


While it’s true that various institution types include liability driven investing (LDI) strategies in their arsenal, among those that do corporate defined benefit (DB) pension plans are the bellwether. According to a review of 1,400 corporate, public, and endowment and foundation plans by Investment Metrics, corporate DBs have “aggressively incorporated a liability-driven investing approach” since the beginning of 2014 through Q2 2018. Evidence of this can be seen in corporate plans’ “significant increase in U.S. fixed income allocation,” which rose by about 10% during that time period. At the same time, allocations by corporate plans to U.S. equities declined about 7%.




Gary Veerman (below left), Head of LDI Solutions, and Chris Anast (below right), CFA, Senior Retirement Strategist, Capital Group, pose and answer three questions all plan sponsors should ask.

计划赞助商在做出审慎的养老金风险管理决策时有许多因素考虑。股权成果,利率转移,滑行路径开发,养老金福利担保公司保费,贡献政策,公司特定风险容忍,精算假设变更 - 清单继续。


为了减少复杂性,我们概述了三个基本的养老金风险管理问题,所有计划赞助商应该问自己 - 无论他们的公司特定情况如何。

养老金不对称是我的战略资产分配决策的一个因素吗?Plan sponsors evaluate many different types of risk, and one of these is surplus risk – the variability of possible funding status outcomes over time. Its simplicity makes it an intuitive and frequently used metric in pension asset-liability analysis.





我对我的利率风险进行了对待吗?Interest rates continue to be a hot topic, with most of the focus on where they could go. As many of us have experienced, including industry experts, accurately predicting the future path of interest rates is often a humbling experience.

It is important, however, to take into account two strategic factors when making interest rate hedging decisions. The first is to recognize that interest rate risk is an uncompensated risk. The second factor to bear in mind is that hedging decisions should be based on the forward rates rather than spot rates.


In contrast, the liability hedging portfolio is utilized to reduce volatility by better matching the interest rate sensitivity of the liability, as well as grow with the liability’s interest cost. Based on these basic tenets, equity risk is a “compensated” risk, while interest rate risk is “uncompensated.”


By definition, if forward rates are realized, all returns across the yield curve are the same over the time period analyzed. Importantly, this applies to both returns on hedging assets as well as liabilities. So, if forwards are realized, hedging assets and liabilities will have the same return due to interest rate movements, all else being equal.

For an under-hedged plan, it is only when future interest rates exceed the forward curve that a plan will experience a benefit to funded status. In this scenario, liabilities will fall by more than assets, creating a positive funded status outcome for sponsors.


Take a deeper dive and learn the crucial answer to this third question all plan sponsors should ask

归因于个人的陈述代表了截至发布日期的个人的意见,不一定反映资本集团或其附属公司的意见。此信息旨在突出问题,不应被视为建议,认可或建议。Bloomberg®是Bloomberg Finance L.P的商标。(统称其附属公司“彭博”)。Barclays®是Barclays Bank PLC的商标(统称为其附属公司,“巴克莱”),在许可证下使用。Bloomberg和Barclays都不批准或赞同这种材料,保证本文任何信息的准确性或完整性,并在法律允许的最大程度上,既不对其有关伤害或损害的任何责任或责任。



Randy Mitchell领导Milliman南方员工福利集团的投资咨询实践,与养老金和401(k)计划提案国以及基础,捐赠和其他汇总资产一起工作。他说话亚博赞助欧冠on why liability-driven investing (LDI) strategies are gaining traction in today’s markets.



Can you provide an example of an LDI strategy?公司养老金计划的普通LDI战略是购买与符合计划负债的持续时间的高质量债券组合。这样,资产市场价值对利率变化的敏感性与负债的敏感性密切相关。投资和负债在串联中举行,网络资助状况与年份相对一致。




If market conditions change, can you adjust an LDI strategy?是的。我们每月审查这些策略,可以重新平衡固定收入分配,以便与目前的负债匹配。

LDI策略是否需要增加拨款到固定收入?编号计划赞助商可以保持固定收入资产的百分比相同,但使其成为LDI-Smart - 即责任匹配。这提供了利率保护的增加,而不会放弃股票的潜在更高的回报。

你如何满足产量曲线?A data-rich actuarial report that covers the projected flow of benefit payments into the future should break down the plan’s liability pool into short (1-4 year), intermediate (5-19 years) and long (over 20 years) segments to match the current yield curve of fixed-income assets.


Are there any issues with LDI from a fiduciary perspective?我们没有看到。LDI策略可以支持计划的信托责任。


你能详细说明吗?联邦监管机构在养老金计划的地位的年度审查中侧重于资助地位。公司也也为现金捐款做好。因此,在计划年终审查之前,在计划年末审查之前产生资助状况的突然变化 - 由利率增加或金融市场下降 - 计划提案国可能产生重大后果。

资助状况是一个计划的核算措施,该计划如何为其提供资金100%的义务。An unexpected dip in interest rates, for instance, could drop a plan’s funded status below 80 percent causing certain plan restrictions to kick in. In that regard, LDI strategies can be an effective way to maintain a plan’s funding status or lessen the impact of a market downturn.

Any other suggestions for plan sponsors?在思考波动性时,赞助商应该看看平滑贡献和资助状况的流动的策略,而不是仅仅是市场回报。LDI策略可以帮助赞助商实现一致和可预测的结果,而不管市场状况如何。


5.Pension Volatility is Back (and It’s Not My Fault!)

以下是通过迈克克拉克,咨询机构,主要财务集团的允许重新发布。它最初于今年2月28日出版。阅读更多最近的养老金风险洞察力,go here



Experts confirmed the slide was caused by concerns about inflation, and nothing directly attributable to any of my comments – so the slide wasn’t my fault!

一个典型的传统投资——比如60 DB计划percent equity and 40 percent core bonds – lost 2 to 3 percent on their funding ratio in those two weeks. This temporarily erased all the gains for the entire year of 2017.

Fortunately, markets have since regained their footing and corporate bond rates have risen, so the net impact of this turbulence has been relatively slight. Consider it a learning opportunity – a free refresher course on volatility without permanent damage to funding ratios.

Reconsidering LDI


The move from a traditional to an LDI allocation really consists of these two decisions for sponsors and advisors:

  1. When to reduce equity risk?
  2. When to extend fixed income duration to reduce interest rate risk?




Mike Clark是一位精选协会(SOA)和美国的altuaries学院(AAA)的成员,非常抱歉,如果事实证明这一切实际上都是他的错。