Bridgewater Associates的创始人和共同总投资官Ray Dalio是第一个承认他无法预测冠状病毒爆发的程度或经济影响。
“让我很清楚,当谈到Pandemics时,我是一个”愚蠢的狗屎“,”对冲基金经理在一个Linkedin写道帖子星期四。“I, and we at Bridgewater, don’t have a clue as to what extent this virus or ‘pandemic’ will spread, we don’t know where it will spread to, and we don’t know its economic or market impact.”
Writing that “what we don’t know is much greater than what we do know,” Dalio said he wanted to “make sure that [Bridgewater’s] portfolios are either well diversified or hedged so that we don’t have any inadvertent big bets that we don’t have a good likelihood of betting on well.”
“关于前两项,这也是较小的两天,在疾病爆发的大坏头条新闻的日子里,市场以风险的方式行事,这与增长和飞行质量下降一致 -i.e., equities declined, and gold and bonds rose (as we’ve seen over the last couple days,” Dalio wrote. “However these reactions faded and there became no clear or big sustained market moves as other influences such as monetary policies and economic activities that weren’t associated with the virus were much more important.”
但西班牙流感 - 估计在1918年至1919年间造成了5000万人 - 对市场和经济的影响有“更大”。