
麦肯锡’s Managed Accounts Come Under Scrutiny in Trial

Jay Alix and U.S. Trustee are asking for the global consultancy to be kicked off the Westmoreland bankruptcy because of conflicts.




In this case, bothAlix和美国受托人,一家司法部门监督破产案件的责任,已要求休斯顿法官大卫琼斯取消麦肯锡作为威斯马尔兰煤炭顾问,该煤炭于2018年提起破产。


In its latest effort, McKinsey “searched less than half the firm’s global database,” said Sean O’Shea, lawyer for Mar-Bow, in his opening statement, who referred to McKinsey’s posture as “catch me if you can.”

Many of McKinsey’s undisclosed connections are in the investment fund, specifically the separately managed accounts that MIO has with hedge funds.


麦肯锡has long claimed that 90 percent of MIO’s investments are made with third-party hedge funds, and MIO has no knowledge or control over those funds’ investments.

But, as亚博赞助欧冠此前报道,其中约有30%至40%的托管账户 - 在管理层的资产中大约是MIO的260亿美元的一半。亚博赞助欧冠机构投资者常常选择投资单独托管账户,而不是混合的对冲基金,因此他们可以对投资进行更多控制。II以前独家记录了MIO的控制的证据。


现在似乎有关托管账户的更多信息将在审判中出来,因为Mio首席投资官Todd Tibbetts计划于周四作证。


But he said that depositions of executives have shown that 30 to 40 percent is invested in managed accounts, and “they know exactly what those are invested in, and they could have looked them up. They have it in their records, they chose not to disclose that.”







“MIO is limited as an investment manager,” said Faith Gay, the attorney representing McKinsey. “It’s not in the business of stock picking.”

She added that “Mar-Bow, whether talking about MIO or anything else, has never given us concrete facts about some concrete connections that create this adverse connection.”

在审判期间,许多高调的麦肯锡合作伙伴将在试验期间进行作证,预计将在下周延伸到下周。除了Tibbetts,Mio的总法律顾问凯西林杉矶和麦肯锡高级合作伙伴Robert Sternfels将在立场上。


Alix first approached Barton about his concerns regarding McKinsey’s lack of disclosures in 2014, and the two men had 11 meetings in which Alix tried to convince him to change McKinsey’s practices. When McKinsey did not do so, Alix created Mar-Bow to file his objections in court.


麦肯锡has already completed its work for Westmoreland, and if they don't win this trial, they will be out several million dollars for work already performed. Attorney Gay said the firm is spending “tens of millions of dollars” in legal fees on this case. Despite the high cost, she said McKinsey wants to clear its name.




“I don’t want to ever do this again,” he said during opening statements.