

A Freedom of Information Act request reveals which organizations own how many shares in the most important of America’s regional banks.

The question comes from foil-hatted conspiracists, good government advocates, and sober academics:谁拥有纽约美联储银行?



但纽约福利 - 到目前为止,区域银行最重要的是,作为一项政策问题,此前没有披露其70多个成员银行的资本股份持股。纽约举行的纽约艾滋病女发言人在9月下拒绝发表关于此事的记录。

“To the best of my knowledge, we haven’t had a handle on who owns the capital stock of the New York Fed,” says Connie Razza, chief of campaign and policy at the Center for Popular Democracy, an advocacy group that has pushed for greater transparency.

Now, thanks to a Freedom of Information Act request filed late last year by亚博赞助欧冠那we know the truth.


年底2018年末的大露出:花旗银行,名册1号机构持有8790万纽约美联储银行股份 - 或者总数的42.8%。

The No. 2 holder stockholder was JPMorgan Chase Bank, with 60.6 million shares, equal to 29.5 percent of the total. In other words, the two banks together control nearly three-quarters of the regional bank’s capital shares.

But does share ownership matter?


没有人拥有纽约美联储的股票。股票长期支付了6%的股息。但这是2016年修订的支付;现在,在花旗银行和JPMORGAN等资产上拥有超过107亿美元的成员,获得了6%的股息或最近10年股权拍卖率的高收益率 - 截至今年早些时候的1.62%。

从花旗银行和jpmorgan,股权下降了一个陡峭的下降。Bulge Bracket竞争对手持续较少的股票,摩根士丹利银行拥有480万及其联盟摩根士丹利私人银行280万股,为纽约举行的3.7%的股份。


It may surprise observers that some big holders are affiliates of foreign banks: HSBC Bank USA, part of London-based HSBC Holdings PLC, owned 12.6 million shares, or 6.1 percent, of the New York Fed’s total. Deutsche Bank Trust Co. Americas was the owner of 1.7 million shares, and Deutsche Bank Trust Company 60,678 shares, for a combined 0.87 percent stake.

Mizuho Bank (USA), an affiliate of Tokyo-based Mizuho Financial Group, owned 819,344 shares. Industrial & Commercial Bank of China held 221,278 shares.

来自Cattaraugus银行的较小业主有一个较小的业主,举行180股,到Cayuga Lake国家银行,375。

Still, it用作另一个红旗对于那些有关的人,前两家银行占纽约美联储近四分之三的资本股份的人。






The peculiarity of these board elections may endow New York Fed stock ownership with more importance than is initially apparent, says economics professor Andrew Levin of Dartmouth College.

The member banks are divided into three categories – group one for banks with more than $2 billion in capital and surplus (like Citibank and Goldman Sachs Bank), group two for those with between $40 million and $2 billion (like Safra National Bank of New York and Bessemer Trust Company) and group three for banks with less than $40 million (like Tioga State Bank, and Brown Brothers Harriman National Trust).


“Given that the ballot has invariably had only a single candidate for each director, there’s room for doubt about whether some big banks might be playing a key role behind the scenes in selecting those candidates,” says Levin, who has served as a special advisor to the Federal Reserve Board in Washington. “There needs to be greater transparency about how that candidate is selected.”

莱文补充道:“没有人知道选择公关ocess may be subject to pressures or influences behind the scenes.” The process, he says, is “like a Soviet election.”

Why is the New York Fed freely disclosing the shareholding figures now?

作为一个私营机构的银行,在其网站上表示,它不受这样的FOIA请求亚博赞助欧冠- 虽然它说它会寻求遵守法律的精神,但在这种情况下它所做的。

Following the blowback from the 2008/09 financial crisis, there has been a reassessment of the New York Fed’s reflexive cloak of secretiveness, both internally and on the part of legislators. The opacity of the Wall Street bailout, via its takeover of American International Group, in particular elicited calls for more transparency.

The bank has moved toward greater openness. Minutes of New York Fed board meetings, for example, are now published – though often heavily redacted and long after the fact. The bank also releases the minutes of various advisory committee meetings that the New York Fed president oversees to keep apprised of market and economic developments. The daily schedules of the president are published too.


And the newly elected New York Fed president, former San Francisco Fed president John Williams, in one of his first statements pledged openness and transparency.

“The Fed is facing a difficult challenge,” says George Selgin, director of the Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives at the Cato Institute in Washington, D.C. “It’s trying to become more transparent while its operations become more complex. That’s difficult trick to pull off.”

There may just be other forces at work.

Wall Street bashed Williams for an earlycommunications misstep。回购市场的动荡并没有帮助他的身体。

A tide of Twitter-based criticism from the White House may be having an impact. President Donald Trump criticized the Fed as “boneheads” for not reducing the Federal Funds target rate further than it has, and singled out Williams for ridicule.


The New York Fed needs goodwill right now. Opening the books on who owns its stock is not a bad way of getting some.