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Brad Gilbert, Alisa Mall (tie)


    谁是大多数令人垂涎的行政官员角色的分配?为了second time,亚博赞助欧冠试图回答这个问题。

    How? By asking the very gatekeepers — executive recruiters — who hold so much power over the career paths of would-be CIOs.

    判断下面的公式,弥补了最受欢迎的分配者的25个个人:第二个团队拥有招聘人员和董事会的技能和经验。II感谢许多贡献他们的时间和洞察这一项目的专业人士,包括 - 但不限于 - 休斯顿小组联合创始人马里林王子和詹姆斯休斯顿;Russell Reynolds Associates'Debra Brown,Meredith Coburn和Christina Proctor;Korn Ferry高级客户合作伙伴Michael Kennedy;和Wilshire Associates的工作人员。许多其他人宁愿保持匿名。

    Comments, complaints, candidates for next year?让我们知道

    文件夹Management: 40%

    • 投资轨道记录:15%
    • 接触复杂的投资和资产课程:15%
    • Manager relations and access: 10%


    • Management and leadership skills: 20%
    • Communication, interpersonal skills, and board interaction experience: 20%
    • Pedigree, including employer reputation, education, and training: 20%



    Former Director of External Relationships at Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System

    Total score: 67/100

    Finstad在omers'nyc前哨的统计队伍中赢得了激烈的忠诚,他在近八年后于2018年中期离开了2018年中期。他负责“建立遗迹的所有方面的外部投资计划”,这是一个令人难以置信的高酒吧,因为加拿大基金在内部“这么多”。招聘人员同意“omeers具有良好的声誉”。正如一个人所说,“我们的客户尊重加拿大人,如果我们可以从其中一个大加拿大资金到桌子,我们都很感兴趣。如果他们正在做nyc-或波士顿到多伦多反向通勤“ - 作为菲斯特德是 - ”他们将是素质的目标。“唯一的缺点:Finstad在对冲基金的专业。他的下一步举动不明确,但机构的门对此“直拍”加拿大人开放。

    27Melinda Barber.


    Total score: 67/100

    Recruiters describe Barber as “really smart” and “very sophisticated.” The private equity specialist spent five and a half years at Harvard Management Co. before leaving last spring to join the family office of cable TV billionaire Amos Hostetter Jr. At Pilot House, Barber specializes in early-stage venture capital investments. As one recommender declares, “She’s world class.”


    玛格丽特A. Cargill Philtonies的副Cio

    Total score: 67/100

    A “bit of a sleeper, perhaps because [Cargill is] up in Minnesota,” Ruetz still gets put forward by multiple recruiters as someone with a CIO future. Like some others on this list, Ruetz followed his boss from a previous role — “always, always a good sign,” says one commentator. In this case, that boss was CIO Shawn Wischmeier, previously of the North Carolina Retirement Systems. At Cargill, Ruetz oversees the risk management and asset allocation teams, earning him high marks for leadership and board interaction.

    29Reginald Sanders.


    Total score: 67/100

    A “pretty polished, personable guy,” Sanders is pointed to as someone with “a lot of potential” who would “do a great job leading a team.” He received “a lot of training” at Kodak’s pension fund, where he managed hedge funds, private equity, and real assets before joining Kellogg in 2010. Last year, he was asked to join the state of Michigan’s new pension fund advisory board — which “says a lot about Reggie.” Recruiters think Sanders “will be a CIO . . . it’s just about finding the right fit.”

    30Ed Hetherington, Greg Turk (tie)


    Ed Hetherington’s total score: 66/100

    This UPS pension alum has a “broad swath of experience now that he’s moved into the endowment side of the business.” Strengths include “strong” manager relationships — “always important for a candidate to be considered” for a CIO role — and “a very sharp, engaging personality.” Word is that he’s been “considered for a few leadership roles” but, as of now, “is content at UNC.”

    Greg Turk总分:66/100



    Leona M.和Harry B. Helmsley慈善信托的投资总监

    Total score: 66/100

    Kim surprised a lot of people in 2017 when he胜利通过同伴投票作为最可能的未来CIOII分配者的选择奖。“al的安静 - 他很棒,但有点害羞。”周到,经验丰富,真实的,金在回答领导和判决的棘手问题方面促进了光滑的同伴。Kim被“每个人的偶像”Rosalind Hewsenian带到了Helmsley,他在威尔希尔员的早期发现了他的才华。

    33Binu George, Karen Horn Welch


    Binu George’s total score: 65/100

    George was one of the first hires at Willett Advisors, the secretive family office investing the personal and philanthropic assets of former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg. Although one can only guess at Willett’s investment performance, the fund is well regarded by recruiters — and its “very smart” head of manager diligence is seen as a CIO in the making.

    Karen Horn Welch’s total score: 65/100

    Recruiters praise Welch for “amazingly broad, big-dollar” experience at “high-profile” nonprofit funds relatively early in her career. In 2001, she was a research associate at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. By 2012, she was running investment strategy for Stanford’s $25 billion endowment, having already led its public equities and long/short equity hedge fund program. Welch hung on through the tumultuous tenure of the fund’s former CEO, when “the weakness in leadership gave the opportunity to rise pretty quickly” at a “name brand” institution. In 2016 she joined Spider, which manages the University of Richmond’s assets, among others.


    Director of Pension Investments at United Technologies Corp.


    Glynn是“静静地在哈特福德努力”,并授权涵盖全球公共股票,多资产基金和便携式alpha投资。赞扬她的“成熟”和“专业精神”,她也会获得经理关系和资助声誉的好评。仍然,Glynn面临着一个主要问题:“她的老板是业务中最好的,酒吧没有,它看起来并不像Robin [Diamonte]即将随时移动。”




    这位前排令者“在他的职业生涯中,”跳跃了一点“,但似乎”在Cio Tim Barrett下的德克萨斯科技为自己做了一个伟大的利基。基金“众所周知,愿意走出人迹罕至的路径”寻找投资,从帕克的“愿意乘坐飞机”时,他被问到。他的海军陆战队背景从外人获得了高领导标记 - 并在任何经理灌输受到尽职调查的任何经理。派克的个性的力量意味着“他很容易成为一个CIO - 但绝对需要找到合适的平台,”一个招聘人员要点。

    37Brad Gilbert, Alisa Mall (tie)


    Brad Gilbert’s total score: 64/100

    另一个成员“Britt Harris Mafia,”Gilbert是“几乎每个对冲基金都知道的 - 是的,由Dint的投资组合,他帮助运行,也因为他的认真和智慧。”作为一个“对冲基金家伙”可以成为CIO招聘委员会的艰难销售 - 特别是来自德克萨斯州教师的规模 - 但招聘人员喜欢吉尔伯特,他们形容为全方位的“好人”。他们期望他当时的时候会离开:“TRS在顶部有很多人才,”出口可能在路上。

    Alisa Mall总分:64/100

    卡内基的投资人才根深蒂固。“我会be hard pressed to endorse one over the other,” says a torn recommender, “but if you are asking if I believe that Alisa should be a candidate: Yes!” The departure of Meredith Jenkins as the fund’s co-CIO freed up portfolio responsibility for staff members like Mall, “and was critical to their development.” Mall’s only caveat: “She has a natural resources background, so you have to want that.”

    39Prakhar Bansal, Ingrid van Sundert (tie)


    Prakhar Bansal’s total score: 64/100

    首席信息官马克•施密德已经知道吹牛的his managing directors “could be CIOs anywhere” — and Bansal is no exception. In his 16 years at the endowment, he worked in public markets, hedge funds, real estate, and natural resources before moving into the strategy role — a position recruiters point to as a stepping stone to the CIO job. But his long tenure at the University of Chicago also means owning its track record, which is third quartile among peers. Schmid would argue that high absolute returns aren’t his team’s mission, but they are for most of Bansal’s potential future employers.

    Ingrid van Sundert’s total score: 64/100

    “APG上的这个词是,十年前,他们是非常聪明,精致的投资者,”一位内幕说。但是,投资组合已经严重简化 - 部分符合荷兰法规。不过,那些与Van Sundert合作的人说她的工作是“非常好”。。。。她知道经理以及如何结合战略。“虽然在她准备下一个水平之前,她仍然有“一些发展点”,但Van Sundert被描述为“非常强大的”投资者,他们在内部和外部备受关注的“高度被视为”。

    41Malcolm Goepfert

    Deputy CIO at UAW Retiree Medical Benefits Trust


    Goepfert一直在UAW Trust两年的信任,已经促进了 - 他为汽车养老基金带来了领导的标志。新铸造的副CIO可以“管理和领导团队,与董事会一起工作,有效地沟通。”他圆满的简历包括阿拉斯加州俄亥俄州卫士养老金,W.K.凯洛格基金会和詹姆斯·欧文基金会。

    42Roger Vincent



    康奈尔的十年回报率为4.84%是任何禀赋最糟糕的,其投资办公室遭受了慢性CIO营业额。仍然,内部人士说Vincent - 谁在2016年短暂担任临时Co-Cio - 尽管存在“乱七八糟的混乱”,但仍有“强大的职业生涯”。私募股权投资者“通过”而不是一般主义者,Vincent的“当他进入一个房间” - 在未来的领导者中是一个很好的特质。


    Managing Director of Public Markets and Absolute Return at University of Chicago

    Total score: 63/100

    Insiders wonder how Stone hasn’t been picked off after 19 years at the University of Chicago endowment. “He’s been cusp-y for some time,” one recruiter says of the managing director overseeing public equity, fixed income, hedge funds, and high-yield debt. A “little scrappy,” Stone is likely to play better in more “aggressive” markets. He and his colleague Prakhar Bansal (No. 39) get dinged for the fund’s track record: Their ten-year return of 5.8 percent trails most other U.S. endowments and foundations.



    Total score: 63/100

    No hiring committee would have to gamble on Chan as a CIO: he’s already been one. The 48-year-old led Sacramento County’s then-$8 billion pension fund from 2010 to 2015, when he sacrificed the top title to lead public assets at the University of California. CalSTRS’ powerhouse CIO, Chris Ailman, plucked Chan out of the功能失调UC投资办公室2018年至今be his deputyand — some speculate — a potential successor. “The change in job doesn’t change my view,” says one recruiter. “This is just going to provide more experience for him.”

    45Amy Diamond



    Diamond在今年作为招聘人员之间的近三共识选择,钻石首次亮相。作为一句话,她是“由CIO非常思考,非常思考,”威廉·麦克莱恩。“她和她的对手相同,Harisha [Koneru Haigh]。”另一个人在西北110亿美元的捐赠人的“伟大的投资表”中,与去年同学的同龄人进行了达成协议。钻石属于“房地产空间的紧密社区,就像阿丽莎商城一样[没有。37],艾米已经很久了。“凭借19年,并计入芝加哥区捐赠,“如果她要举行举动,那将是CIO席位。”

    46Sherif Nahas



    An engineer before he became an investor, Nahas is “very smart, and covers all the private markets.” At Ford, he manages a team of five with “very little turnover — and strong performance.” The foundation doesn’t disclose returns, however, so his track record remains hearsay. Of all the asset classes to lead, recruiters point to private equity as their top choice for a future CIO. But private equity’s tailwinds mean investors have to prove themselves: “If you just piggyback on the big funds, you can have a very good track record.”

    47Christopher Schelling, Philip Titolo (tie)


    Christopher Schelling’s total score: 61/100

    Schelling是令人难以置信的稀有投资者之一,具有“深入技术诀窍”和沟通的礼物。(实际上,他是一本专栏作家亚博赞助欧冠。) The former finance professor is “extremely familiar with all aspects of capital markets,” “a true team player,” and an “ardent supporter of the mission.” As a CIO candidate, he will benefit from more management experience and a chance to prove himself beyond private equity (and column writing).

    Phillip Titolo的总分:61/100

    Titolo胜利超过22种其他分配者赢得胜利II'sNext CIO competitionlate last year, impressing audiences of his peers with his composure and insight over two grueling rounds of questioning. With substantial experience in alternatives, he’s a rare breed in the corporate and insurance investment world. “Really strong,” one recruiter says. “One to watch in the insurance space.”


    Director at B1 Capital Partners

    Total score: 60/100

    Casey was in the running to be the CIO at B1 Capital Partners — a new family office managing Peruvian money — but the top job ultimately went to Michael Flynn. Casey has a generalist background with “exposure to all asset classes.” At B1, he’s getting the opportunity to be a leading part of a fresh build-out.

    50Elizabeth Jourdan.


    Total score: 60/100

    优秀的。” Jourdan may be young – she graduated with her bachelor’s in finance in 2007 — but she’s already made a name for herself at Mercy, a Catholic health system based in St. Louis. “Very well regarded by her CIO, Tony Waskiewicz,” one recruiter raves. “She’s someone who’s pretty consistently sought after — even for CIO roles.” In addition to her regular duties as deputy CIO, Jourdan chairs Mercy’s SRI task force and leads the fund’s efforts on environmental, social, and governance investing.

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