
使用机器人和AI ETF的未来证明您的投资组合

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly pervasive in our daily lives, and even if you’re unaware of the ways in which it is, you can rest assured it is no longer strictly the stuff of science fiction. When your bank contacts you about potential fraudulent use of your credit card, it’s AI that noticed it. When Netflix recommends a show to you, or Amazon recommends a product, that’s AI at work. The increasing pervasiveness of AI means that market revenues are set to grow rapidly, creating what could be a very重大投资机会的确。添加正确的机器人和AI曝光可能有助于保持您的投资组合在这种变化的右侧。

用Lyxor的新机器人和AI ETF捕捉主题

拥抱AI和机器人革命可能有助于未来证明您的投资组合。我们的new ETFgives you exposure to 150 companies – at least 50% more than other like for like products2- 利用AI的力量,无论是他们自己还是他们的客户。这三种方式是独一无二的:

  • 更好的平衡à我们的ETF比竞争欧洲产品更加加权,而不是竞争欧洲产品,但它并没有忽视机器人可以带来的好处。2
  • 更有能力捕捉变化à我们将在零售,医疗保健,能源和金融等领域的AI创新者期间超越工业和技术,以更好地捕捉主题。
  • More likely to evolveà我们已经介绍了一种对机器人或AI公司进行分类的新方法 - 大数据分析和人类专业知识的组合 - 确保我们的ETF随着行业的发展,我们的ETF不会落后。

了解有关Lyxor机器人和AI UCITS ETF的更多信息


While some of the stocks we track in our ETF do overlap with other like-for-like products in Europe, 64 (or around 40%) of them are unique to us. In our view, this helps us capture the trend more broadly and accurately than other strategies. The companies below are in our underlying index and are, at least in terms of blended robotics and AI portfolios, entirely unique to us. Three of the five can’t even be found in a new pure play AI ETF.2





TripAdvisor:According to a comScore report commissioned by travel website TripAdvisor, they were the most visited pre-transaction travel site in the world over the second and third quarters of 2017. One reason for TripAdvisor’s success lies in its ability to deliver the right reviews to the right customers at the right time, depending on where they are in their holiday planning. To do this, their recommendation technology employs a machine learning technique called ‘collaborative filtering.’ The idea is to match users with specific interests to reviews with relevant content. In its view, “not every millennial wants to live like a local; not every family wants to live like a tourist.” By tapping into the website’s massive data sets and giving users a personalised experience, AI can really make a difference.

salesforce.com:美国软件巨头Salesforce.com is known for its cloud-based client relationship management product. And one of its self-proclaimed missions is to democratise AI, which it kick-started in 2016 with its announcement of Einstein, a programme that goes beyond simple filters and studies historical customer data such as e-mail threads and behavioural patterns to keep getting smarter over time. The result is a powerful and predictive customer experience designed to maximise sales figures by helping salespeople prioritise leads based on their likelihood to close, for example, effectively automating time-consuming tasks so the seller can focus on their hotter prospects. Marketers can also benefit by sorting recipients in large mailing lists by their likelihood to open an e-mail. In its latest upgrade, Einstein has also become a chatbot, minimising the need for costly customer service centres.

Tesla:尽管最近几个月埃隆麝香的偏心滑稽动作,但特斯拉的故事仍然完好无损,而且成立于大数据和AI。公司绝望地赢得比赛,以建立和市场完全自动化,无人驾驶汽车,并这样做需要数据 - 道路上的数千辆特斯拉建造的汽车已经意味着他们有一个巨大的头部开始。

Data is extracted from every Tesla vehicle (as well as its driver) and used to generate detailed maps showing everything from the average increase in traffic speed over a stretch of road to the location of hazards which cause drivers to take action. Machine-learning in the cloud then educates the entire fleet, while edge computing decides what action any given individual car needs to take immediately. Cars can form networks with other Tesla vehicles nearby to share local information and insights.


了解有关Lyxor机器人和AI UCITS ETF的更多信息

本文仅供参观信息,不应被视为投资建议。Lyxor ETF不以任何方式认可或推广本文中提到的公司。风险的资本。请阅读下面的风险警告。

2Source: Lyxor International Asset Management, as of 14 September 2018. Peer comparison made with European listed ETFs focused on Robotics and Automation, as well as a new ETF focused purely on AI.
Other sources:

https://www.wired.com/story/inside-salesforces-quest-to-bring-art igoptuelligence-to-everyone/


本文件是专门使用对自己账户的投资者,并在金融工具指令2004/39 / EC的市场意义上分类为“符合条件的交易对手”或“职业客户”。这些产品符合UCITS指令(2009/65 / EC)。SociétéGénérale和Lyxor International Asset Management(Liam)建议投资者仔细阅读产品文件(招股说明书和KIID)的“投资风险”部分。招股说明书和KIID在www.lyxoretf.com上免费提供,并要求客户端--services-etf@lyxor.com。

The products mentioned are the object of market-making contracts, the purpose of which is to ensure the liquidity of the products on the London Stock Exchange, assuming normal market conditions and normally functioning computer systems. Units of a specific UCITS ETF managed by an asset manager and purchased on the secondary market cannot usually be sold directly back to the asset manager itself. Investors must buy and sell units on a secondary market with the assistance of an intermediary (e.g. a stockbroker) and may incur fees for doing so. In addition, investors may pay more than the current net asset value when buying units and may receive less than the current net asset value when selling them. Updated composition of the product’s investment portfolio is available on www.lyxoretf.com. In addition, the indicative net asset value is published on the Reuters and Bloomberg pages of the product, and might also be mentioned on the websites of the stock exchanges where the product is listed.

在投资产品之前,投资者应寻求独立的财务,税收,会计和法律咨询。每个投资者都有责任确定它被授权订阅或投资于本产品。本文件具有商业性质,而不是监管性质。这种材料是商业性质,而不是监管性质。本文档不构成优惠,或者邀请提供优惠,从SociétéGénérale,lexor资产管理(与其关联公司,Lyxor AM)或其任何各自的子公司购买或出售本文提到的产品。

Lyxor International Asset Management (LIAM), société par actions simplifiée having its registered office at Tours Société Générale, 17 cours Valmy, 92800 Puteaux (France), 418 862 215 RCS Nanterre, is authorized and regulated by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) under the UCITS Directive (2009/65/EU) and the AIFM Directive (2011/31/EU). LIAM is represented in the UK by Lyxor Asset Management UK LLP, which is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK under Registration Number 435658. Société Générale is a French credit institution (bank) authorised by the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (the French Prudential Control Authority).