

He spent years investing for public pension systems. Now that he’s leaving for the private sector, he tells all.



The investment team would be working from home indefinitely.

And just like that, I had a half-day to pack up my personal effects and say goodbye. It wasn’t my last day on the job, but it would be my last day in the office. The reality that I would be leaving the security of a government job — and all the benefits that entails — in an increasingly uncertain time suddenly became very real.

作为一个有三个孩子的父亲,我想知道是否要放弃那份稳定的工作、优厚的医疗福利(现在,是所有时候)和一份有保障的退休福利bet on myself真是个好主意。在一个创业的环境中,我不会有很多以前拥有的优势,但我也不会有任何实质性的挑战。



However, life in the public sector can also be frustrating — extremely frustrating.


当然,一些美国公共养老金已经演变成效率很高,经营得很好的商业投资企业— because they understand what they are. Typically, 65 to 80 percent of the value of retirement benefits paid out by public pensions comes from investment gains. Any enterprise is what it actually does, not what it promises to do. Making a promise to provide a paycheck in the future creates a liability. How you fulfill that promise is what you are, and for a pension fund, investing is how it does that.






And it’s not about being lazy or unwilling to work hard. Consider, for example, an in-demand fund that had been in process for some time and finally created capacity — but required one month for work to be finished up before closing. Every week needed for internal paperwork, presentations, and hoop-jumping, well, that meant one less week of actual due diligence and investment debate. Or maybe we would have just passed on the manager, which is also suboptimal as it’s often the best-performing managers that require the most flexible processes.


分级治理当然不是任何投资策略的理想选择,但对于一个简单的60/40公开市场方法来说,它的危害可能更小。在这个投资组合中,回报的分散性要低得多,执行过程也不那么手工和劳动密集。一旦做出战略决策没有什么是最好的. (这也更便宜,而且需要的投资人员要少得多,这对机构来说无疑是适当的考虑。)



A fiduciary dutyof care isn’t doing whatever makes you comfortable; it’s making the best decision for your beneficiaries, even if that is hard and uncomfortable. And good governance is not doing whatever you want because it is fun or interesting; it’s implementing the structures and processes most likely to lead to the best results, even if they’re not necessarily what you want to do.




No town hires a fire chief but prevents him from fighting a fire until a council comprising the mayor, an accountant from the budgetary office, a judge, and the school superintendent can convene and approve his recommendations. That’s what standard operating procedures are for!


This old governance structure doesn’t work in investing, which is why private sector investment firms — and truthfully, most public pensions outside of the States — don’t operate this way anymore. Markets don’t care who you are, or if you are the government. They operate according to their own time frame. You see, Mr. Market is the boss, not any of us.




责任意味着拥有that mindset, as opposed to believing change is tantamount to an admission of failure. The reality is that refusing to change is a guarantee of failure — again, particularly for alternatives. They are called “alternatives” — not “sames” — for a reason.



Turns out you actually can be fired, and possibly sued.

Perhaps that’s why the vast majority of the instances of malfeasance and pay-to-play in our industry have been not from investment staff, but rather from trustees and executive directors. They don’t know what they don’t know.

Though variable compensation may well be self-serving, not having it in place for alternatives creates a huge, warped incentive. Why would people choose to work 20 or 30 more hours every week than they have to? Particularly if they’re not getting compensated for it and have the career risk of wider dispersion of returns?


他们会停止做这么多工作,只是开始πcking managers based on less research, effectively shooting from the hip. Or they may just start hiring bigger, safer managers with lower dispersion of returns. As the saying goes, you never get fired for hiring IBM. Plus, they can cut their workload in half. The problem is, most研究表明that returns go down substantially when that compromise is made.


I know that I will probably be working longer hours now than I was in the past. But doing less was never the goal. Back to my earlier lifeguard analogy: I will get to spend much more of my time watching the water. Not only is that the best part of the job, but it’s what drives performance, particularly in alternatives.




The chance to remove bureaucratic elements of the investment process, to learn and innovate across alternatives and go where opportunities exist while aligning interests and outcomes for myself, my firm, and my clients is exciting. I can achieve what my firm and my clients believe I am capable of, rather than what a bureaucracy allows me to.

如果我失败了,我就失败了。但如果我做对了,如果我们真的能利用海浪的力量-或者风,视情况而定— to generate superior returns for our clients, then we will all do better.

