

Nathan Anderson’s Hindenburg Research alleges that sustainable plastic company Loop Industries is “smoke and mirrors”.

Short seller Hindenburg Research — fresh off a赢得电动汽车制造商Nikola的简短赌注— has struck again, calling sustainable plastic manufacturing company Loop Industries “smoke and mirrors with no viable technology” and alleging that it has never made money.


该研究公司据称报告posted on its website on Tuesday that former Loop employees it interviewed claimed Loop operated two separate labs: “one reserved for the company’s two twenty-something lead scientist brothers and their father, where incredible results were achieved, and a separate lab where rank-and-file employees were unable to replicate the supposedly breakthrough results.”



“汉登堡研究直接与循环联系,循环行业认为汉登堡研究已经完成了本报告所需的尽职调查,”该公司在声明中添加。“它所做的索赔是毫无根据的,不正确的,或者基于循环技术的第一次迭代,称为Gen 1,它在2014年和2017年之间使用。2017年,循环重新发明了它的过程并开发了其Gen 2技术,这是循环商业化项目的核心。“



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循环在其网站上说,它的使命是“accelerate the world’s shift toward sustainable PET plastic and polyester fiber and away from our dependence on fossil fuels.” Hindenburg alleged in its report that the company’s earlier claims of breaking down PET, a common form of plastic, to its base chemicals at a recovery rate of 100 percent were “technically and industrially impossible” and that the company’s claims that it produced “industrial grade purity” base chemicals from PET were also false.

“Former employees painted a picture of a chaotic company, whose lead scientists are twenty-something ‘liars’, with no relevant work experience other than Loop, that were able to achieve ‘impossible’ results in a secret second lab that rank-and-file employees weren’t allowed to access,” Hindenburg’s report said. “Loop’s supposed proprietary process is a black box that has not shown itself to be more efficient or cost effective than comparable solutions, contrary to the company’s claims, according to former employees and outside experts.”


Hindenburg further alleged that a former Loop employee told the firm that the company’s scientists, under pressure from Loop CEO Daniel Solomita, “were tacitly encouraged to lie about the results of the company’s process internally” and said it has obtained internal documents and photos to back up their claims.

