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The Mystery of the Missing Berkshire Hathaway Invite

Warren Buffett has snubbed KBW’s Meyer Shields from participating in his annual conclave for years. Why?

Meyer Shields knows what it’s like to not get invited to a party.

As Berkshire Hathaway investors, executives, and analysts whooped it up at cocktail receptions and Gorat’s Steak House in Omaha this past weekend, the veteran analyst watched the annual meeting alone from more than 1,100 miles away at his home in Silver Spring, Maryland.

盾牌 - 带有Keefe,Bruyette&Woods的保险业专家 - 再次被要求在CEO Warren Buffett或副主席Charlie Munger担任伯克希尔爱菲斯特的副主席。通过盾牌的数量,他是最长的职业卖方经纪经纪经纪经纪经纪经纪公司,而不是如此邀请。


因此,星期六,它是杰克拉迪的分析师Jay Gelb,他询问了一些友好的记者和投资者的乐趣。

One possible reason for Berkshire to shun Shields: the man has never, ever recommended the stock since he began covering it in October, 2009.

Shields says a frequent annual meeting attendee told him that his name has been floated to participate in the past, but rejected — reasons unknown. He was initially taken aback by the notion that Buffett would freeze him out. “It surprised me at first,” he says in an interview. “His reputation was that he was someone who welcomed tough questions.”


盾牌出版了原创的,坚硬的研究,提出了一种使CEO在衣领下热的主题。例如,盾牌认为,伯克郡拥有26.7次赌注的牛皮制亨利斯的主要定价问题,并与巴西投资公司3G首都召开了Quancet Buallyhoo的联盟。“对3G合作伙伴关系有很多热情,”盾牌说。

He slams Berkshire’s increasingly skimpy financial disclosures for its individual business and insurance lines compared to that of rivals. “Progressive gives us information every month and doesn’t seem to suffer for it,” he notes.

Most controversial: Shields’ call last week for Buffett to consider abandoning stock picking in favor of passive indexing, a veritable heresy to those who worship at the feet of the master asset allocator.


Accordingly, Shields suggests that Buffett — who has long championed index funds for most investors — consider taking his own advice. The analyst is quick to add that he has “no expectation that it will ever happen.”

盾牌,47,是一名资深保险手。开始作为少年,他沉浸在业界的复杂机器中。盾牌毕业于多伦多大学,在他的家乡,在精算科学中有一个学士学位。他的第一份工作与马里兰州保险行政管理有关,他从苏黎世保险集团的一系列精算职位转移到,然后在Legg Mason作为一个分析师的华尔街。盾牌在2009年踢出了他的伯克希尔覆盖率,经过臭氧金融购买Legg Mason的资本市场业务。然后Stifel买了Keefe,Bruyette&Woods,盾牌很快就转移到金融服务精品店。

说:“世界正在发生变化hields. Technology is transforming investment dogma — witness last week’s bombshell from Buffett that Berkshire owned a stake in, although he emphasized that one of his younger lieutenants were responsible. “We’re at a stage where technology companies, and Amazon is one of them, are doing very real things in the real world. You can’t ignore them,” says Shields.


“这是不实际的,”普林斯顿大学教授伯顿Malkiel说:A Random Walk Down Wall Street, the seminal tome about the difficulties of outperforming the stock market. “A lot of the holdings of Berkshire Hathaway have considerable embedded capital gains.”

Example: The tax basis for Berkshire’s 17.9 percent stake in American Express was $1.3 billion. The market value as of the end of 2018: $14.5 billion. Such embedded gains are akin to a long-term loan from the government. Taxes must theoretically — eventually — be paid. In the meantime, though, they pay out growing dividends on the “borrowed” money invested. Famously, Buffett has said that his favorite holding period is forever.


Carol Loomis, the storied former幸运magazine writer, put forward to Buffett a related suggestion on Saturday at the annual meeting. Why wouldn’t he invest the cash Berkshire holds in stock indexes, she asked, until he finds a ripe acquisition? Buffett’s response: “It may well make sense in the future.”

Plenty of investors take issue with Shields’ indexing proposal. The last ten or so years following the financial crisis may be a poor time frame through which to judge the performance of Berkshire’s concentrated portfolio. There has not been a proper bear market in that span, says William Smead, chief investment officer of Smead Capital Management. “That will come back over the next ten years,” he says.


For his part, Shields reiterates that he doesn’t expect Buffett to heed his suggestion, and that he finds plenty of positive takeaways from the annual meeting, even from afar. “He has all his marbles,” he says of Buffett. “And Charlie does too.”

And, no, Shields isn’t holding his breath for an invite next year.