
Short Seller Attacks Solar Company’s ‘Fabricated’ Financials

EIAD Asbahi的预见点表示应调查保险费能量。


“我们认为公司的财务报表提起的股票是小说,”投资公司坚持在55页的报告中发布,发布在Prescience Point的网站上,断言其价格目标是“退货”。

The firm had issued its first negative report on Enphase in 2018. In its updated report, Prescience Point called for government bodies to investigate Enphase, for its auditor Deloitte to launch an in-depth investigation of the company’s accounting practices, and for Enphase’s board of directors to establish an independent committee to examine the findings and analyses presented in its report.


Enphase did not respond to a request for comment on the allegations in the report.

基于Louisiana的Prescience Point,Baton Rouge由Eiad Asbahi于2009年创立。该公司在其网站上解释说,它“雇用法医调查技巧在全球市场中出土的大量麻烦......为了揭示有关业务的重要内容被别人被忽视或忽视。“



The firm also made the case against cereal giant Kellogg, whose stock subsequently sank but recently rebounded to the mid-$60s.


Last year, Prescience Point’s flagship fund, which manages $67 million, generated an estimated return of104%二,今年早些时候报道。



预测点也坚持认为,该公司毛利率的巨大增加 - 从2020年第一季度结束的三年期间从18.4%到39.2% - “是小说”。

Prescience Point noted that the company’s stock has increased by 4,653 percent since CEO Badri Kothandaraman was promoted to CEO in 2017. The investment firm pointed out that it has been raising alarms about questionable accounting at Enphase for two years, but lamented that these concerns “fell on deaf ears” as the stock continued to rise.

Prescience Point表示其最新调查包括与众多前雇员的访谈。




In the past three months, more than 16 million shares were sold by insiders, while fewer than 200,000 shares were bought by insiders, according to Nasdaq.
