
Private Equity Firms Plead With Government to Help Salvage Oil and Gas Industry

Quantum Energy Partners正在促使德克萨斯州调节器进行干预,因为“绝大多数石油和天然气生产商正在破产。”



“We have our finger on the heartbeat of the oil and gas business in our state,” Quantum founder and chief executive officer S. Wil VanLoh told the Railroad Commission of Texas in a letter dated April 8. “I can unequivocally tell you that the vast majority of oil and gas producers are teetering on insolvency, and many of them will be filing for bankruptcy if these conditions persist for long.”

Quantum和NGP提交了他们的信件虚拟会议on April 14, which the Texas regulator scheduled to consider a共同提起议案从先锋自然Resources U.S.A. and Parsley Energy requesting it prevent any “wasteful” production of oil and gas. In their motion, Pioneer and Parsley pointed to “unprecedented disruption” in the industry stemming from the pandemic and a battle between Russia and Saudi Arabia for share of the oil market.

“We urge the Railroad Commission to issue a temporary proration order that would reduce production throughout Texas on a fair and equitable basis and to encourage other states to do the same,” NGP co-managing partners Tony Weber and Christopher Carter said in the firm’s April 7 letter to the regulator. Quantum’s VanLoh told the Railroad Commission that it “can lead the U.S. in doing its part to reduce global supply to levels that provide a more sustainable oil price so that we don’t bankrupt the oil and gas industry.”


临时的奖金命令是“古老工具”,这是一位BDO自然资源和休斯顿大学的爱德华·赫尔斯(Edward Hirs)的“古老工具”,并将在铁路委员会4月14日会议上提供证词。“德克萨斯州将把市场份额置于其他人,”他在一个电话面试中说。他解释说,其他国家监管机构不太可能与类似的原则订单进行干预,让需求转向德克萨斯州以外更便宜的油。

赫尔斯送自己了letter to the Railroad Commission据说德克萨斯州的石油产量占全球需求的约5%。“因为美国石油市场是一个与进出口的自由市场,德克萨斯州石油生产商随处可到处与石油生产商竞争。”他写道。“减少德克萨斯州的产量不会带来在年初他们享受的余额附近的供求和需求。”

Investment funds managed by NGP hold companies that collectively produce more than 150,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day in Texas, according to the private equity firm’s letter.



亚博赞助欧冠报道上个月根据私人市场跟踪器钴的数据,Quantum在2019年复古2012年复古私募股权之一。数据显示,Quantum Energy Partners VI,复古2014年资金,净值约为30%,数据显示。

In Quantum’s letter to the Railroad Commission, VanLoh said oil prices have dropped to low-to-mid $20s a barrel, leaving most producers taking in $8 to $20 a barrel at the wellhead after costs. “There is not one producer in Texas that can make money at those levels,” he said.

Oil was trading around $23 on Monday afternoon, down from more than $100 a barrel in 2014. That compares withcrude pricesthat generally ranged between $50 and $60 a barrel for most of last year, according to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.


Texas oil and gas producers have been delivered a “one-two punch,” VanLoh said, with demand destroyed by the coronavirus pandemic plus “the supply surge instigated by Saudi Arabia and Russia to harm the U.S. shale industry.”
