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亚博赞助欧冠is pleased to announce the finalists for the third annual Allocators’ Choice Awards.
Finalists were chosen based on nominations submitted over the summer and vetted by亚博赞助欧冠seditorial team. Starting this week, asset allocators will cast ballots for the ultimate winners, to be crowned on December 3, 2019, at dinner at the Mandarin Oriental in New York City.
The awards dinner will follow the Masterclass — an afternoon of discussion among an exclusive group of asset allocators and managers, where attendees will share, debate, and tackle institutional investing’s intractable problems.
同行投票将在线进行,并在全球的养老基金,捐赠基金,基金会,主权财富基金和家庭办公室开放。请提交投票,请use this link。投票截至9月30日星期一。
Allocators,request an invitation现在到大师和晚餐。
Christopher Ailman,Cio在加利福尼亚州立教师退休系统
“打开CNBC,你会看到Ailman——但克里斯not talking like a day trader.” Instead, you’ll find the popular CIO opining, just as he does with his board, on topics such as “climate change, something he’s really, really passionate about,” and “diversity — also immensely important to him. He created the ‘Beyond Talk’ series. He’s been to so many conferences where it’s just talk, and then you go back to the office and do nothing. ‘Beyond Talk’ brings together peers in the industry to focus on the tangible, and then go back and execute.” More broadly, Ailman is “part of the old crew of CIOs in the pension fund industry; you’re spot on as seeing him astheCIO,行业发言人。他能够沟通;他对此非常伟大。他以例子领导。在CALSTRS,他建立了一个令人难以置信的文化。亚慱体育app怎么下载这不仅仅是管理资金 - 它是管理人员。“
“Robin is tireless. Such a hard worker, but she makes it pleasant. There is always a joke, a laugh, a way to lighten it up.” Such words of praise apply equally to her work with industry group the Committee on Investment of Employee Benefit Assets (CIEBA) and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., which she advised from 2013 until earlier this year. “We are all better off because of initiatives that she’s spearheaded within CIEBA. There are hard topics that she wasn’t afraid to address. An example: the changing nature of the defined benefit world, and recognizing how our world changed after the Pension Protection Act. We were more risky to our companies, and thus we needed to change our investment programs. She took charge of the thinking around that, and she took action. She’s not afraid to move.”
Christie Hamilton, Investment Director at Children’s Health
Unlike many others in the risk-conscious community of institutional allocating, Christie Hamilton didn’t wait for C-suite security to advocate. Those who know her as the “hardworking deputy” of a little Texas fund might not realize she’s also a “hugely influential figure” online.@roichristie.schools her 13,000-person Twitter audience on “key academic research relating to modern portfolio mgmt — the foundation of everything we do,” and on mentors/mentorship (“with a brief sidebar on #metoo concerns”). Hamilton goes toe-to-toe with managers by day (“IRL,” as the #fintwit kids call it) and via social media, where she’s afavorite sparring partner of Cliff Asness。但她的使命是相同的:为机构提供,并帮助别人学会也是如此。
David Holmgren, CIO at Hartford HealthCare
“Going to go all literary: David is the Robert Frost of CIOs. He is always challenging himself to take the road not taken, to see things differently, and to not be afraid to be a first mover. He challenges all of us to寻求阿尔法具有激烈的真实性。“霍尔格伦致力于和热闹的成员,霍尔格伦与他的时间,想法和深刻的慷慨“。network。他的大部分倡导都在人际关系上发生:他有一个不可思议的能力,即在联系人最需要的时间和地点上何时何地说明。“与大卫,这就像是家人。”
Charles Van Vleet, Assistant Treasurer and CIO at Textron
The outspoken and “dapper” CIO “works on creating an investment community in Providence, Rhode Island, strengthening CIEBA [the Committee on Investment of Employee Benefit Assets]” — corporate pensions’ highly engaged professional organization/social club — and “supporting charities.” Corporate pension funds’ “frozen, mostly immunized” portfolios offer fewer learning opportunities for young allocators — but Van Vleet pays “rigorous attention” to equipping the likes of Textron director埃里克卡尔顿for a future beyond long bonds.
Matt Whineray, CEO at New Zealand Superannuation Fund
在基督城的毁灭性和最活跃的恐怖袭击之后,新西兰的主权基金回应了不仅仅是思想和祈祷。CEO MATT WHINERAY刺激了一个运动。他publicly called outFacebook, Alphabet, and Twitter, as a major shareholder and as a citizen: “In transmitting the Christchurch terrorist attacks on their platforms, these companies betrayed their users and society.” NZ Super joined “a collaborative international initiative of major investors representing more than US$1 trillion” to pressure social media giants to do better. “By raising our voice as shareholders, we are stating that the situation as it stands is not acceptable.” When $1 trillion talks, companies listen.
佛罗里达州行政委员会执行董事和CIO ash威廉姆斯
芝加哥教师养老基金(Angela Miller-May,CIO)
Over the last 20 years, CTPF has invested 44 percent of its total assets with firms owned by minorities, women, or people with disabilities. Under CIO Angela Miller-May — who in June testified at a congressional hearing on diversity in asset management — the $10.8 billion pension fund is now looking beyond its own portfolio and promoting stronger inclusion efforts across the asset management industry. “Industry-wide change happens slowly, but CTPF has set a standard for others to follow and has built a model that can be used nationwide to help create opportunity, foster diversity, and boost [minority, women-owned, and disadvantaged business enterprises] investing.”
安大略省养老金计划的医疗保健(Jim Keohane,总裁兼首席执行官)
霍普普在过去一年中尚未成为更改制造商。It’s been a change maker for almost 20: Following the dot-com bubble, then-CIO Jim Keohane went aggressively in the direction of liability-driven investing, uncommon then and now for a Canadian pension of such size (the fund ended 2018 with about $60 billion). The move helped the fund survive the 2008 crisis better than its peers, and led to the pension plan being — wait for it — 121 percent funded at the end of 2018. All this resulted in Keohane being labeled“the smartest guy in the room”由加拿大的财务职位 - 在一个国家没有小恭维,拥有世界上最好的养老金人才。
宾夕法尼亚州员工退休系统(詹姆斯诺兰,代理CIO; Terri Sanchez,执行董事;Phil Greenberg,MD,房地产)
This $27 billion public fund aggressively built out an alternative asset class portfolio . . . and it wasn’t private equity. “The real estate team went from no investments three years ago to restructuring the entire portfolio through separate accounts and new partnerships while taking advantage of strategic asset locations to extract unseen value.” Much credit must go to its recently-departed former CIO Bryan Lewis (now running the U.S. Steel pension), who“完全重组了团队和投资组合。与最多的公共基金CIO努力努力努力,他能够提出创新的方法来优于瘦队的基准,“as well as“convince people to move to Harrisburg, PA“—金融世界没有小小的壮举。
Railpen Investments(Richard Williams,CIO; Michelle Ostermann,首席信托官)
“She’s not just shaking up Railpen. She’s shaking up all of U.K. pensions.” She is Michelle Ostermann, the Canadian public fund executive who took a top job at the £30 billion railway pension in January. Railpen lured her from British Columbia Investment Management Corp., and peers and U.K. industry insiders say she’s brought “novel ideas,” “Canadian-style management,” and deep experience to Railpen — and that’s reverberating beyond its walls. Railpen has an extremely tough task of managing funds for more than 100 clients. It is developing a “first of its kind” structure to make sure clients get the “optimal” and fit-for-purpose strategies for their members. With another major U.K. collected pension vehicle struggling (London CIV), “Railpen’s making the case that it can work.” So, no pressure.
Cornell University (Girish Reddy, Chair; Former Co-CEO at Paamco Prisma)
在一所顶级大学的投资委员会上服务是“荣誉徽章”,其中一些“像地位象征一样善待”。不是在康奈尔,已经退出了stunning turnaround由于其成员的“非常战略”和“长期游戏”决定,例如将Ithaca的投资办公室从曼哈顿搬到曼哈顿,然后向Ken Miranda询问国际货币基金组织投资办公室的主任,即使是委员会)he isn’t a Cornellian. A few years later, they hired Miranda as CIO. Investment chair Girish Reddy — former co-CEO of Paamco Prisma — “is fantastic: smart, respectful,” and protective of the investment team’s domain. The committee’s expertise runs deep: Vice chair Mary J. Miller served as deputy secretary of the Treasury under President Obama. “Governance is the hardest thing to fix,” and this Ivy League school did it from within.
State of Wisconsin Investment Board (David Stein, Chair; Executive Vice President at Associated Banc-Corp)
理所当然地认为,威斯康星州1100亿美元的退休基金逃脱了大多数美国公共养老金的狭窄和政治游戏。但SWIB的自由作为一个asset management organization- 不是政府官僚机构 - 是一种选择。事实证明,一个非常有利可图的人。2005年,通过重振内部管理和现代化投资组织,“受托人”列出了将原子能机构转变为首屈一指的资产管理公司。“他们hired David Villa后来赋予他作为CIO,执行董事和投资委员会主席“,由员工组成。此外,工作人员有权实施具体的投资决策。“在金融危机期间,受托人阻止并为投资团队解决。他们支付绩效。别墅在2018年制造了80万美元,高级投资组合经理在最大的奖金上以399,405美元。“通过创建和维持竞争性薪酬计划,SWIB已成为顶级人才的家园。”一位员工把它放了,“我有最好的工作。”
德克萨斯州教师退休系统(Jarvis Hollingsworth,椅子; Kayne Anderson Capital Advisors的总法律顾问)
德克萨斯州教师的董事会和投资领导层已经有了很大的几年,“成功地与立法机关”并规划进入地平线,为组织的未来。德克萨斯州的一切都在更大 - 与许多公共资金不同,这一个被设定为超级化:去年的受托人推出“建立舰队”计划“,旨在最大化效率,因为TRS规模增加。”该计划包括在TRS提示规模的情况下确保获得人才和利润的策略。比其他任何其他美国公共养老金都要多,TRS正在尝试“加拿大模型”Lite,任何Canuck都会说的需要“首先治理”。然后是帝国。TRS已经穿过池塘,现在它正在欣赏到东方。“新加坡办事处计划将TRS伦敦办事处的成功模式镜像在2015年开业,拥有强大的董事会支持,允许TRS成为创造如此国际存在的美国养老金。”
Brown University and Owl Rock Capital Partners
常春藤联盟禀赋在其上个月公布的“猫头鹰摇滚BDC的战略播种”中发挥了精明的比赛。机构是谨慎的业务发展公司,或者BDC,贷款车辆,因为其中许多人在质量和费用条款中绝对不合解。但猫头鹰摇滚 - 棕色大学以自己的信誉和现金支持 - 是“一个大房间的成年人之一”。“猫头鹰的成功与对其费用结构的兴趣和修订的对齐有很大关系。”和布朗与其承销有关。
Almost two years ago, Japan’s nearly $1.5 trillion pension fund announced a new strategic partnership — not with an asset manager or another allocator, but with a major tech conglomerate. The team-up between GPIF and Sony’s independent research lab has focused on how institutional investors can harness artificial intelligence to power their portfolios and operations — including, for example, using AI technology to track trading and personnel changes at GPIF’s asset managers. “This is a new worldview of strategic partnership that’s going to reshape the way asset owners acquire knowledge and technology.”
“斧头” - 字面上 - 这是这两个机构资金的最新“团队建设练习”。Robin Diamonte和她的联合技术公司的工作人员“随着他们想要加入乐趣而坠毁”,这对机构合作伙伴之间的会议不常见。这个新英格兰分配器合作伙伴关系并不是所有乐趣和游戏:哈特福德医疗保健和埃德斯源的养老金资金都有大约五个人的精益投资队,他们合作战略,经理经理职务和支持原因。Eversource首席Robert Deangelo坐在健康基金的委员会。该办公室聚在一起“互相阵容”和“分享顶级定罪”,这导致了较低的费用。他们“要求捆绑资产处理”为“对特定基金的共同承诺”。在一起“他们可以在其重量之上打击” - 或斧头顽固的经理。
South Carolina Retirement System Investment Commission and GCM Grosvenor
RSIC has partnered with GCM Grosvenor to build a co-investment platform that will “ultimately account for around 30 to 40 percent” of the South Carolina pension’s private equity allocation. RSIC gets access to Grosvenor’s deal flow and manager relationships, while Grosvenor helps underwrite and review investments with new general partners. When announcing the strategic partnership in June, pension chief Geoffrey Berg said working with Grosvenor would “enable RSIC to efficiently and seamlessly execute co-investments and become one of the premier co-investment partners to private equity sponsors."
The task was simple. “UTC gave them a mandate: 8 percent returns; do what you want; don’t worry about hedging liabilities — and be there, quickly, at any hour, when [CIO Robin Diamonte or her team] has questions” or when the pension needs “special projects” executed. Wellington’s Amy Trainor and Adam Berger and Neuberger Berman’s Erik Knutzen were tasked with running point on the partnership. For the managers, the upside was a sizable allocation from an industry-leading corporate plan, one that “waited years to do a strategic partnership. Robin learned from the master — Britt Harris — and it’s not surprising that she’s now doing it for her fund, and not surprising that it’s with global firms like Wellington and Neuberger.”
Team of the Year
AEGIS Insurance Services (Rip Reeves, CIO)
“这是一个小组”,CIO RIP Reeves“提供了一个伟大的工作环境,每个人都是为了他们的优势和技能而开发和认可。他首先要给他们曝光和公众认可,从不牺牲手头和底线的工作。“Aegis知道如何玩得开心。任何可能假设保险投资者的人都是无聊的,没有看到Reeves的Mardi Gras服装。
AFLAC(Eric Kirsch,CIO)
CIO Eric Kirsch built Aflac’s investment shop of about 80 people in New York City and 30 or so in Tokyo. “Not only are they very skilled at managing fixed income and other asset classes, but they’re particularly good at doing it around the liabilities.” Their operation essentially has two very large clients: Aflac Japan, managing ¥11.7 trillion (or $109 billion, hence the Tokyo team), and Aflac U.S. at $14.4 billion. “They’ve really developed into a firm within a firm. It’s got the culture and sophistication of a money manager specialist,” which is exactly what Aflac’s head honchos hoped for. “There’s a reason why asset managers trade at 17 or 18 times earnings and insurers trade at 10 times earnings.”
Kresge Foundation(Robert Manilla,CIO)
Any recruiter will tell you that the Kresge Foundation is stacked with top investment talent. The $3.6 billion fund is known for “progressive” investments and boasts a winning track record. The all-star team is led by CIO Robert Manilla, who joined the foundation in 2005 and rose to CIO just three years later. He was said to be “thrilled” at his team’s heavy representation on亚博赞助欧冠sMost Wanted AllocatorsList:Donna Snider(2019年第4号) - “她得到了整个包装” - 和约翰巴克(19号),一个“经验丰富的”投资者雇用了Notre Dame的投资办公室。“约翰赢得了他的吹牛权利。”
玛格丽特A.嘉吉慈善(Shawn Wischmeier,CIO)
“只是一个令人难以置信的团队!一直到寡糖r three rock-star interns.” Recruiters also believe that a sure sign of good leadership is when employees follow their boss from one job to the next. CIO Shawn Wischmeier has achieved just that: Deputy CIO Mike Ruetz moved with Wischmeier from the North Carolina Retirement Systems to the Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies. “Always a good sign,” as one recruiter said — as are the other talented investors the affable Wischmeier has brought to Minnesota. Another good sign: Ruetz leapt upIIsMost Wanted Allocatorslist this year, from No. 39 to 28, based on rave reviews.
Despite a quiet demeanor, CIO Jason Klein will often get most of the attention — he was, after all, voted CIO of the Year at the inaugural Allocator Choice Awards in 2017. But managers who work with him at Memorial Sloan Kettering, as well as other industry observers, speak fondly of Klein’s “deep bench” and “happiness in empowering staff.” As one said, “They are truly in it for the mission.”
Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (Satish Rai, CIO)
“omeers有很好的声誉。”正如一个招聘人员所说,“如果我们可以从omeers获得某人,我们非常感兴趣。客户尊重加拿大人。“在一些美国公共基金同行和其他人的野心中,“多元化”团队的回报和薪水激发了嫉妒。“他们在另一个联盟。”这个“巨大的”组织是“基本上是精英资产管理公司 - 但利润就公开养老金”。实际上,CIO SATISH RAI是TD资产管理和在内部和外部的主要尊重的负责人,就像该团队的许多其他人一样。例如,欧米尔的对冲基金院长最近被另一个加拿大基金雇用并赋予了更广泛的授权。
Rice Management Co. (Allison Thacker, President and CIO)
Rice’s “tight-knit” endowment team, assembled under “unassuming but hugely competent” CIO Allison Thacker, is complimented for its effective work outside of the spotlight. Part of this is due to location, but it’s also by design: Spotlights don’t drive returns; processes, decisions, and talent do. To foster this culture, Rice hosts frequent offsites, where Thacker leads the 20-odd team members through a multiday deep-dive into everything from novel strategies to how to tell stories — “because to get the attention of the investment decision makers, younger staff need to learn to tell investments as stories.”
CIO RONALD SCHMITZ“已经与一个真正辉煌的团体包围着自己。”管理董事K.C.豪威尔(私人市场)和J.T.格里尔(内部资产管理)“很容易成为CIO。”风险罗斯·卡萨达的风险也是如此“一旦他在他的腰带下有几年。”(Kasarda是在不到15年前在VRS的实习生。)更多的奖金上的战略总监Kristina Koutrakos。Virginia’s $80 billion state fund has attracted and kept “people of that caliber” due to the work of one woman, primarily: Vice chair Diana Cantor secured “industry-competitive comp” from the legislature about ten years ago, and now VRS “can hire stars.” Haven’t heard much from VRS? “That team is very quiet. They don’t feel the need to talk about themselves.”
California Institute of Technology (Scott Richland, CIO)
CALTECH曾经是“多年生的底部解放的表演者”禀赋,但通过一些措施迁入了“顶级装订”。Cio Scott Richland下的这种戏剧性绩效改善意味着现在 - 29亿美元的基金正在支付近三分之一的资金来支持Caltech的使命,“直接降低了90%以上的学生。“除了一次性的铅,创意,价值添加交易中,斯科特有完全大修风险管理。与此同时,他的团队已经归零自愿营业额。“
他re’s a sampling of the inside view on Cornell, once a laggard of the Ivy League. “The entire culture has changed.” “I told the recruiter after my interview with Ken that even if the job didn’t work out, I’m so happy I met him. I got so much out of our conversation.” “The divisions used to be really siloed — now we’re all part of the same team.” Cornell’s striking rise under CIO Ken Miranda goes deeper than a new Manhattan office, “esprit de corps,” and staff karaoke outings. Here’sthe whole storyof a leader, a legendary institution, and a “frankly amazing” turnaround.
CVS Health Corp. (Edward J. Ludwig, Chair, Investment and Finance Committee)
当制药巨头CVS健康公司买了保险r Aetna, it gained institutional investment chops in the bargain. Aetna “has brought investment professionals in,” revamping the CVS 401(k) plan. “Huge difference.” CVS had about $10 billion in its defined contribution and “employee stock ownership plans,” whereas Aetna also had a legacy defined benefit plan, and all the attendant institutional-grade expertise. Its tight 401(k) menu reflected this, with less than a dozen options plus white-labeled target-date funds. CVS’s menu “looked a bit more like a CVS receipt.” But since the tie-up, it has “switched up some managers” and changed record keepers to “top-tier” provider Vanguard.
ECERS之前的CIO是公共养老金世界中最“丰富多彩的”数字之一,并给予郊区基金的声誉“不友好地与之合作”。在2016年,传入的Cio Molly Murphy在辛辛那提领先的Mercy Health引发了她的“恒星声誉”。她建造了一个“多样化,饥饿,才华横溢”的Socal,并“专业化”一切都从招聘到RFPS的董事会会议。“莫莉是一位历史悠久的老板。没有BS。“
University of Texas/Texas A&M Investment Management Co. (Britt Harris, President, CEO, and CIO)
In 2017, Britt Harris shocked the Austin, Texas, investment crowd — as well as the broader American public pension community — when he left Texas Teachers and moved across town to the University of Texas/Texas A&M Investment Management Co. “Total alignment is our rallying theme,”他说亚博赞助欧冠他的任期九个月。在实践中,这意味着“破解内部筒仓”并提供新的费用模型,奖励资产管理人员进行性能。“布里特比生命更大,但他对这个行业进行了如此巨大的侵略性变化,”一个同行指出,引用战略伙伴关系和1或30个收费模型。“他把所有人带到UTIMCO的所有人都只是时间问题。”
纳什维尔大都会政府的Fadi Bousamra,戴维森县
“Fadi BouSamra是最好的在我们的行业,和你好s board has empowered him to build a great portfolio. Kudos!” The CIO of Nashville’s nimble $3 billion public fund proves that big checks aren’t necessary for private equity success. His “opportunistic” fund has shot the lights out with “top 1 percentile performance relative to peer universe for one through seven years.” BouSamra’s “not afraid” to get outside of his targeted allocations, ending March with a private equity book that’s half again the policy size and wildly better performing. And Metro’s board is tenacious enough to allow it. Having “best-in-class risk management” and a 97 percent funded status probably helps.
Derek Brodersen, Alberta Teachers’ Retirement Fund Board
艾伯塔省拥有艾伯塔省投资管理公司(AIMCO),是一家中央资产管理集团,运行其公共养老金和其他省级资产。但它也有一个例外。“艾伯塔省教师”太好了 - 它不会有意义“在目的队推出时关闭”超强“队。布罗德森在自2008年以来一直担任CIO的伊斯烈逊,并主持了“巨大的增长”,从那时起:166亿美元(126亿美元)ATRF在过去四年中返回了8.1%的年化;C $ 1080亿澳门委员会年化了6.6%。Brodersen的核心创新是“Project Whiteboard:假设我们持有166亿美元的现金,而不是建立的组合。“然后我们问自己,我们如何最好地建造一个投资组合,鉴于我们负债的简介,投资于166亿美元。”然后他们开始实施。
Douglas Brown, Exelon Corp.
“He’s awesome. Extremely personable, always willing to help with benchmarking, passionate — but not crazy — and so even-keeled.” That’s just some of the praise heaped on the industry veteran and Committee on Investment of Employee Benefit Assets (CIEBA, the corporate fund gang’s industry group) leader. More: “A great developer of CIOs. People love working for him. His management of CIEBA, where you have 100 CIOs with type-A personalities, is amazing. Investment-wise, he’s great. He embraced LDI [liability-driven investing] early, even though he’s a great investor. He didn’t do it because he had to, but because it’s the right thing. His ego didn’t get in the way. Great person, manager, investor, and CIO. He’s got it all.”
Sanjay Chawla, FM Global
“I just had meetings in Pennsylvania with eight different institutional allocators and they all mentioned how great Chuck is.” Carnegie Mellon University’s president surely feels the same about his CIO, Charles Kennedy. For five years running, the endowment portfolio has been able to cover more of Carnegie Mellon’s budget than the year before, from “4.5 percent in fiscal year 2013” to “6.8 percent in fiscal year 2018.” Kennedy’s contributions to higher education aren’t only in dollars. Before taking over as Carnegie Mellon’s CIO in 2010, he was teacher of the year at the University of Pittsburgh’s business school.
Eric Kirsch,Aflac
Kirsch是Goldman Sachs的700亿美元的保险资产管理业务的全球老板,直到2011年的Aflac抢夺了他作为CIO,从那时起推动他两次。他赢了vocal loyalty and a loose reinfrom Aflac corporate — indeed, it’s a rare CFO-CIO relationship where they actually seem to like each other. Under Kirsch, the 130-person investment operation, split between Tokyo and New York, has “really developed into a firm within a firm. It’s got the culture and sophistication of a money manager specialist,” which is exactly what Aflac’s head honchos hoped for. “There’s a reason why asset managers trade at 17 or 18 times earnings and insurers trade at 10 times earnings.”
Kim Lew,Carnegie Corp.纽约
“I knew Carnegie was a strong performer — but I didn’t know it was that good.” Lew’s ten-year returns at the $3.5 billion fund are just a whisker behind David Swensen’s. That’s 220 basis points ofalphaannually over Carnegie’s policy benchmark, and nearly 300 on top of the peer median. She might not brag; she doesn’t have to. “Almost anyone on Kim’s team could be CIO one day.” That ringing endorsement of the CIO’s work reflects Lew’s “preternatural” dedication to talent management and deep intuition as to what team Carnegie needs at any point. She’s “loved and admired” in the tight community of New York City CIOs — most of all, perhaps, by Meredith Jenkins, her one-time co-CIO at Carnegie.
“Ana Marshall does the work. She’s not the kind of CIO who sits back and manages” or cruises the conference circuit. For Marshall, the CIO duties of interfacing with the board, mentorship, administration, and, yes, team management go on top of actually investing the $9.8 billion fund alongside her “super talented” team. “That’s why他wlett’sridiculoustrack recordis truly her track record.” Hewlett escapes the “crazy spotlight” shone on big-name endowments like MIT, Princeton, Columbia, andYale, yet their leaders “count Marshall as a peer.” “It’s so hard to beat her.”
“丽莎在一年期间的压力下展出了恩典,或者两个充满了压倒性的机构丑闻。她仍然是专注于和动机的团队,尽管如此everything happening at USC。“(Google it if you have more questions.) Mazzocco and her loyal team are uniquely able to buffer students from the fallout, financially at least. “They’ve risen to the challenge.” And done it scandal-free, one might add.
Marie Pillai,General Mills
Marie Pillai作为首席投资官员的统计数据。“回报的顶级四分位数,低于中位数的风险。”普通工厂的养老金计划资助102%,联盟医疗福利是160%的涵盖。满足所有未来福利支付的“缺粮率小于5%;计划是自我支持的,预计没有新的贡献。“她在过去十年中,她对剩余的持续波动率低于20%的盈余波动。和蜂蜜坚果Cheerio上衣吗?普通工厂的“投资组合仍然非常有趣:45%的债券,15%的私人/能源/房地产,公共股权为40%。”
Rip Reeves, AEGIS Insurance Services
CIO Rip Reeves “provides a great working environment where everyone is developed and recognized for their strengths and skills. He’s made it a priority to give them exposure and public recognition, never sacrificing the job at hand and bottom line.” AEGIS knows how to have fun too. If you think an insurance CIO must be boring, just ask Reeves about Mardi Gras.
In 2010, Caltech lured Scott Richland away from his “asset management and family office” background to become its CIO. Richland — praised for his “financial acumen and personal integrity” — inherited a “perennial bottom-decile performer.” He has delivered for the university, moving the now-$2.9 billion endowment into the “top decile” by some measures. This dramatic performance improvement means the endowment is paying out nearly a third more to support Caltech’s mission — “directly reducing the cost of attendance for over 90 percent” of students. “Beyond taking the lead on one-off, creative, value-add transactions, Scott has completely overhauled risk management. Meanwhile, he has had zero voluntary turnover on his team.”