

An Osterweis bond fund manager is warning about the hidden risks of aggressive private equity deals.

Osterweis Capital Management致力于投资债券支持Blackstone Group的Refinitiv的收购,将交易视为风险,并且可能会回来咬人的侵略性私募股权战术。

从历史上看,资产经理没有避开融资私募股权交易。但随着过去两年来的信贷周期加深,Oterweis Bond Fund Manager Craig Manchuck表示,他已经谨慎态度在交易条款上“推动信封”。


“They don’t fear any of the risks they should be uncovering and identifying,” he said in a phone interview. “They’re buying a piece of paper with a coupon that has inadequate protections against a number of things the sponsor may wish to do with those assets.”

根据Credits的分析师Scott Josefsberg的说法,根据refinitiv债券交易,在未满足任何杠杆率测试的情况下,可以在不符合任何杠杆比率测试的情况下删除大型股息,或者通常限制私募股权公司的私募股权公司的股票股票,这是债券持有人的牺牲品研究公司契约综述。

Such loose covenants are new to the market, he said by phone, and “designed to make it easier for a financial sponsor to take assets out of the credit at a time of financial distress.”


“That’s effectively ripping money out beneath us,” he said, adding that companies in jeopardy of missing interest payments shouldn’t be delivering dividends to their private equity owners.


Thomson Reuters宣布10月1日,它完成了170亿美元的替换机构股权,其金融和风险业务的55%股权,对Blackstone,加拿大养老金计划投资委员会和新加坡的主权财富基金GIC。Blackstone-LED收购融资了大约135亿美元的新债务,包括贷款和债券,节目数据展示。


“The Refinitiv covenants are probably the worst high-yield covenants that I have ever seen,” he said. “Blackstone is running the show.”



Blackstone asked bond investors to assume that the $500 million in cost savings they expected to achieve at Refinitiv over the next five years would be fully realized at the closing of the deal — “a giant leap of faith,” he wrote in a博客本月发布on Osterweis’s website.

Such add-backs, or adjustments that increase earnings by accounting for things like projected cost savings and synergies from a merger, may make borrowers appear less risky.


“他们淡化了调整的EBITDA,”Manchuck通过电话表示,在利息,税收,折旧和摊销之前,增加预期的成本节约和协同效应 - 或EBITDA - 在收购时满足这些期望。


Thomson Reuters宣布October 1 that it completed the $17 billion sale of a 55 percent stake in Refinitiv, its financial and risk business, to Blackstone, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board and Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund GIC. PitchBook data show the Blackstone-led buyout was financed with about $13.5 billion of new debt, including loans and bonds.




S&P全球评分给予Refinitiv A稳定的前景级别B级评级,并根据其9月5日的数据分析公司的研究报告,从买断中引用“非常高”的杠杆率。

信用评定等级估计Refinitv w的债务水平ould spike to more than 10 times Ebitda on completion of the buyout, and then decline to 7.8 times by the end of 2020 as operating and restructuring costs shrink under its “transformation program.”

Manchuck对所有高屈服市场都没有发出警报。他说他继续找到投资机会 - 但在考虑融资的杠杆收购时,请谨慎使用。
