
“What If …?” – Shocks from DC Regulations


在下面的对话中,富兰克林邓普顿的三位主要参与者——客户投资解决方案负责人Wylie Tollette、多资产研究策略负责人Gene Podkaminer和美国机构界定贡献负责人Drew Carrington——就监管变革的“如果”进行了讨论,包括监管变革如何“像灯一样亮”“切换”和“改变激励”

Gene Podkaminer:让我们先提醒自己我们的观点last discussion of regulations. 与监管冲击不同的是,它改变了rules of the game. None of the other types of shocks –生长,interest rates,inflation, or demographics – do that.

Franklin Templeton Shocks to Regulations



Franklin Templeton Shocks to Regulations



波德卡米纳:We are speaking about fit to purpose. Tools existed, but they did not fit until the regulation provided the opening. Regulation flipped the switch.




For example, a financial institution, record keeper, asset manager, bank, and trade association could launch a plan and market it to small employers. When financial institutions participate in building and offering a MEP plan, it can reduce the risk of being sued that employers take on currently. That’s a big change.

Franklin Templeton Shocks to Regulations

Tollette:乔的小工具店生产小工具。他们不管理资金,所以管理别人的资金和做错事的风险真的很可怕。但如果一家金融机构正在实施这一计划istheir business. They’re not so afraid of taking on fiduciary risk.


波德卡米纳:所以,一个MEP environment will effectively create a new category of sophisticated buyer, equivalent to large plans. More large plans mean more large players on the financial institution side who may extend to a variety of funds.

Carrington:And we hear plans saying, “This is our lineup. We like active and passive together, and spending our risk and fee budget where it makes the most sense. We’re using asset classes that we might not otherwise make available to participants directly. We’re incorporating them into a diversified portfolio – things like alternatives or illiquids, which we know can produce better returns, as seen in DB plans, endowments, and foundations.”

This will help overcome one of the biggest frustrations for people in the DC business, namely that we have trillions of dollars invested on a long return horizon, yet we run the whole system as if we must be able to liquidate the entire thing tomorrow.


Franklin Templeton Shocks to Regulations

Carrington:在这项立法中,有影响终生收入和退休计划的条款——具体来说,终身收入安全港、终身收入披露以及允许终身收入产品可移植性的机制。从计划发起人的角度来看,他们所做的选择受到监管层的限制,if they want to change their mind they aren’t stuck with a solution, as they have been in the past. A sponsor can change its mind about which lifetime income product it uses without waiting for all the participants in the current plan to exit. For example, plan participants may have a lifetime income option, but the sponsor decides it wants to change that option. They can push out the benefits that people have accrued up to that point – people get what they’ve paid for – and then the plan sponsor gets a clean start. That’s really important to plan sponsors.

Tollette:The application of technology could open the door to more customization for individuals and the expansion of tools for them to use at the proper time and place.




Tollette:We’ve been focusing on the U.S. here, but similar light switch moments are possible in other countries around the world. The idea that “capital can support me in retirement” is spreading. No longer does retirement have to mean “I move in with my relatives.” So, lessons learned from more advanced economies matter, and watching pension policies and regulations matters.


Tollette:I am glad we didn’t explore an example of a regulatory change with a poor outlook. That would be a difficult conversation and an even more difficult story to read!


Wylie Tollette,首席财务官,注册会计师
Head of Client Investment Solutions


Head of Institutional Defined Contribution

More in the series "What if there are shocks to ... "

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