



根据小型工商管理的数据,受助人是普罗斯克合作伙伴,该伙伴被批准,该贷款批准为贷款,贷款额为200万美元和500万美元;批准的Gasthalter&Co.批准了150,000美元至350,000美元,Dukas Linden公共关系批准,批准了350,000美元至100万美元;根据数据,薄荷组成,收到350,000至100万美元之间。

Prosek的客户包括Wridgewater Associates - 世界上最大的对冲基金公司,管理大约1600亿美元 - 而Gasthalter&Co.代表其他几个粗体对冲基金名称。由于稳健的利润率和一些战略表现,资产经理在大流行中,在大流行中,资产管理人员对其他行业进行了强烈的表现。

但公共再保险的高管lations firms that represent them say that their advisors and attorneys advised them to apply for the loans, given that they qualified under small business guidelines — and that the aid has enabled them to continue to service their clients without disruption.

这些高管补充说,他们的命运并随着他们的客户 - 而且许多公司,并非所有这些公司都是成功的资产管理人员,在自己的斗争中有修剪预算。


Peppercomm创始人兼首席执行官Steve Cody在一份声明中表示II其中一些客户,特别是在硬击中的食物和饮料行业,受到大流行的负面影响,强迫他们把他的公司放在“休假”上。




薪水保护计划was launched as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act passed in late March, with the intention of helping small businesses keep workers on their payrolls during the Covid-19 crisis. The loans carry an interest rate of 1 percent, with no collateral required, and payments are deferred for six months. Borrowers also cannot be charged fees by lenders or the government.


Since the government’s data dump on Monday, controversy has emerged over some of the recipients of the loans — which include white-collar law firms, lobbying firms, and investment firms run by wealthy former hedge fund managers. Critics contend that some of these companies did not need the financial help as much as other, more consumer-oriented businesses that are struggling to stay afloat amidst the coronavirus pandemic.

