switched to finance after hearing about her friends’ Wall Street internships, which seemed exciting. She reached out to former William & Mary athletes, who helped her secure a job in Goldman Sachs’s two-year analyst program in 2007. She started off in convertible sales, which was downsized during the financial crisis.

When Jacobson completed Goldman’s program, she did not want to continue in sales, so she moved to the Rockefeller Foundation, eventually taking over responsibility for its hedge fund portfolio, which accounted for a quarter of its nearly $4 billion under management. After eight years Jacobson joined Columbia Investment Management Co. in 2017 as a generalist across all asset classes, including hedge funds.

13Brian Jandrucko

Church Pension Group

Brian Jandrucko在跳板潜水奖学金上赴福德兰大学时,没有在华尔街上工作。他主修哲学,并带着电影课程,计划参加法学院。然而,当他于1992年毕业于哲学和通信学士学位时,他开始在加州六旗魔术山游乐园的高潜水节目中表演。当Jandrucko仔细考虑了一名特技师时,他的父母将他恢复到纽约。

Family connections got him an internship at the New York Stock Exchange and eventually a job as a retail broker at Lehman Brothers, which he did not like. He resigned shortly after receiving his Series 7 and 63 certifications. He eventually got a job at J.P. Morgan, where he had his first exposure to hedge funds, rising to vice president and portfolio manager for the private bank. After nine years he moved to Manchester Capital Management in Vermont, where he was a partner and portfolio manager. He joined Church Pension Group in 2009. Today he oversees the public equity and hedge fund portfolio for retired clergy and lay staff of the Episcopal Church in the U.S.

14Jay Kahn.

Light Street Capital

Jay Kahn.has been interested in investing since his cardiologist father discussed his investments rather than his patients at the dinner table.

灯街资本管理伙伴在被招募其帆船后出席了塔夫茨大学。在定量经济学和毕业的Magna Cuf Shude之后,他开始在他的第一份工作中磨练他的技术,互联网和媒体公司。咨询,贝恩&Co Co. Spinout,建议财富500强的媒体公司从模拟到数字转换。然后,他搬到了Roger McNamee的海拔合作伙伴,在那里他分析了互联网和媒体的后期增长和买断投资。

However, Kahn preferred the ability to invest globally — he saw huge opportunity in Asia — and to go both long and short, which is challenging in the private space. So he headed to business school.

While earning his MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Kahn interned for tech expert Philippe Laffont of Coatue Management. Thanks to an introduction from McNamee, he joined Glen Kacher when he launched Light Street in 2010 in San Francisco. “It was the perfect time with the perfect partner,” recalls Kahn, who heads up internet and media.

15Ela Karahasanoglu

Investment Management Corp. of Ontario

Growing up in Turkey, Ela Karahasanoglu scored among the top 0.03 percent in national tests for high school and college. The aspiring engineer initially took the finance route, beginning her career as a trader at a Turkish bank. Feeling her “no-name college” would not be sufficient to open doors to a lucrative career in derivatives on Wall Street, Karahasanoglu headed to the U.S., hoping to earn her MBA at Georgetown University, her “dream school.” After being rejected several times and receiving a pre-MBA certificate from Columbia University—plus what she describes as a lot of begging — she got into Georgetown’s business school.

Upon graduation, Karahasanoglu worked at Merrill Lynch in credit derivatives and asset management. From there she moved to a project consulting job with the European Union in Germany before spending six years at a quantitative hedge fund. Later, she worked at Mercer covering a wide range of absolute return strategies, including hedge funds. In 2016, Karahasanoglu joined Ontario's Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. One year later, WSIB’s assets and investment team transitioned to the new Investment Management Corp. of Ontario, established to manage assets of Ontario-based plans. Now, Karahasanoglu is portfolio manager of multi-asset strategies, comprising risk parity and a wide variety of absolute return strategies, including hedge funds and active currency mandates.


Canyon Partners

Jane Kim在峡谷合作伙伴的高级监管顾问的作用是她的两位职业生涯的完美混合 - 法律和业务。她在克莱蒙特麦肯纳学院拥有经济学和政府学士学位,她竞争为游泳运动员。她还拥有乔治华盛顿大学法学院的法律学位。

她在威廉公司Willkie Farr&Gallagher担任六年,作为国际贸易小组的副股,然后在法规和合规事项上向投资顾问和投资公司提供建议。之后,金在美国证券交易所委员会上升了五年,上升至高级辅导员。她认为,在促进沃尔克规则文本和规则发布中的随附讨论方面,致力于广泛参与,具体关注有资金问题。现在,她带着大型律师事务所和政府经验,向洛杉矶总公司工作的信贷型多名单位对冲基金公司峡谷合作伙伴。Kim和她的团队与峡谷联合创始人Josh Friedman和Mitchell Julis沟通,他在制定政策和投资的方法中使用合规团队作为一个发声委员会。


3.0 Capital

Woodrow Levin为法律学校出于同样的原因,许多人这样做:他的父母是律师。“法学院教我如何思考,如何阅读合同,以及如何批判地检查不同情况,”莱文在他的加密货币投资公司3.0资本网站上说。“但我知道内心,开始公司是我真正想做的事情。”1999年,莱文 - 威斯康星大学 - 麦迪逊大学毕业,芝加哥 - 肯特 - 肯特 - 肯特 - 肯特 - 两位高中朋友开始了一家在体育场馆放置广告的公司。他稍后离开了五年后,随后在芝加哥商业交易所的地板上工作,并推出了一系列无关的初创公司。然后在2012年发现比特币时,Levin的精英时刻。“我不知道比特币是什么,或者在哪里得到一个,但我很兴奋,”他回忆道。在2012年2月在购买他的第一个比特币后,他在六个月内推翻了他的钱。五年后,他开始3.0资本,并在管理层下售价2000万美元。他的第一个基金的目标是1亿美元。根据Levin的说法,“Crypto资产生态系统和比特币是他们生命的早期阶段。

18Amish Mehta


当Amish Mehta的父母从印度来到美国时,当他在第七年级时,他的学校的校长觉得他太庇护,在美国父母送他去康涅狄格州的寄宿学校。“改变了我的生活,”他坚持不懈。“它帮助我成为自己的人。”


后stints at McKinsey & Co. and General Atlantic Partners, Mehta raised money to buy a software company, which he sold for a profit three years later. Mehta, who has an MBA with distinction from Harvard Business School, then spent 12 years at Vector Capital, a technology-focused private equity firm, taking roughly one dozen troubled tech companies private and then turning them around, including software giant Corel Corp., where he served as CEO. He left in 2014 to launch SQN Investors, which invests in beaten-down tech companies. He has generated double-digit gains in all three full years since he was seeded by Greenlight Capital.

19Darrel Pfeifauf

Summit Strategies Group

Darrel Pfeifauf became enamored with the financial markets and the business world in general after several visits to Thailand during the late-1990s Asian financial crisis. “I saw things that cost 24 baht to the dollar then sell in the 40s on the next visit,” recalls Pfeifauf, who is part Thai.

现在,峰会战略集团的副总裁Pfeifauf在塔尔萨大学赢得了塔尔萨大学的财经和经济学,以及来自圣路易斯华盛顿大学的MBA。他在Ray Dalio's Bridgewater Associates踢出了他的职业生涯,最初将单独管理的账户转换为基金结构,并最终转向交易方几年。五年后,他回到了他的本土圣路易斯,所以他可以与他未来的妻子在华盛顿大学上学习法学院。PFEIFAUF在华盛顿大学的捐赠管理公司工作,参与资产配置,风险和公共拨款以及在其他方面的对冲基金,私募股权和公共市场的策略。两年前,他搬到了峰会战略,他是研究的联合主管,主要关注对冲基金尽职调查,经理选择和监测。


Half Sky Capital

When Li Ran attended Harvard College, she didn’t exactly seek a conventional path to the hedge fund industry. The Beijing native, who immigrated to New York when she was ten, graduated in 2001 with a degree in Italian studies.

“When I was choosing a concentration, friends and family tried to convince me that romance languages and literature were not practical, that something like economics would be more useful after senior year,” she writes in an essay on Harvard’s website. “My thought at the time was that college was the only time you got to learn whatever made you happy, rather than what society deemed ‘useful,’ so I went with Italian studies.”

她大三的秋季学期在佛罗伦萨和意大利建筑专业的学生一起生活。她精通普通话、英语和意大利语,最终获得了欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)的MBA学位,并在纽约高盛(Goldman Sachs)担任了三年财务分析师,之后前往孤松资本(Lone Pine Capital),担任合伙人和董事总经理。

21David Rosen

Rubric Capital Management


罗森以优异成绩从纽约大学斯特恩商学院(Stern School of Business)毕业,获得会计和金融学士学位后,在黑石集团(Blackstone Group)破产公司重组部门找到了一份工作。随后,他在对冲基金公司Green River Management担任了三年分析师,之后转投史蒂文•科恩(Steven Cohen)的SAC Capital旗下的CR。

He eventually launched Rubric Capital as a division, running his own deep value portfolio. He was staked with $150 million, which ballooned to $3.5 billion while Rubric was at SAC. “Rubric was a mechanism for retaining my team by creating our own fund while still being a part of SAC,” Rosen says. Rubric was disbanded at the end of 2015 and Rosen retained the name when he launched his own independent firm, Rubric Capital Management, in October 2016.

Rubric, which manages $1.1 billion, gained 20 percent in its first full year.

22Josh Segal

Paloma Partners

Josh Segal is one of those science and math whizzes who took their interests and skills to Wall Street.

“I was attracted to finance by the challenge of finding order in a complex system with many interacting parts,” he says. “The system is constantly evolving, but we can still understand how it works and make useful predictions using mathematics.”

Today he’s doing just that at Paloma Partners, which he joined in 2014 as a portfolio manager overseeing a quantitative volatility strategy. He and his team manage a relative value portfolio that captures statistical arbitrage in options and other derivatives across asset classes.


He then moved to BlueMountain Capital Management as a portfolio manager, running a book of volatility and quantitative strategies, before joining the now-defunct Vermillion Asset Management — which was then part of the Carlyle Group — as a senior portfolio manager, developing and implementing a set of systematic long-short volatility strategies in the commodities space.

23Sheetal Sharma


作为一个在纽约布法罗长大的青少年,Sheetal Sharma痴迷于经济学。他在乔治敦大学上了一堂暑期经济学课,甚至在芝加哥大学获得经济学学士学位时考虑攻读经济学博士学位。然而,在与一位博士生讨论后,他改变了主意,认为这种生活方式“听起来很糟糕”


Earlier this year Sharma joined Tourbillon Capital Partners to run its TMT group. “At some point being a great investor is knowing yourself and what you can do well, and then putting yourself in an environment that allows you to do that,” Sharma says.


Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois

德岸joined the Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois as an investment officer in 2016. He is responsible for oversight and management of the $49.9 billion investment portfolio’s approximately $7 billion diversifying strategies portfolio, which includes hedge funds and risk parity allocations.

Prior to joining TRS, Shim was head of trading and research at Syntal Capital Partners, a boutique multi-family office. There, he was also responsible for hedge fund strategies, risk premia overlay, macro economic analysis, and proprietary trading strategy development.

Shim previously worked as a macro hedge fund analyst at Drobny Global Asset Management and as vice president of exotic rates and hybrids at RBS in London. Shim holds a bachelor's degree in mathematics with statistics for finance from Imperial College London



在芝加哥的第四代废金属业务中长大,诺亚斯奈德记得他的父亲称市场就像一个赌场 - 但你可以把赔率放在首位。他在沃伦巴菲特和本杰明格雷厄姆读书“之前知道他们的意思。”斯奈德出席了伊利诺伊大学,注意到国家中的学费是一个很大的价值。他在Arlon集团的对冲基金中担任职业生涯,是大陆谷物有限公司的投资组织。斯奈德然后参加了哥伦比亚商学院,只有30所接受的价值投资计划之一。在哥伦比亚,他领导了投资思想俱乐部,他返回教授MBA投资课程。毕业后,斯奈德帮助推出了倾斜全球管理 - 这是一个长短的股权和信贷对冲基金公司。作为合作伙伴,他专注于开发和指导专有的投资策略。“世界其他地方看起来很热,不是便宜的,昂贵的东西,”前芝加哥金色手套拳击手斯奈德说。倾斜反而使用受查理蒙各尔影响的框架,课程斯奈德挑选了精神模型,并创造了可识别和可重复的投资过程。

26Jamie Sterne


谈谈打开强烈的开始。2017年,他的第一年全年运行自己的公司,Skye Global Management,Jamie Sterne透明了77%的净回报,据熟悉基金的表现。此直接成功帮助他近三倍的资产约为2.1亿美元,从2016年推出他公司的大约7500万美元。

Skye Global makes long-term investments in what it deems to be structurally superior businesses with untapped pricing power and limited exposure to macroeconomic or political risks, according to a regulatory filing. It implements long-short equity as well as global macro strategies.

Before launching his firm, Sterne was an analyst at Dan Loeb’s Third Point, where he worked on equity investments, focusing on the consumer, industrial, and health care sectors. Previously he worked as a macroeconomic analyst at Greenmantle, an equity analyst at BeaconLight Capital, and an equity research analyst at Maverick Capital, focusing on the consumer sector. Sterne earned an MBA from Harvard Business School and a bachelor’s degree in history from Harvard, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.


Lantnback Capital.

喷射治疗is one of several Rising Stars this year who competed on a sports team while attending college: He was a discus thrower at the University of Florida, where he graduated in 2005, before heading off to the University of Cambridge.

他于乔治·魏司公司的对冲基金职业生涯,在那里他在前往Balyasny资产管理前花费了超过3年作为分析师。在那里,他是旧金山办事处的投资组合经理和联合主管。随后搬到了哈钦山都,在那里,他是全球股权的董事总经理,领导旧金山办公室的能源和公用事业的集团。他于2017年初离开了MultiStrategy公司,推出基于旧金山的Lantnback资本与Eric Sanchez,他是标准资本管理的助理。

28Justin Udelhofen

Durant Partners

Growing up in Cuba City, Wisconsin — a town of about 2,000 people near the Iowa border — Justin Udelhofen knew a career in business meant heading to a big city. So he went to Harvard, where he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. “I’m more of a behaviorist,” he says. “I always was interested in why people do what they do; why they bought one product and not a different one.” During on-campus recruiting he met Charles Wolf, the late Needham & Co. analyst famous for his bullish call on Apple’s stock in 2003 (and his place on Institutional Investor’s All-America Research Team). From 2002 to 2005, Udelhofen was an associate at Needham. He left for Fred Alger Management, a long-only firm, instead of heeding Wolf’s advice to go to business school. One year later he went to work for Gilchrist Berg’s $4 billion hedge fund firm, Water Street Capital. He spent ten years as an analyst at the Tiger Cub. Udelhofen, who was based in New York, wanted to stay in the city, so in 2016 he created Durant Partners, a long-short fund with a little over $60 million.

29Keith Weiner

Suvretta Capital Management


In 1995 he interned for a Boston family office that referred clients to Tremont Partners, a prominent hedge fund consulting firm before it got wrapped up in Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme. Weiner worked there while attending Suffolk University Law School. At Tremont he met Rick Nardis, who moved to UBS Alternative Investment Solutions.

后spending a couple of years managing a family-owned medical staffing company, Weiner, who earned a bachelor of science in business administration and an MBA from American University, worked ten years at UBS vetting equity and other hedge funds. Through a mutual friend he met Aaron Cowen, who launched Suvretta Capital Management in 2012. Weiner joined when it was just an idea, eight months before day one.

As president and managing director, he is responsible for everything other than the portfolio, reporting to Cowen. Says Weiner, “Aaron respects the back office and has given me a blank check to invest in anything mission critical to create an institutional-quality firm.”


Lakeview Capital Management


“I work hard for three summers and my cash goes to zero,” he recalls. “I realized if you want to make an investment, do your own fundamental analysis and research. This always stuck with me.”


后earning his MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and a couple of short working stints, Winiarz became an investment officer for the University of California’s opportunistic equity strategy, a hybrid of public equities and hedge funds. In 2017 the family office of fund-of-hedge-funds pioneer Richard Elden recruited him to partner with Elden’s son to manage Lakeview Capital Management.