

研究ers argue that the value strategy has underperformed for longer than commonly believed — and that it’s unlikely to bounce back.


事实上,该策略可能比许多投资者意识到的更长时间的切片,争辩professors Baruch Lev of NYU’s Stern School of Business and Anup Srivastava of Calgary’s Hasakayne School of Business.

“Despite the头条新闻关于这一策略的最近消亡,现在已经近30年来的表演者差不多,“作者写道。

价值投资的起源往往追溯到Benjamin Graham and David Dodd’s 1934 book “Security Analysis.” The approach involves buying stocks of companies which are seen as undervalued, and selling or shorting stocks that are believed to be overpriced, based on company financial data like earnings and book value.


“The good performance of the value strategy in the early 2000s apparently looms large in the minds of relatively young investors, those who started investing in the 21st century, making it so hard to fathom the ‘demise of value’ since 2007,” they wrote. “The value strategy had already lost its potency in the late 1980s, and yielded negative returns in the 1990s.”


这两位会计教授建议,30年前的价值下降的原因在市场上没有任何特殊的变化,而是通过公司计算账面价值的方式。根据Lev和Srivastava的说法,公共公司越来越开始推出“无形资产” - 在研发,信息技术,品牌发展和人力资源方面的价值创造投资。






Although this disparity in performance might indicate that a reversion to the mean is overdue, Lev and Srivastava argued that most value companies still “don’t have the means to finance heavy investments” in research and development, meaning that a resurrection of the value strategy would require a “collapse” in “glamour” stocks similar to the dot-com bubble.
