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Seen differently, that sell-off is quite possibly excessive given domestic consumption is 62% of growth. And that growth is twice as fast as the US (the world’s largest economy) and three times faster than the rest of the developed world! Put simply, China is too big to ignore or just bucket together with other emerging markets.

在领先的观点,理由不投资的下巴a are all old news and, more importantly, all priced in. Sentiment has started to turn already, with record aggregated one-month inflows into on and offshore China indices in October. Valuations are however still hovering near rock bottom, meaning there’s still time to act and gain cheap exposure to real tech disruptors like Tencent and Alibaba.

So how should you invest? Over the years, there’ve been all sorts of ways to invest in China. Few active managers have shown they can deliver alpha consistently but few indices have really married up to the myriad segments of the Chinese market – except for the MSCI China. In the accompanying video, Chanchal Samadder, Lyxor ETF’s Head of Equities, explains why it works so well.

This article is for informative purposes only, and should not be taken as investment advice. Lyxor ETF does not in any way endorse or promote the companies mentioned in this article. Capital at risk. Please read our Risk Warning below.

Risk Warning

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所提到的产品是市场契约的目的,其目的是确保伦敦证券交易所产品的流动性,假设正常的市场条件和正常运行的计算机系统。由资产经理管理并在二级市场购买的特定UCITS ETF单位通常不能直接返回到资产经理本身。投资者必须在中间人(例如股票经纪人)的协助下,在二级市场上购买和销售单位,并可能会产生这样的费用。此外,在购买单位时,投资者可能会支付超过当前净资产价值,并在销售时可能会降低当前净资产价值。在www.lyxoretf.com上提供更新产品投资组合的组合。此外,指示性的净资产值在产品的路透社和彭博页上发表,也可以在上市产品的库存交易所的网站上提及。

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