


根据McGill University的研究,加拿大的养老基金正在全球投资绩效的同行击败全球投资绩效并对责任风险造成的对同行。

他们的成功部分地解释说,他们更有可能管理他们的资产,麦吉尔研究人员Sebastien Betermier和Quentin Spehner以及CEM的Alexander Beath和Chris Flynn,写在一个July paper。作者的调查结果基于2004年至2018年间全球养老金,捐赠和主权财富基金的研究。

Large Canadian funds in particular outperformed in all measures of the study, which analyzed returns, asset allocation strategies, and cost structures. The authors defined large funds as those managing more than $10 billion in assets in 2018.


而加拿大模型尚未完全证人d by the Covid-19 pandemic, the researchers said the strong performance of the country’s pension plans over the past decades kept them well-funded even as they faced the challenge of falling interest rates and rising life expectancy. U.S. corporate funds, meanwhile, are relatively expensive to run as they outsource a majority of their investments, according to the paper.


“We estimate that, by managing a high proportion of their assets in-house, Canadian funds reduce costs by approximately one third,” the researchers said. “Moving the investment team in-house requires independent corporate governance and competitive compensation schemes to attract and retain talent.”



“These patterns hold true within each asset class and style,” they said. “Examples of expenses include risk management units and IT infrastructure where Canadian funds spend more than their peers by a factor of 5.”

根据研究人员的说法,加拿大的大型资金也脱颖而出,为增加其投资组合和对冲责任风险的资产。他们指出商品生产商股票,房地产和基础设施,称储蓄来自内部资产管理,允许资金在实际资产中投入更多资产。据本文称,虽然实际资产比股票和债券往往更昂贵的股票和债券,但加拿大资金将其投资组合的18%分配给这一领域 - 或者将其全球同行分配两倍。


A high proportion of their pension liabilities is indexed to inflation, driving strong asset-liability performance, according to the paper. “Indexed liabilities tend to correlate more with growth assets than nominal liabilities,” setting the funds up to invest in growth assets that strengthen both return performance and liability hedging, the authors explained.


In doing so, U.S. public funds would have seen a 15 percent absolute increase in the 15-year Sharpe ratio of their asset portfolios, a 13 percent rise in the 15-year Sharpe ratio of the asset-liability portfolio, and a 20 percent increase in the correlation between assets and liabilities, according to the paper. “These estimates do not include any additional performance resulting from the Canadian funds’ decision to spend more in each asset class,” the researchers said.


“For U.S. corporate funds, which already hedge a high proportion of their liability risks, the adoption of the Canadian model would have also led to increases in all performance metrics,” the authors wrote, “but mostly in the Sharpe ratios through the reduction of costs associated with in-house management.”