


虽然舞台投资者仍在病人about putting money to work, Dan Zwirn, chief executive officer and chief investment officer, says the firm is weighing opportunities in several areas of credit.









“We express these opportunities (including opportunities in other types of corporate securities) in several ways – through new issuance of convertibles (the cruise line example, where we can buy the convert and short the stock),” he wrote, and “in designing hedged positions at small premiums that expose us to being ‘long volatility’ as bonds and equity prices are skyrocketing in areas where there are very high chances of negative events.”

The low-risk opportunities have been rare until recently. “These types of ‘heads or tails we win’ exposures that require relatively little capital have not been available in large size for a long time. But the market will take what it can get,” he said. Convertible bond issuance, which is at the highest level since 2007, is likely to double by the end of the year, according to his letter.

Even as many alternative credit shops were putting billions to work in March, April and May of this year, Arena has been taking it slower. Now it’s deploying more capital. Still, the firm is being even pickier than it was in 2019. According to a footnote in the letter, about 5.6 percent of situations made it through the firm’s “Darwinian funnel” to become funded in 2019. This year through mid-July, that percentage has dropped to about 2.1 percent.
