
3 Reasons Passive is Becoming the #1 Choice for ESG


Whether or not you use an active or indexed approach to pursuing your ESG investment goals probably depends on who you ask. But the evidence is strong that index funds might be the wise choice. Here’s one reason why that’s the case.Go here to learn two more reasons.

Better data means ESG indices match key sustainability goals

There are very few ESG investment objectives that can’t be achieved using the right indices built with the right data. One major biproduct of the trillions’ worth of money that’s flowed into passive funds over the past decades is the increased investment by index providers into the quality, innovation, and breadth of their range.

例如,占用MSCI。该公司聘用了185多家专用ESG分析师,为超过6,500家公司提供ESG评级,并运行超过1,000个股权和固定收入ESG指数。1With MSCI’s 40 years of experience collecting, scrubbing, and standardising ESG data, even active managers rely on their data to create sustainable strategies.

Learn two more reasons why passive is becoming the top choice for ESG.


Some ESG benchmarks can be used as portfolio cores, and can easily substitute traditional market-capitalisation weighted indices, with limited tracking error. Others are more values-oriented or based on sustainability themes, and are therefore used as diversifiers, whenever implementing those convictions justifies a higher tracking error.

总体而言,更好的指数意味着在一致,有针对性的,基于规则的方式中可持续投资的更好方法 - 对ESG投资者寻求持久的积极变革的重要考虑。

Ready to embrace ESG? Check out these ETFs.

1Source: MSCI ESG Research as of November 2018. Includes full time employees and allocated staff performing non-investment advisory tasks.



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