


401(k)计划开始作为补充储蓄计划,但现在是雇主向美国工人提供的主要退休计划。今天,大多数401(k)次旨在帮助参与者节省和投资退休金 - 但不太专注于如何帮助那些实际退休的人。这种原始的401(k)概念的缺点现已积极由已经实现的雇主和计划管理员解决了计划参与者和赞助商的巨大上行,因为退休人员在计划中仍然有活跃的参与者。为了鼓励“剩余的人”,401(k)计划正在转变为包括专门旨在满足个人退休人员各种需求的退休级。我最近坐下来with Toni Brown, CFA, senior retirement strategist at Capital Group®,讨论有效退休层的不断发展的最佳实践以及为什么退休人员应该坚持他们的401(k)计划。

How do 401(k) plans need to evolve to be ideal for participants staying in them after retirement?

Participants remaining in the plan during retirement should be able to make flexible, systematic withdrawals, provided at a reasonable fee, over a period of time. Further, participants should have access to investment options that are managed specifically for them when they are in retirement and taking these systematic withdrawals. Investing retirement funds when periodic withdrawals are being taken is very different from investing when periodic contributions are being added. Taking money out rather than putting money in is a game changer from an investment perspective, in part because the risks of market declines and volatility become significantly more important. A 401(k) plan can offer investment options that are designed for retirees and that are liquid, durable, and understandable. Plan sponsors could also consider offering an annuity bidding platform out-of-plan so participants have reasonable access to guaranteed income options.最终,提供退休人员,获得保证收入的预算,适当的提款备选方案计划,并确保计划提供合理的系统提款可以实现有效退休计划的长途途径

Can you expand a bit on why systematic withdrawals are important to staying in the plan after retirement?




如何计划赞助商利益通过提供一个滚开吗ective retirement tier option?

Offering a 401(k) plan that can be used to save for retirement and then used in retirement is unusual today – and such a plan could be positioned as a very valuable tool for recruiting and retaining talented employees. An effective retirement plan is a meaningful way for employers to demonstrate a long-term commitment to employees. It is also probable that there would be a benefit from cost-effective administration because the greater the assets of the plan, the lower the per-participant costs to manage it.


绝对不是太晚!临近退休今天退休的参与者可以从退休层中受益,并能够留在计划中。无论保存的金额 - 而且,当然,更好的是,退休层可以帮助退休的参与者了解并投资他们的资产。


一项有效的工作美国人退休制度很重要。退休层可以帮助改变定义的贡献计划,例如401(k),从Mere Complemental储蓄计划到完全发展退休计划。精心设计的退休计划是退休人员成功的基础,他们的成功对我们所有人都有益。

Get more tips on how to adapt investment menus and recordkeeping arrangements to serve retirees.


Investors should carefully consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. This and other important information is contained in the fund prospectuses and summary prospectuses, which can be obtained from a financial professional and should be read carefully before investing.




