
Ray Dalio担心市场 - 但对中国看涨

The Bridgewater founder and other hedge fund managers weighed in on markets at a Greenwich conference.

根据包括BridgeWater Assoiates'Ray Dalio在内的特三重奏,市场周期正在转化 - 对冲基金行业是对冲基金行业。


他说,Dalio不会说迟到的是迫在眉睫 - “没有人肯定会确切的时刻”当周期转弯时,他说 - 但他重申了几个主题,他被认为是过去几个月的担忧。

“我有什么顾虑......我们处于长期债务周期的后期阶段,”Dalio说。“每个人都在杠杆队。通过降低利率,您将资产价格推出 - 因此,如果您有经济衰退,那么有效地处理货币政策并没有与其有效处理的能力。这也使风险不对称。“


“中国的成功非常成功,并继续有许多不同的方式,”达拉奥说。“新中国对他们有能量。在创业和能量方面,这是一个非常令人兴奋的地方。我对中国兴奋 - 我无法理解任何人对中国无法兴奋的人。“


Afsaneh Beschloss,对冲基金投资公司Rock Creek Group的创始人首席执行官表示,股票市场情绪开始转向。她指出,一个留下的GDP增长的领域是工资 - 这将改变。


对冲基金公司Balyasny Asset Management的创始人Dmitry Balyasny也观察到当前市场周期的转变的开始。他指出,作为一家专门从事基本股权的公司,Balyasny是众多与公司封面公司的大量对话的自下而上的市场信息。


Balyasny说到一些cla的一部分sic late-cycle traits in effect today: rising interest rates, more difficult comparisons for companies, and rising leverage on corporate balance sheets over the past ten years. Trade tariffs are adding a layer of confusion, he said, which is beginning to affect corporate confidence.

“It’s starting to bleed into less [capital expenditure], as opposed to a year ago, when we thought you were going to get a lot of capex,” said Balyasny. “That’s what markets are struggling with layered in with higher rates.”

小组成员对对冲基金行业的谨慎态度相似。对于他的Dalio而言,警告委员会在汇总的对冲基金表现 - 表示,下次经济衰退将确定哪个资金增加价值。

“I think alpha is zero sum,” said Dalio. “The real question will be how much diversification exists in other portfolios when you have a bear market. There’s a lot of long beta built into a lot of hedge funds, and the important thing is to differentiate one from the other. If you keep looking at the averages, and those funds continue to have beta, they are going to be not much use in a bear market.”


He predicted that, as more entrants compete with one another to squeeze excess returns out of the market, the industry trend of consolidation will continue. But he expects that a more fruitful investment environment for hedge funds will result.

Beschloss指出,对冲基金行业已经发展并随着机构资产的冲击而发展 - 现在管理约3万亿美元 - 但是,就像其他一切一样,它是周期性的。她预计返回其早期的日子,具有较小的资金,其中创始人构成了更大比例的资产,更长期的资金转​​换为家庭办公室。

Dalio took a dim view of the rise of algorithmic trading strategies, saying that, if poorly implemented, they pose a great deal of risk.

“如果没有理解,我认为算法决策可能是非常负面的,”他说。“如果你没有深刻理解,未来与过去不同,那是灾难的公式。算法决策和机器学习是一个极大的强大工具,如果用良好使用,如果你粗心粗心,我认为这是一个非常危险的工具 - 我认为现在很多人都不粗心。“