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The Truth About Private Equity Fund Size




如果您想实际增加您的私募股权的分配 -像今年47%的机构- 然后您必须更快地运行,提出更多资本来更多资金来增加资产类别。由于这种需求,筹资一直很健壮。私募股权经理已返回市场,以比以往任何时候都更快地提高新资金,而且他们也在寻求更大的资金,为投资者提供他们要求的东西 - 一个停放其资本的地方。

在过去,经理往往不会开始要求新基金的资本,直到前一个部署的75%。今天,此过程始于以前的基金仅为65%,或者有时甚至55%,投资。当需求管理人员返回基金升级电路时,他们的过程的时间范围通常非常压缩 - 有时仅仅是营销公告到基金的最终结束的三个月。

除了以更快和更快的跑步机保持更快,更慢的竞争对手的挑战 - 较慢,更多的官僚机构 - 或对估值的明显担忧以及资本上涨对市场周期的影响,有限的合作伙伴也面临着任务assessing whether the manager’s new fund size is too big, too little, or just right.

仅仅因为一支球队成功投资了5亿美元的基金 - 例如,购买十万美元的企业并将其转化为亿美元的企业 - 并不意味着他们会在10亿美元的基金上产生相同的结果。对于较大的基金,他们要么需要找到20家公司的大小,这将强调一支小型团队的交易能力,或者他们必须购买10家公司1亿美元,以曾经是卖方的规模,通常具有不同的动态和竞争对手完全不同的市场段。





Their research showed that managers who raised substantially larger funds experienced lower IRRs (internal rates of return) in the subsequent bigger investment vehicles. The worst performance results were observed in those funds that were more than double the prior vintage; such managers posted returns 5.8 percent lower on average.


我想这种关系,我意识到我t made perfect sense. Most private equity partnerships invest their capital over a three- to five-year investment window. Over the past fifteen years, the private equity industry has surged from roughly $1 trillion in assets in 2004 to nearly $4.5 trillion at the end of last year, a compound annual growth rate of 10.8 percent. Over a four-year period, that represents cumulative 50 percent growth.

Perhaps a manager who raises a fund 50 percent larger than their fund from four years ago, when the market has also grown by 50 percent over that same time, has in effect stayed in place competitively. But if they’ve grown faster than the market they participate in, by definition they have to be less choosy on a relative basis, buying more dollars’ worth of private equity company total market share than they did previously.

Certainly the specifics of each individual manager, additions to the investment team, and improvements to their sourcing or value creation capabilities can change the calculus in each circumstance, but this research conclusively demonstrates the importance of fund size discipline.

And as the fund raising treadmill runs faster and faster, we are using this research to help us identify managers who we think are getting it just right.