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- More frequent volatility spikes:在2008-2009年全球金融危机爆发前的8年里,波动率指数一天内波动5点或以上的情况只发生了5次。危机后,这样的峰值已经出现了48次,其中“峰值”是与收益分配相关的关键词。
- An inconsistent business cycle:美国经济周期一直在扩张和放缓之间摇摆不定,根据领先经济指数(leading economic Index),领先经济指标自危机以来首次呈黄色闪烁。
- 国际贸易冲突:全球贸易紧张局势及其全球供应链重新校准和再分配的淘汰效应,具有震动的全球增长数。美国 - 中国的争端可能需要数年才能解决。“一个世界,两个系统”模型 - 一方面的资本主义,对方的统治 - 对增长和易挥发性有害。
- 不确定的央行政策:技术具有巨大的通缩效果,消费者的爱,但中央银行不是如此,因为它消除了他们的货币政策目标。大多数中央银行都是目标通货膨胀。如果他们不能刺激通货膨胀,他们如何保持相关?他们行为背后的新政策模型是什么?“目前没有与今天数据一致的宏观经济理论,”北方信托资产管理的定量策略负责人迈克尔·亨斯塔德(Michael Hunstad)说。“如果我们不知道从货币政策的角度来看该怎么办,它对波动性有影响。”
- 更具波动性的销售:市场的微观结构发生了实质性的变化,得益于算法交易,自全球金融危机以来,波动性抛售变得越来越流行,这导致了更多的下行波动性,而且更可能出现。
2019年资本市场假设那北方信托Asset Management projects a five-year forward expectation for equity return for developed markets of 5.7% – among the lowest it has ever expected – and a 2.1% total return forecast for global investment-grade bonds over the same time period, which again is quite low relative to history. The anticipation for modest returns combined with heightened volatility – and additional increases in那个volatility – means that new allocation strategies to help simultaneously close the return gap while de-risking merit serious consideration by investors.
For decades, U.S. and European institutional investors have been de-risking their portfolios by shifting from equities into fixed income or alternatives. Fixed income can always reduce risk, but the relative cost of doing so varies with interest rates and equity valuations. Hedge funds offer the promise of equity-like returns without the equity risk, and private equity offers much higher return potential, but with significant liquidity constraints. Low-volatility equities are a third option for investors to consider because they offer a means to reduce risk without sacrificing equity allocations or holding illiquid assets.
Views vary, of course, but most CIOs are focused to some degree on de-risking. According to the CIO of a U.S. state retirement fund, his team tries to “estimate fair value of all assets on an ongoing basis, and observe whether prices at any moment are below or ahead of that value. Right now, we feel the equity markets are about 25% overvalued, and that’s just enough perceived overvaluation to trip our thresholds for us to go to our minimum risk exposure, and we are making progress toward that.”
Traditionally, the easy way to de-risk is to move from higher risk asset classes to lower risk asset classes. In 2009, about 35% of institutional investors’ portfolios consisted of public equities, a percentage that has dropped to around 20% today, according to Greenwich Associates’ study “Asset Allocation Trends in Institutional Asset Management, 2018 U.S. Institutional Investors Research.”
Clearly, de-risking in and of itself is not the challenge – the main hurdle is how do investors de-risk without sacrificing returns in an iffy return environment. According to one recent survey of U.S. state and local pension funds, the average rate of return assumptions across 129 plans is 7.3%. However, a review of Northern Trust Asset Management’s Capital Market Assumptions asset class return forecasts shows that no single asset class, with the exception of private equity, has an expected return above 6.5%, and a vanilla 60/40 portfolio only expects to produce around 4.7%, leaving a 2-3% shortfall for the return assumptions among that cohort of pension plans.
II: Can investors determine if they’re prepared for risk going forward?
二: 我们是否正处于市场拐点?
Learn how to "Strengthen Your Portfolio Core."
“Volatility in and of itself impacts the portfolio, but in general, it’s also good for factor performance,” says Michael Hunstad. “Most factors1在波动率水平相对较高的VIX中位数以上的环境中表现相当不错。在这方面,低波动性是非常不对称的。在过去10年中,增长和动力因素表现良好,在波动性方面基本上低于中值。在高风险环境下——换句话说,在预期的高波动性世界中——质量因素表现良好,正如您可能预期的那样,但不要将价值、规模和股息率计算在内。”
That insight is part of why there is, in fact, another way for investors to lower volatility and continue to grow their assets, without the potential downside of lowering portfolio return expectations, without the higher fees of alternatives strategies, and without lowering liquidity.
进一步了解Northern Trust Asset Management的定量低波动率策略方法。
1确定的因素质量:质量因素针对具有有效管理,盈利能力和强大的现金流量的公司。价值:价值因子针对以低当前估值交易的公司。低波动性:低波动因子针对具有较少挥发性现金流量的公司。Dividend Yield: The Dividend Yield factor targets companies that pay large dividends. Momentum: The Momentum factor targets companies that have strong market sentiment and analyst sentiment.尺寸:规模系数针对市值较小的公司。
For institutional investors, it’s an interesting prospect to consider – a plan, endowment, or foundation needs its money when it needs it, regardless of what the markets can provide in a given moment or trend period.
“如果股票回报率预期只有5.8%,这种紧缩环境可能确实有助于投资者在股票桶内采取不同的方法,”Northern Trust Asset Management定量策略主管迈克尔•亨斯塔德(Michael Hunstad)博士表示。
Although the equity sleeves of most investors today contain a significant amount of passive investments, asset allocators seem most likely to look for a fresh approach – and alpha – by teaming with active managers.
“We’re not trying to time the cycle,” says the Head of Equities at a European pension fund. “Equity valuations are high, there’s more volatility creeping in. The best part of the equity run is over. There’s more volatility and not the return we’ve seen over the past few years.”
The “different” approach Hunstad mentions is based on simultaneously strengthening and de-risking a core equity portfolio so investors gain exposure to compensated risks within the equity market, and, through the use of style factors, understanding the excess return potential in different economic environments.
Northern Trust Asset Management定量股票研究与战略主管Jordan Dekhayser表示:“这些年来,我们分析了客户的许多股票配置,虽然它们有所发展,但使用所谓的风格框仍然很突出。”。“虽然个别经理人确实能够而且确实能够增值,但投资者需要从总体上仔细考虑他们的整体投资组合。某些投资组合结构可能会阻止提供足够主动风险的机会,或者说,提供足够的潜力来跑赢大盘,而不是投资者需要弥补2-3%的预期回报缺口。即使你的个别经理有很多主动风险,当你把他们全部放在一起时,他们的计划往往非常接近基准,总体上没有太多主动风险。”
If diversification of managers doesn’t necessarily lead to true diversification in portfolios, overdiversification of managers is a risk in itself when active management fees eat into alpha. Faced with a choice of a mix of passive (beta), fundamental active, and factors strategies, many investors are aware of data that shows fundamental active management hasn’t necessarily provided the jolt to returns for which they’ve hoped.
3.Low-Volatility Factor Performance
从历史的角度来看,与被动市场上限加权指数相比,风格因素提供了卓越的风险调整回报,并且与传统的主动管理相比,它们提供了更持久的性能。因此,风格因素是投资者希望对他们的投资组合进行失败的投资者 - 这可能对某些考虑作为防守姿势的投资者来说有点令人惊讶。
What’s behind style factor return premia? Explanations and interpretations vary, but tend to fall into one of three categories:
- 基于风险explanations imply that volatility alone is not enough to describe risk, and measures such as the Sharpe ratio do not truly represent risk-adjusted performance – i.e. style factor investors earn a premium because they are actually bearing more risk.
- 结构解释断言,有一些限制因素阻止CAPM假设成立。这些解释中最常见的是,如果投资者不能使用杠杆,但有很高的回报要求,他们往往会把重点放在高贝塔资产上,以创造内部杠杆。这造成了低效率,因为高贝塔资产相对于市场的定价错误。
- 行为explanations suggest that investors are prone to persistent behavioral biases that ultimately manifest as factor anomalies such as representative bias and asymmetric risk preferences.
Style factors are susceptible to cyclicality and expose investors to the risk of sustained underperformance – but style factor cyclicality can be mitigated by employing multi-dimensional factor definitions and diversifying across factors on top of other methods of reducing risk without sacrificing returns.
Now, look at an allocation that uses a low-volatility factor for its equity allocation rather than the market cap-weighted index. It has lower risk than the benchmark, making it a potentially ideal candidate for investors looking to de-risk, provided it improves risk-adjusted returns from a risk reduction standpoint and from an improvement in the numerator.
如本报告前面所述,当前和预期的回报环境非常有利于低波动系数的表现。上述情景表明,对投资者而言,几个重要指标都有了明显的改善——回报率提高了134个基点,从5.52%降至6.86%;实现了风险降低2.56%——风险降低了28%,从9.07%一直降至6.51%;夏普比率从0.42增至0.79,几乎翻了一番,而且,重要的是,那就是计算分子和the denominator.
最后,在陡峭的市场股票市场半径标注wdowns in 2008 a market cap-weighted index, by definition, experienced 100% of that drawdown. In the traditional 60/40 context that led to a nearly 35% drawdown. A hypothetical low-volatility factors portfolio in that same scenario improved the drawdown by a little over 11%.
“如果您查看可用的全部研究,无论资产类别还是地理,以及在市场资本化频谱的各个方面,它都指向响应挥发性证券,一般来说,往往具有更高的回报 -特别是在北方信托资产管理中被波动尖峰标点“迈克尔·亨斯塔德,博士,北方信托资产管理的数量战略负责人。
投资组合消除有很多面孔,但马特ers most is which one your portfolio sees when it looks in the mirror. For the sake of clarity, investors can think of them in the standard parlance of evolving technology starting at 1.0, starting from what today would be considered a typical baseline institutional portfolio of stocks, bonds, and alternatives.
- 去风险1.0reallocates more to bonds, less to stocks, and in general lower-risk asset classes.
- 降低风险1.1用核心低波动性敞口取代现有的股权配置。
- 去风险2.0增加对低波动率的配置,同时保持风险中性,降低1.0的风险。
Northern Trust Asset Management定量策略主管迈克尔•亨斯塔德(Michael Hunstad)表示:“如果我们将远期收益率的假设转化为去风险1.0,我们将看到与1999年以来使用去风险1.0的情况类似的表现,或者考虑到目前的收益率水平,甚至可能会出现更低的表现。”。
“That’s the classic knee-jerk reaction to de-risking,” he continues, referencing the move to include more bonds. “But it’s not uncommon. Investors are very cautious about that given where Treasury and bond yields are in the U.S. and globally.”
Is there potential for investors to realize even greater excess return in a de-risked portfolio that mitigates for the possibility of a down market? There just might be. Think of it as De-Risking 2.1, and it adds quality factors to low-volatility factors.
And, quite possibly, a major step toward closing the anticipated return gap investors are projected to face over the next five years.
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If presented, hypothetical portfolio information provided does not represent results of an actual investment portfolio but reflects representative historical performance of the strategies, funds or accounts listed herein, which were selected with the benefit of hindsight. Hypothetical performance results do not reflect actual trading. No representation is being made that any portfolio will achieve a performance record similar to that shown. A hypothetical investment does not necessarily take into account the fees, risks, economic or market factors/conditions an investor might experience in actual trading. Hypothetical results may have under- or over- compensation for the impact, if any, of certain market factors such as lack of liquidity, economic or market factors/conditions. The investment returns of other clients may differ materially from the portfolio portrayed. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific program that cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results. The information is confidential and may not be duplicated in any form or disseminated without the prior consent of Northern Trust.
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