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The War for Private Debt Funds


Barings is getting into the market of advising a business development company through a complicated transaction that BDC shareholders approved on Tuesday, and which will be a first for the industry once it closes.

该交易涉及Triangle Capital Corporation的资产销售,以使街道合作伙伴受益,并通过排水购买管理协议。这笔交易 - 预计将于周二最终 - 作为资产课程证明私人债务的增长,传统和替代经理的长度将去获得利润丰厚的业务。为了支持其努力,赌场聘请了一位前富国福戈分析师Jonathan Bockalmost synonymous with BDCs. Bock will be CFO of the BDC once the deal is complete.

“What’s new is the sale of the contract to manage the assets separate from the sale of the BDC assets themselves. Shareholders got a lot more as a result of the bifurcation of the two pieces,” said one executive familiar with the deal. The source expects to see other companies structure similar deals as asset managers continue to go after private debt.

BDCs — direct lending vehicles that operate similar to real estate investment trusts, or REITS — have become attractive targets for asset managers. In April, BlackRockbought Tennenbaum Capital Partners, a private credit manager that advises a BDC called TCP Capital Corp.

[IIDeep Dive:BDC Guru Jonathan Bock Departs Wells Fargo]

On Tuesday, the majority of Triangle Capital shareholders approved a deal to have Barings become the external investment advisor to the BDC in exchange for an $85 million payment and for Benefit Street Partners — the $25 billion credit arm of Providence Equity Partners — to separately buy the assets in the fund for $981.2 million.

Unlike the majority of BDCs, Triangle Capital financed smaller companies and also bought subordinated debt and some equity of the companies in which it invested. Triangle also managed the BDC in-house. Most BDCs have shifted from a lower fee internal management structure to hiring larger outside investment advisors that charge higher fees but also have access to more resources, such as research and origination.


Approximately, 20 firms made two types of proposals in the first round of bids, according to another official familiar with the deal. The first group involved stock-for-stock mergers (at a little more than book value), meaning an advisor would buy Triangle’s assets and pay with its shares. The remaining proposals involved an advisor buying the management contract and then becoming the external manger to the Triangle BDC.

Only one proposal, Benefit Street Partners’, was an all-cash offer ($0.95 on the $1.00) for the BDC’s assets. But the proposal offered shareholders less than the stock-for-stock deals.

At the time, Triangle’s board was concerned about the stock-for-stock deals. Shareholders of the advisors paying in stock could possibly nix the transaction, thinking that Triangle’s assets included riskier debt given the late stage of the credit markets.

In the second round of bids, one of the bankers proposed pairing Barings’ offer for the management contract with Benefit Street’s cash deal for the assets. With the cash, the board would be able to present a clean deal to shareholders that had more certainty of being approved. Barings would pay $85 million and start the BDC with fresh cash.

Benefit Street Partners, run by Tom Gahan and a team that worked together for two decades at Deutsche Bank Securities, will buy the portfolio, which is about half subordinated debt and half senior secured debt. In a market where investors have a large appetite for private debt, Benefit Street is getting a portfolio that yielded 11.5 percent on average — well above the current broader average of about 6 to 7 percent. Benefit Street will distribute the paper among multiple funds. In the end, Benefit Street will be paying a big discount for the portfolio, on top of the 11 percent that was written down last year as well as net interest margin that it’s receiving between the signing to the close of the deal.