
关键要点and Food for Thought



First let’s take a look at the state of play: In a global survey of asset owners conducted by亚博赞助欧冠1在Covid-19流感大流行使欧洲和美国大部分地区停业之后,约60%的人表示,现在判断私人市场上最具吸引力的风险调整购买机会还为时过早。在接受调查采访时,一位另类基金的投资者表示,“如果(另类基金)的估值没有在公开市场上下降那么多”,配置水平将达到最高水平,在未来6个月内估值过滤的同时,私人市场的新交易将被取消。

Another investor said this had already happened at his fund. “Our soft limits on alternatives have been hit, so the board has pulled the emergency brake on the deal pipeline of structured credit, private equity secondaries, and so on. It’s frustrating.”

正在写入国际投资,达夫菲尔普斯投资组合估值业务董事总经理Ryan McNelley指出,“在私人市场,GPs和LP正在努力应对投资组合价值受到的影响。尽管这种错位可能预示着私人股本、不良债务,尤其是特殊情况基金的买入机会,但许多普通合伙人将把重点放在保护其投资组合公司的价值上。“随着危机的经济影响“才刚刚开始渗透,”麦克内利写道,“这导致全球定位系统和有限合伙人之间可能难以进行讨论。”在有限合伙人方面,如果由于价格低迷而出现机会,且有限合伙人无法响应资本要求,违约可能会增加。




“I would like to see managers value people, and the infrastructure needed for people to do their jobs, above cost,” an asset owner told interviewers conducting a recent EY global survey on alternative investing.



In the same EY survey, 40% of investors indicated that improved reporting is among the top three things they’d like their managers to focus on; enhancing middle- and back-office technology is on the top-three wish list of 13% of investors. In other words, they’d like to see their managers invest in the “infrastructure” mentioned by the investor in the EY survey.




  • 近一半的机构资产所有者投资于具有定制费用和流动性条款的基金。
  • More than a third invest in funds with customized portfolio exposures and funds with customized transparency and reporting.5


More recently, a Deutsche Bank survey just prior to the Covid-19 downturn indicated that nearly a third of institutional investors now have customized mandates, which on average account for approximately 9% of their total assets.6




“In the alternatives industry, there is no standardized subscription documentation for alternative investment funds,” says Joe Henkel, currently Ireland country head and one-time Director of Global Solutions at SEI, one of the world’s leading providers of technology-driven wealth and investment management solutions. “Each private fund has unique qualities, and a law firm will create subscription documents and investor packs that can run to 40 pages or more. They differ between each law firm, fund product and jurisdiction – it is quite a fragmented industry from that perspective. Given that the first impression many LPs get is this inelegant sub doc process, it’s not surprising that investor reporting is equally non-standard and often unsophisticated.”




Jim Warrenhas a bird’s eye view from which to observe the pain points between investors and their asset managers. Warren is the高级副总裁,全球财富管理服务解决方案和平台主管软件工程研究所,在为投资者和财富管理公司提供新的基础设施平台、解决方案和服务方面处于全球领先地位。他最近与II进行了交谈,分享了他所看到的另类投资公司获得竞争优势的途径。





And, of course, investor expectations change, too – and managers need to keep up.




What makes your onboarding process different?




大约15年前,我们认识到需要让我们的客户在线访问他们的数据,而不仅仅是向他们发送硬拷贝文档和数据存根。当时,我们构建了我们称之为Manager Dashboard的功能,它本质上是一种报告编写功能,它将我们正在为客户处理的数据以可操作的方式传递到网上。差不多在同一时间,我们开始提供投资者仪表盘,它最初只是一个安全的文档门户。例如,投资者通常在邮件中收到的声明可以通过登录高度安全的门户进行查看。

Over time, we heard from managers that they wanted to send investors graphs, charts, underlying data, and other information, and it became more of true dashboard. Managers wanted to drill deeper into the data and create reports on the fly, and investors wanted transparency in digital form with visuals in charts and graphs. From our perspective, what managers and investors wanted all pointed to the same data and document sets. That’s really important in creating consistency and control – a consistent set of information is delivered, but then the manager has the ability to control what data they expose to the investors. You could describe what the manager and investor each see on their dashboard as role-based views. For example, if something’s an estimate, a manager might not want to show that to an investor. In the alternatives space in particular, the manager might not provide transparency down to the level of the actual security. They might just tell investors the sectors, industries, asset classes, and countries that they’re invested in – that’s just the nature of that business.


我认为它更专注和意图- technology can we can take off their plates so they can focus on the more value-based portions of their job. On the regulatory side, for example, we can do a lot of the processing so that the manager just has to review the output and weigh in on anything that might affect the firm. Once a manager is comfortable with an outsource partner, they often start to consider what else they can delegate so their firm can focus on its core functions and competencies – and while they may outsource the underlying work to a trusted partner, they are still able to maintain ultimate control and authority. We don’t talk about it like we’re smarter than our clients. We might say, “We do this for 250 clients who run businesses similar to yours. These are activities and processes that we see working effectively and efficiently – why would you want to try to figure out how to do something a different way on your own? Your strength and market advantage is making investment decisions and constructing portfolios. Our strength is based on a vehicle and asset class agnostic platform created to handle all of the things that detract from your focus on your core strength.”

How important is customization to managers?


What does a more advanced level of customization look like?

Allow me to use an example. APIs – application programming interfaces – are how our internal systems at SEI talk to each other. We thought there might be some value in our clients being exposed to these integration points if they wished to, say, create their own unique and customized web application or an internally built trading system. They can leverage the same type of connection points that we use internally or that we use for other clients. There is limitless flexibility and customization for clients who leverage this – it’s still relatively new and in the implementation stage across all of our client base, but it has been very well received. We’ve also seen some interesting connections between ourselves and third parties open up as a result.









GPs up their reporting game – sort of


或许,满足投资者对报告预期的必要性就在经理的眼里。一项研究中只有6%的对冲基金12增强投资者报告中列出three strategic priorities for the firm. Same study, same question, a much larger 21% of private equity firms said it was a top three strategic priority. As a more “traditional” and liquid alternative product, hedge funds possibly feel they have sufficiently addressed reporting as they’ve been answering questions about it for a longer period of time.

许多公司正在超越定期报告,提供一些定制和在线访问的结合。例如,2016年,约三分之二的备选经理提供了量身定制的报告13and in a more recent survey the top five types of custom reports were: one-off bespoke reporting upon request; risk and compliance; full position level transparency; open protocol; and, standard reports in tailored formats.

With more resources and a higher percentage of institutional investors, larger and more diversified firms are more likely to offer customizations than their smaller competitors. Online account access is still far from universal, and is more commonly offered by larger firms, particularly those managing multiple asset classes.14

Attuning to customization

Customization is almost surely central to the future of alternatives. More than seven out of every 10 firms plan to offer customized investment vehicles, with many planning to launch co-investment vehicles, separately managed accounts, or other structures.15大量的投资工具——定制的或标准的——可能会考验许多公司的人员、流程和盈利能力。外包关系将变得更加关键,内部技术投资将需要明智。


When large numbers of institutional investors began to take up alternative investments, alternative managers could have been forgiven for believing it would be business as usual – just more of it. Even investors themselves might have initially been tolerant of the opaque goings-on at hedge funds and private equity shops – after all, investors were primarily looking for investment expertise and performance. All of that changed, however, with the global financial crisis in the first decade of this century, and the resultant regulatory response.


  • 多元化的管理者和专业的全球医生都必须明白,他们的运营能力构成了他们价值主张的核心部分。
  • Ultimately, asset managers must determine whether they can enhance their investment expertise with a streamlined and technologically supported investor experience.
  • Platforms such as SEI Trade enable seamless changes to workflows and processes to accommodate the ever-evolving legal and regulatory environment and operational requirements. They also enhance the investor experience by minimizing manual onboarding tasks associated with private fund investing, significantly improving and streamlining investors’ onboarding experience, while simultaneously reducing errors.
  • The ability to embrace big data, robotics, and AI is becoming increasingly important, and in some instances, is a core requirement for managers to differentiate themselves in an increasingly crowded field.
  • The talent search at asset managers will evolve to include more diverse skill sets and backgrounds to help firms transition toward priorities being driven by product proliferation, increased data analytics, as well as implementation of new technology throughout organizations.
  • Convergence in alternatives is an old trend at this point, but its main knock-on effect remains – firms that make up the alternatives community now compete not only against each other, but also versus traditional (and often very low-fee) long-only products and solutions.
  • 另类经理人的业务外包速度不如那些只做了长期工作的同行快,但随着他们的业务变得更加复杂,投资者的期望值上升,这种情况正在发生变化。基金会计和管理是最常见的外包职能之一。
  • A wide variety of other back- and middle-office functions also are being outsourced by a significant number of firms, including regulatory compliance, data management, trade reconciliation, and so on. Almost one in three firms outsources investor reporting.
  • 随着业务变得越来越复杂,在灵活、集成的平台上运行业务将变得越来越重要,这些平台侧重于投资者的成果,而不是基础技术。
  • 系统将需要能够处理封闭式和基于承诺的基金结构以及更具流动性的投资组合。来自世界各地的上市证券和银团贷款需要与传统资产并驾齐驱。
  • 完全透明的数据将越来越成为一种常态,多个系统可以相互对话,这样管理者就可以提供跨资产类别、结构和工具的见解。更复杂的基础设施也将使多策略基金能够定制其风险敞口。



  1. Institutional Investor Allocator Intel Survey, March 2020
  2. 先秦投资者展望:2020年上半年另类投资
  3. 安永2019年全球另类基金调查
  4. 2017 SEI/Preqin LP Survey
  5. EY 2018 Global Alternative Fund Survey
  6. 德意志银行第18次年度替代投资调查,2020年
  7. 《走出去:私募股权基金不断扩展的生命周期》,Pepper Hamilton LLP,2017年
  8. Alternative Asset Management 2020: Fast Forward to Centre Stage, PwC, 2015
  9. 2016年SEI私募股权调查
  10. 安永2019年全球另类基金调查
  11. 2017 SEI/Preqin GP调查
  12. 安永2019年全球另类基金调查
  13. 2017 SEI/Preqin GP调查
  14. 2017 SEI/Preqin GP调查
  15. 2017 SEI/Preqin GP Survey