
Leveling the Playing Field for Public Employee Retirement Security

ICMA-RC高级副总裁,总法律顾问和首席法律官Angela Montez主张降低成本,更大的参与裁定缴费计划。

公共雇员是当地社区的骨干,作为教师,消防员,警察,EMTS,Park员工以及许多其他职责的职位,使我们所有人受益匪浅。没有他们,没有城镇,城市或县可以发挥作用 - 但是在退休保障时,播放领域不适合公共员工。


作为公共部门界定缴费计划的领先提供商,ICMA-RC长期以来一直试图通过帮助雇员建立退休保障来缓解当地和州各国政府的负担。ICMA-RC的总裁高级副总裁Angela Montez是advocating for changes at both the federal and state level这将使公共雇员更容易保存退休金 - 并将其与私营部门公司的员工合作。II要求Montez更详细地了解了这种宣传倡议。

Angela Montez,ICMA-RC

How did ICMA-RC’s advocacy get started?

ICMA-RC.has always engaged in advocacy through its participation and partnerships with other organizations. Over time, we’ve learned that public-sector retirement plan issues often get drowned out by the larger and more vocal private-sector plan community. We want to bring public sector issues into the conversation, and the public-plan perspective as members of Congress draft legislation and agencies develop regulations.


You’re working to make collective investment trusts, or CITs, eligible as 403(b) plan investments. Tell us about that.


Because of this history, you see significantly higher fee structures in 403(b) plans than in 401(k)s and 457 plans. CITs can help reduce expenses. They provide the same investment strategies as mutual funds with greater flexibility and at a significantly lower cost. It has been estimated that incorporating these vehicles into 403(b) plans could save teachers and other public employees as much as $10 billion per year1- 对公共雇员退休保证的有意义贡献。



更广泛地说,我们与组织ncluding the Coalition of Collective Investment Trusts, National Association of Government Defined Contribution Administrators (NAGDCA), and the Stable Value Investment Association (SVIA), which are among the leading voices in the retirement industry.

We’ve also met with officials of leading legislators, including Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Ben Cardin (D-MD), to advocate that the CIT provision be included along with a broad package of retirement savings reforms in the Retirement Security and Savings Act.





Governmental 457 and 403(b) plans are governed by state law – unlike corporate plans where the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) preempts conflicting state and local statutes. The issue is that many states have laws against garnishment or wage deduction. These laws have nothing to do with retirement, but they can effectively prohibit auto-enrollment, where employees have to actively opt out of, rather than opt into, a plan, and auto-escalation, where their contributions gradually increase over time.

Only a small number of states have amended their laws to permit or require auto-enrollment. In most cases, there’s been no real opposition to the change – it’s just a matter of making state legislators aware of what’s needed to make this feature available to public plans. For legislators who are interested, there is already model legislation.


It sounds like you have a lot of exciting initiatives in the works.

Yes, and it certainly would be exciting and beneficial to public employees if these changes are enacted.


1Aon-Hewitt, “How 403(b) Plans are Wasting Nearly $10 Billion Annually, and What Can Be Done to Fix It”, January 2016.
