

摘自2019年11月Capital Group Think Leadership LDI报告




作为企业养老金计划赞助商并不容易,这是某种东西Gary Veerman,资本集团本地设计院(LDI)解决方案主管,完全实现。Veerman在其职业生涯的很大一部分时间里一直在思考和执行负债驱动投资(LDI)策略,因此他有一个非常好的技巧,可以帮助计划发起人以细致入微和全面的方式设想解决方案。Veerman最近与II进行了一次对话,结果发现这是一次充满真知灼见的对话,包括定制基准,以便更充分地利用信贷市场的现有机会。

What’s driving demand for LDI right now?


Except now we’re at or near the end of a cycle instead of the beginning of one – and the road ahead is widely expected to have more frequent volatility spikes.


Where are we in the evolution of LDI? Is there a state-of-the-art strategy?


It sounds as if a key might be for plan sponsors to diversify their credit portfolios.


Here’s an example of what I mean: Private credit may get you, let’s say, 30 to 50 basis points above public market credit, before considering any added risk. If you’re going to allocate 5% of your portfolio to something that potentially gets you 50 basis points, you have to go through all the steps of adding an asset class like private credit to gain two and a half basis points of expected rate of return increase. And we know that things like private credit have liquidity constraints and other factors that will make them track the liabilities less accurately. In short, there are pros and cons to everything. If you’re not very confident that the pros significantly outweigh the cons, stick to the blocking and tackling.

Where are the opportunities for LDI strategies in investment-grade credit at the moment?



这是我们所有人都与计划赞助商谈论的东西。BBBS今天弥补了一半以上的Bloomberg Barclays美国。我们的观点是,过去几年迁至BBB的许多名称都是合并和收购活动的产品,这已被历史上低利率环境推动。我们相信许多这些公司可实现对De-Lever的可达到计划,并且可能会在信用质量频谱上移动凹口或更多。




同样,重要的是,公司债券和股票从同一家公司发出 - 只是资本结构的不同部分。因此,当有一段时间的压力和股票需要大幅下降,那些公司债券不太可能表现良好。这就是为什么整体思考很重要。即使您放弃了一点产量,因为您部分地分配给国债或条带而不是完全信誉,你就会显着帮助自己免受风险管理的视角。




There’s been a lot of talk around the availability of high quality corporate bonds in the marketplace; that is, if everyone buys long bonds, the math just doesn’t work. What we’ve experienced with significant de-risking is that there’s generally been no problem sourcing those bonds. Foundationally, supply and demand are something to keep an eye on, but ultimately with demand from plan sponsors, companies will come to the table with that supply. So, at the industry level, capacity constraints are probably a little bit overblown, and we don’t see it as a significant headwind anytime in the short to intermediate term.

On the manager capacity side, you have to wonder: at what point does a $30 billion or $40 billion long credit manager lose their ability to add value? For example, we believe security selection is the most idiosyncratic risk pension plans can add to their LDI program. If you’re a $40 billion book of business and there’s an attractive new issue that comes to market, the impact that has in your portfolio is very likely less than it would be if someone has a $5 billion book of business. The bigger the manager, the more expectations of outcomes should be re-evaluated. Often their tracking error tends to get a lot lower and they don’t have the ability to take the type of risk they want to take, or the sponsor is expecting. One plan sponsor I spoke to called it “closet indexing.”





Statements attributed to an individual represent the opinions of that individual as of the date published and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Capital Group or its affiliates. This information is intended to highlight issues and should not be considered advice, an endorsement or a recommendation.
This content, developed by Capital Group, home of American Funds, should not be used as a primary basis for investment decisions and is not intended to serve as impartial investment or fiduciary advice.
Bond ratings, which typically range from AAA/Aaa (highest) to D (lowest), are assigned by credit rating agencies such as Standard & Poor's, Moody's and/or Fitch, as an indication of an issuer’s creditworthiness.



Bloomberg Barclays美国长期政府/信贷(LGC)指数与其组成债券具有持久的战略相关性,这些债券仍然被广泛认为是负债计划发起人可用的基本对冲资产。因此,该索引有助于构建地图,说明本地设计院(LDI)的核心机会集。了解长期债券的组成对于计划发起人制定有效的投资策略至关重要。在这里,Colyar Pridgen,Capital Group资深本地设计院(LDI)策略师,列出LDI的机会,以及公司LDI方法的相关见解。

The long bond market is relatively small and nuanced

The long bond market makes up a rather limited portion of the broader fixed income universe. Using the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Universal Index1作为完整的美元计价债券市场的不完美代理,下面的地图演示了长期(至少10年的运费债券)远小于中间空间(1至10年的运费)。2

许多公司债券保荐人、保险公司和其他投资者都在寻求长期债券市场的回报和对冲机会,导致寻求长期债券敞口的方法多样化。在某些情况下,这些投资者正在寻找更具创造性和不太传统的途径来获得长期投资。其中一些被美国通用指数(U.S.Universal Index)捕捉到,尽管该指数内的高收益债券和其他工具可能偏离许多发起人认为的核心对冲资产。



The long bond market is far from static.


Changing patterns of credit issuance are a key driver of the shifts seen above. Growth in the size of the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Long Credit Index (the LC index) and drift in its quality distribution, are other closely related outcomes. Of particular importance in an LDI context, ratings migration tends to impact assets and liabilities quite differently. The widely observed trend toward lower quality in recent years is evident in the chart below.

The “History of U.S. Long Government/Credit Index by Sector” and the “History of U.S. Long Credit Index by Quality” charts illustrate some of the key dynamics at play in the long bond market, while the “U.S. Universal Index” map presents the long end in a broader fixed income context. At Capital Group, we believe the “U.S. Long Government/Credit Index” map – the main map of the long bond market – provides critical detail for setting effective pension investment strategy, and offer here an example of how it might be used to facilitate the LDI benchmark selection process.



Basic component selection/weighting
  • Is the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Long Government/Credit Index the best benchmark for my plan? Do I instead want to more explicitly define the mix of credit and government components, given my broader asset allocation?
  • 对于我的基准中的信贷风险部分,公司或信贷是更合适的基础吗?对于我的对冲投资组合中的无信用风险部分,财政部或政府是更合适的基础吗?我是否将这些视为重大决策?

Benchmark engineering intricacies

  • 更细致的基准构建(例如,发行人上限、质量限制、到期日调整、行业重新加权)能否改善负债匹配或其他投资目标?
  • 养老金风险转移目标是否应该影响这些基准工程决策?实物转让可行吗?

Implementation beyond LGC

  • 长期政府/信贷范围之外的债券,如中期到期债券、高收益债券和私人债务,是否应该在我的对冲投资组合中发挥作用?
  • Should STRIPS (or derivatives such as U.S. Treasury futures or interest rate swaps) be leveraged in enhancing capital efficiency and/or matching liability-relative curve risk?
  • 我想要一个投资策略,是管理或衡量更明确地对我的责任?我如何确保管理者的责任和适当的治理?竣工管理是否提供了切实可行的解决方案?



图表2:美国长期政府/信用指数地图“主权等等。”指的是aggregated-for-convenience sectors of sovereign (the largest sector included herein), foreign agencies (which have similar quality distribution though skewed somewhat higher), and supranational (a relatively small sector which in the long end is entirely AAA-rated bonds). The other noncorporate credit sector, shown distinctly, is described as “local authorities,” which is technically the Class 2 description for the foreign local governments sector.

Exhibit 3: History of U.S. Long Government/Credit Index by sectorBefore 6/30/2000, many credits that today would be categorized as long corporate were instead a component of the long noncorporate credit universe, with the legacy sector name foreign corporations. These securities have been included in the “Sovereign, etc.” category for periods prior to 6/30/2000.

Exhibit 4: History of U.S. Long Credit Index by quality在6/30/2000之前,今天将在外国地方政府部门(我们称之为“地方当局”)的许多学分被遗产部门姓名加拿大人识别。这些证券已在我们历史数字中的“地方当局”下。

1按照巴克莱的观点:“美国通用指数代表美国综合指数、美国高收益企业指数、144A指数、欧洲美元指数、新兴市场指数和CMBS指数的非ERISA部分的联合。市政债券、私人配售和非美元计价债券不包括在通用指数中。包括浮动利率债务在内的指数的唯一组成部分是新兴市场指数。“POINT”是巴克莱资本(Barclays Capital)的注册商标有限公司相当广泛的是,超过25万亿美元的美国通用指数(universalindex)提供了一个公认的不完整的美元计价债券世界的代表性;此外,除了彭博巴克莱(Bloomberg-Barclays)指出的例外情况外,值得注意的是,还忽略了到期日不到一年的证券。就本文而言,美国通用指数被认为是足够广泛的,能够涵盖对大多数负债驱动型投资者来说非常重要的大部分债券。


3The AA segment of the long corporate index is also quite concentrated, with four issuers accounting for significantly more than 50% of its market value as of 3/31/2019. Investments are not FDIC-insured, nor are they deposits of or guaranteed by a bank or any other entity, so they may lose value.


This content, developed by Capital Group, home of American Funds, should not be used as a primary basis for investment decisions and is not intended to serve as impartial investment or fiduciary advice.
Statements attributed to an individual represent the opinions of that individual as of the date published and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Capital Group or its affiliates. This information is intended to highlight issues and should not be considered advice, an endorsement or a recommendation.
Barclays POINT data ©2019 Barclays Capital Inc. Used with permission. POINT is a registered trademark of Barclays Capital Inc.
Past performance is not indicative of future results.
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3Questions All Plan Sponsors Should Ask

为了消除复杂性,以下是三个基本养老金风险管理问题(以及来自Capital Group的Gary Veerman,LDI Solutions负责人和Chris Anast,2018年7月一篇论文中的高级退休策略师的答案),所有计划发起人都应该问自己,无论其公司具体情况如何。

Plan sponsors have many factors to consider when making prudent pension risk management decisions. Equity results, interest rate movements, glide path development, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation premiums, contribution policy, company-specific risk tolerance, actuarial assumption changes – the list goes on.

Moreover, many of these variables are outside of a plan sponsor’s control as they strive to achieve their ultimate objective: paying benefit obligations to plan participants.

To cut through the complexity, here are three fundamental pension risk management questions that all plan sponsors should ask themselves – regardless of their company-specific situation.






On the flipside, when a plan’s funded status is below 100% there can be significant negative implications. And it only gets worse as funded status declines further. The potential pain for sponsors increases exponentially, with limitations on lump sums, large expected cash contributions, and a portfolio without the asset base to help close the funding gap. In these low-funded scenarios, cash contributions will likely be the largest driver of plans increasing their funding position.

Am I hedging enough of my interest rate risk?











The equity and fixed income allocations in these portfolios differ, however both result in a one-year surplus VaR (95%) of $29 million.

You would expect portfolio B to have a higher expected rate of return due to the 10% higher allocation to equities. While portfolio B has a smaller fixed income portfolio, it is created in a more capital-efficient manner by utilizing a combination of long credit and Treasury STRIPS. This results in a much higher hedge ratio of 75% for portfolio B relative to portfolio A.




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This content, developed by Capital Group, home of American Funds, should not be used as a primary basis for investment decisions and is not intended to serve as impartial investment or fiduciary advice.
Statements attributed to an individual represent the opinions of that individual as of the date published and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Capital Group or its affiliates. This information is intended to highlight issues and should not be considered advice, an endorsement or a recommendation.