

Emerging markets may be out of favor, but they are still an important asset class.



Still, it is important to maintain some exposure to EMs, which offer access to growing parts of the globe with rising middle classes and potential diversification and growth. Here are four suggestions for investing in emerging markets:

考虑最小的波动策略。关注波动性的投资者可能希望考虑最小的波动性资金,这可能会使EM投资的UPS和下降顺利。考虑近期下降的例子:自2018年1月以来,MSCI新兴市场最低波动指数下降约10%,优势优势较高的MSCI EM指数的19%跌落。4

在国家或地区定制您的EM投资组合。EM景观正在发生变化:沙特阿拉伯,阿根廷和中国的股票已进入指数,但违反它正在得到更多concentrated despite the new entrants. In just five years China’s weight in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index has risen from ~20% to nearly 35% currently and is expected to exceed ~40% at full inclusion of China A shares, according to MSCI as of August 2019.

But while China exposure is growing across portfolios, China risk is rising, growth and earnings expectations are being revised lower, andU.S./China tensions正在升级。MSCI中国指数从峰值距离近四分之一,拖动其余的EM指数下降。随着中国的体重在指数范围内的体重增加,我们将看到em前中国的治疗与发达的前美国的治疗相当。或亚洲前日本。

One potential solution? Consider carving out China as a standalone allocation through an emerging markets ex-China strategy. More generally,投资者可以考虑在他们的国际投资组合中采用一个以国家为中心的方法。集中的风险曝光,跨越的低相关性,高回报分散建议的EMS非常适合这种方法。

考虑广泛的曝光,但管理政治事件风险投资者may want to consider a differentiated approach for tactical and strategic trading using broad EM exposures, making tactical trades around Federal Reserve meetings or geopolitical events.

看看EM债务作为EM股票组合的潜在补充。债务looks attractive on a spread and yield basis and offers a complementary geographical exposure to the Asia heavy EM equity indexes. With central banks easing globally, investors are likely to look at EM debt in the renewed reach for yield.

本周或明年,EMS是否有利,我们相信大多数投资者应考虑长期拨款到这一重要资产课程。和etfs - 我Shares Core MSCI Emerging Markets ETF (IEMG),Ishares MSCI新兴市场ETF(EEM),iShares MSCI边缘最小新兴市场ETF (EE卷MV),ISHARES MSCI新兴市场前中国ETF(EMXC),和ishares.MSCI China ETF (MCHI)– offer the flexibility to implement that allocation through a range of applications.

3资料来源:Blackrock的Ishares,4 2019年10月14日投资新兴市场的4个策略Https://www.blackrockblog.com/2019/10/14/investing-in-emerging-markets/

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