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Shocks Survey – When you ask “What If …?”


To add to our thinking on shocks, we are now also conducting semi-annual surveys of institutional investors to extend the dialogue and complement our “What if …?” conversations. Here, we dig into the findings of our latest survey, which considers shocks and their effects on asset allocation – with special focus on equity allocation.

我们请富兰克林·邓普顿(Franklin Templeton)的美国机构负责人汤姆·费舍尔(Tom Fisher)和金融机构负责人皮埃尔·卡拉马扎(Pierre Caramazza)解释调查结果的要点,以及他们将引导我们进行未来调查的方向,包括对“替代品差异化”和“冲击上的玫瑰色眼镜”的见解

If you would like to be involved in the next survey and join the conversation, email us




卡拉马扎:Good idea. I want to jump to the question about how respondents plan to alter their equity holdings over the next six months.



费希尔:To me, this data suggests we should be seeing global equity search activity – and we haven’t. I am going to be watching and asking about that. Also, we know our multi-asset team has been a bit more bearish during that time.

This “risk-on” mode also fits with the question about how respondents expect shocks to impact their portfolios.




费希尔:为了开始调查,我们收集了股票、固定收益和替代品的投资组合配置。It surprised us how tight the bands were around the mean – really within plus/minus 10% on either side of the mean. We saw this no matter how we sliced and diced the data, and in some cases closer to plus/minus 5% of the mean.




I thought one of the most interesting was the question that explored how respondents invest in emerging and international markets.


The overwhelming percentages for top-down and tactical weighting suggest some level of active management – whether in the selection of the countries to index, or in the selection of managers to invest across countries.

费希尔:This tilt toward active is not what we hear about in the press, nor necessarily see in industry-wide flows. But, perhaps it is what we should be expecting from the readers of institutional investment publications. We do believe in the mantra “invest country by country.”

卡拉马扎:Among the potential major global shocks to their portfolios,investors are most concerned about inflation. 几年来,通胀基本上被忽视了,但这表明人们对通胀可能发生的担忧正在蔓延。


卡拉马扎:Is it more revealing that institutional investors seem less nervous and more optimistic about the potential global shocks that dominate news headlines around the world –slowing经济增长,multiplegeopolitical tensions,andimmigration and workforce问题?



卡拉马扎:It made me wonder if institutional investors are more focused on fundamentals than they are on headlines.





费希尔:Alternatives must be critical to understanding their differences – the good news is that there seems to be plenty going on with equities and adding risk there.

卡拉马扎:So, our three big takeaways are: First, that equities seem to be an active place for adding risk. Second, that respondents all seem to have relatively similar allocations; so, to understand their differences, we should ask more questions about how they define alternatives.



*这段对话和其中引用的数据是基于2019年5月机构投资者定制研究实验室(Institutional Investor's Custom Research Lab)和富兰克林邓普亚博赞助欧冠顿(Franklin Templeton)进行的一项调查。调查对象是美国和加拿大机构的150名投资决策者,包括首席信息官、投资官、投资组合经理、研究总监和研究分析师。超过半数的受访者表示,一家机构的资产管理规模至少为50亿美元。然而,当反应被细分为资产管理水平,没有离群群体-基本上反应是一致的,无论资产管理水平。


2019年5月,机构投资者亚博赞助欧冠定制研究实验室(Institution Investor's Custom Research Lab)和富兰克林•邓普顿(Franklin Templeton)调查了150位投资决策者,包括北美各机构的首席信息官、投资官、投资组合经理、研究总监和研究分析师。超过一半的受访者代表的是管理资产(AUM)至少50亿美元的机构。然而,当反应被细分为资产管理水平,没有离群群体本质上,反应是一致的,无论资产管理水平。


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1来源:机构投资者的定义随亚博赞助欧冠着有关ch Lab and Franklin Templeton Survey was conducted in May 2019. See “About this research” for more details. All data and charts referenced herein were derived from the aforementioned survey conducted

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