

Caltech managing director Doug MacBean was voted the most likely to rise to the role of chief investment officer after facing off with six other up-and-comers in II’s Next CIO competition.

在与他的六个同龄人的竞争中竞争之后,Caltech总经理Doug MacBean已经加强了“下一个CIO”。

MacBean, who is responsible for the California Institute of Technology endowment’s public and alternative investments, was the winning contestant chosen by chief investment officers and peers at the third annual亚博赞助欧冠Masterclass,周二在纽约举行。竞争对手选自其老板和同行在业内的提名。


The audience voted on the competitor they found the most impressive, and an award was presented to MacBean at the分配者的选择奖周二晚上在东方人。


“The question that caught me the most off guard was the one on cryptocurrency,” MacBean said by phone Friday. “Overall, it’s kind of a blur.”

Kresge Foundation的投资总监Venus Phillips被授予第二名,而罗克斯麦克斯特·麦克斯特(Roxton McNeal)的罗克斯麦克斯特·麦克斯特(Roxton McNeal)是多资产战略和在UPS集团信托的分配负责人第三名。


其他决赛选手包括纽约长老议长董事总经理Adri Chaikin;乔治城大学捐赠的绝对回报投资约书亚米勒;W.K的投资总监Carlos Rangel.凯洛格基金会;Verizon投资管理公司战略资产拨款副总裁和Joy Xu



MacBean graduated from Harvard University with a degree in government in 1999. He began his career at the now-defunct tech-focused investment bank Robertson Stephens, where he said he worked as an equity analyst for roughly three years. He spent another three years in equity research at Jefferies.

MacBean said he became interested in working for an endowment or foundation after he had a coffee with John Powers, who at the time was the chief executive officer at Stanford Management Company.




下一个CIO亚军 - 菲利普斯 - 是克雷斯基金会投资办公室的最新外,拥有加入在四月份。根据Kresge网站的说法,她担任哈德逊 - 韦伯基金会财务委员会支持底特律的社区举措。

Phillips said the initiative she has enjoyed working on most at the Kresge Foundation is its 25 by 25 pledge, which aims to invest 25 percent of the foundation’s U.S.-based assets in minority- and women-owned firms by 2025. She added that the foundation is already more than halfway to its goal.


