


Goldman Sachs Group has cracked open an alternative well of returns.

The firm is talking with clients about solar power as a source of yield that can meet their return targets with less risk than other alternative investments, according to Jon Yoder, the head of Goldman Sachs Asset Management’s renewable power group and co-head of GSAM’s credit alternatives team. The asset manager is investing in solar through Goldman Sachs Renewable Power, a company started early last year to own and manage projects that deliver clean energy.

由一个低价和负面利率的世界迫使,机构投资者知道他们越来越多地关注私募股权等地区的“公平”风险亚博赞助欧冠直接贷款为了满足他们的回归障碍,yoder在电话采访中说道。岁月的趋势使Goldman成为“头脑风暴”,他们可能会发现更好的风险调整的回报 - 或者至少是替代产量来源。

“很难找到更好的相对价值的口袋,”yoder说。“当我们调查不同的资产课程时,这是一个真正向我们出发的资产是 - 并且仍然是可再生能源项目。”

据Yoder表示,为可再生能源分配给机构投资者的经济意义,因为它与投资级公司的贷款相比提供了更好的回报 - 同时亚博赞助欧冠取得相同的信用和持续时间。他说,GSAM的可再生能源业务旨在提供约7%至8%的返回。

To get there, Goldman Sachs Renewable Power is buying solar projects in the U.S. that were built for companies seeking to lower their electric bills. Yoder said the assets produce stable income thanks to long-term power purchase contracts put in place before their construction.



“We are continuing to have conversations with institutional investors who want access to the asset class,” said Yoder. “This is a very new asset class to most institutional investors.”

[II深潜:Jeremy Grantham表示,投资者应该受到这种策略的“感兴趣”]


与此同时,全球对抗气候变化的兴趣 - 以及温暖星球的破坏后果 - 正在上升。

About 80 percent of Americans say human activity is fueling climate change, with about 40 percent describing it as a “crisis,” according to a recent poll conducted by华盛顿邮政和Kaiser家族基金会。大多数美国人都认为美国将不得不在未来几十年内减少化石燃料的使用,以防止气候变化最严重的影响surveyshows.


在美国,更多的人工作solar energy firms2018年比在煤炭行业,根据今年的国家国家能源官员和能源期货倡议的一份报告。报告显示,大约一半的太阳能工作都在建设中。




For example, Yoder pointed to a recent panel on which GSAM mainly discussed credit markets, spending less than five minutes on renewable energy. Yet after the panel, students were lined up wanting to know how they can get into renewable energy, he said.

Still, Yoder doesn’t see environmental, social, and governance factors driving investors’ interest in renewable energy — even if they like the ESG element.

