

在蒙特利尔银行全球资产管理公司最近的三个day Global Investment Forum in London, a group of the firm’s investment managers, economists, and strategists took advantage of the forum’s goal of tuning out day-to-day market noise and focusing on key market drivers over the medium term. Among the discussions at the event was the outlook for emerging markets summarized below.

While there are short-term challenges in emerging markets as a function of trade war concerns, political problems, a stronger U.S. dollar and rising U.S. interest rates, we believe they offer tremendous investment opportunities in the longer term.

Increasingly diverse emerging markets are making an ever greater contribution to global growth. And that trend is set to persist over the medium to long term.


We are also seeing material changes taking place at the underlying development stage in many emerging markets, with much of that being facilitated by technology. For example, hundreds of millions of people are now getting their first smartphone. This small piece of hardware – something we take for granted in the developed world – has the scope to unlock a host of new opportunities, from healthcare and education to applications that help small businesses increase their productivity and profitability on a day-to-day basis.



Another important trend to note is urbanization. With millions migrating to cities across the emerging markets, infrastructure spending is likely to be a major driver of secular growth.






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