

该公司的公司预计将管理1.5万亿美元的资产 - 近一半是固定的收入。

在星期二,富兰克林资源 - 富兰克林Templeton后面的资产管理公司 -宣布它计划以45亿美元的交易获得腿部梅森。但据晨星分析师的说法,真实的Get是杠杆梅森的联系:邦德店西方资产管理。

Western Asset, which manages around $460 billion in fixed-income strategies, accounted for 57 percent of Legg Mason’s assets under management at the end of 2019. While acknowledging that Legg Mason’s affiliate structure “has proved problematic in the past,” Morningstar strategist Gregory Warren argued that Western Asset was where “the strength of the deal resides.”


Karin Anderson,晨星北美固定收入策略总监,将单独的分析师注意事项描述为“重新收入的转变”,由西方资产的“重要”平台造成。

“这将大大扩大富兰克林的固定收入业务,并从Michael Hasenstab的全球宏小组的战略中提供多样化,该战略占富兰克林目前的固定收入平台的大量份额,最近经历了重要的流出,”她写道。

While Franklin Templeton and Legg Mason have not yet shared any details around the consolidation of their fund lineups, Anderson concluded that there is “a good deal of overlap across Franklin and Legg Mason’s fixed-income and equity lineups, for both global and U.S.-focused strategies as well as across the firm’s multi-asset offerings.”

[II深潜:Franklin Templeton购买了Legg Mason,形成了1.5万亿美元的资产经理]

此次收购遵循少数大资产管理公司的其他合并,包括2017年综合综合Janus Henderson投资者标准生活Aberdeen。然而,据安德森的说法,Franklin Templeton购买了Legg Mason的购买legg梅森是最近几年中的最大交易。




“We had viewed most of the U.S.-based asset managers we cover to be buyers rather than sellers (hence our surprise with Feb. 18’s announced transaction), with the earliest deals focused more on firms looking to fill in product sets or expand their distribution reach,” Warren wrote. “The Franklin-Legg Mason combination has a little bit of both.”