由Irina Pacheco,CFA,定量战略家和投资组合经理多资产解决方案,BMO Global Asset Management,CFA,CFA,副总裁,经理选择,多资产解决方案,BMO Global Asset Management
2017年投资者在国际股票市场跨越非凡的回报,可以轻松地为被动投资增加了增加的热情。为什么当MSCI EAFE指数超过25%时支付活动管理,并且MSCI新兴市场指数上升37%?与此同时,大多数投资者都知道2017年的高回报和低波动性,实际上是非凡的。
在我们的分析中,我们使用了向晨星报告的综合数据1, 和focused on international developed markets and emerging markets. We used five different characteristics to identifying HC strategies: tracking error, beta, R-squared, upside/downside capture, and active share. The table below shows the filtering guidelines for each characteristic.
我们通过包括这些过滤指南创建的五个组中出现的复合材料,建立了整体HC宇宙。(在这些过滤指南之外落下的策略是“非HC”策略。)减轻了用于创建HC Universe的相同历史数据的关切,也用于测量其施加高频(大于50%的性能)对于所有特征而且有效份额)关于达到三项过滤指南所需策略的频率如何2。这让我们更大的信心,即使其他时间段用于过滤,所选的策略也会填充HC Universe。生存偏差也会影响我们的结果,因为表现成分可能退出宇宙。然而,从某种意义上说,生存偏差使我们的结果是一种更保守的倾斜,因为幸存策略的向上压力以优于基准和他们的同龄人。
In order to evaluate the HC universe, weexamined the historical risk/return trade-off使用平均单位和三年的滚动返回与年度风险(标准偏差)。所有五种过滤指南都揭示了HC策略具有更高的平均返回和滚动窗口的标准偏差与完整宇宙,基准和ETF的平均偏差3designed to track the benchmark. Risk/return data is shown in the following charts:
Downside risk mitigation
HC strategies also offered advantages in terms of downside risk mitigation. We looked at the percentage of time three-year returns were in the bottom quartile of the full universe and found that HC strategies appeared in the bottom quartile less often than the non-HC strategies. Moreover, the maximum drawdown for HC strategies over 15 years was notably smaller than that of non-HC strategies (-34% versus -41% for international developed markets and -32% versus -47% for emerging markets). This result may be a bit surprising to investors who expect the median HC strategies to experience wider performance swings.
Lastly, we reviewed strategies in the top quartile for performance over three-, five- and 10-year periods. These results suggest that the HC universe could help investment decision-makers identify active strategies capable of outperformance over the long term. Within international developed-market equities, 69% of HC strategies delivered top-quartile performance over ten years, while just 15% of non-HC managers did so over the same time period. HC strategies in emerging markets displayed a similarly attractive probability of long-term outperformance versus non-HC strategies.
下表说明了在拨入国际发达市场和新兴市场的分配中加入HC策略的优势。为了比较目的,我们还增加了50%HC策略/ 50%ETF的样品分配3(旨在跟踪索引)。
In both markets, the 50/50 allocation provided excess return, notably more than 2% over a three-year period, while reducing volatility versus the ETF alone. These results suggest HC strategies can help financial professionals add value in both portfolio construction and manager selection. As an additional benefit, the HC universe can isolate truly active strategies from “closet” index strategies and thus help clients optimize their fee budget for active management.
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1机构单独的账户,费用的费用,在01/02/2012之前的成立日期。HC Universe和所有子集的统计数据使用01/01/1998至12/31/2017的中位数返回计算。由经理自我报告给Morningstar的综合信息,并未独立验证。
3Ishares MSCI EAFE ETF(Inception 08/14/2001)和Ishares MSCI新兴市场ETF(Inception 04/07/2003)。对于在初始之前的时段,相应的索引被替换为构建与该分析中使用的其他复合材料相同长度的性能记录。
The MSCI Emerging Markets Index is a market capitalization weighted index comprised of over 800 companies representative of the market structure of emerging countries in Europe, Latin America, Africa, Middle East and Asia. Prior to January 1, 2002, the returns of the MSCI were presented before the application of withholding taxes.
宝宝Global Asset Management is part of the BMO Financial Group, a service mark of Bank of Montreal (BMO). Certain companies within BMO Global Asset Management offer a number of products and services designed specifically for various categories of investors in a number of different countries and regions. These products or services are only offered to such investors in those countries and regions in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
This is not intended to serve as a complete analysis of every material fact regarding any company, industry or security. The opinions expressed here reflect our judgment at this date and are subject to change. Information has been obtained from sources we consider to be reliable, but we cannot guarantee the accuracy. This publication is prepared for general information only. This material does not constitute investment advice and is not intended as an endorsement of any specific investment. It does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and the particular needs of any specific person who may receive this report. Investors should seek advice regarding the appropriateness of investing in any securities or investment strategies discussed or recommended in this report and should understand that statements regarding future prospects may not be realized. Investment involves risk. Market conditions and trends fluctuate. The value of an investment as well as income associated with investments may rise or fall. Accordingly, investors may receive back less than originally invested.
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