
谁是William Callanan,对冲基金“外包战略官”在爆炸性的NYT报告中?


星期三晚些时候,纽约时报报告了唐纳德特朗普政府官员如何私下表达冠心病爆发的官员,同时公开表达更积极的观点 - 以及如何通过“顾问”的至少一个对冲基金销售到至少一个对冲基金。


Callanan is best known for his efforts as a portfolio manager, analyst, and investment strategist who worked at some of the most high-profile macro hedge funds in the business: Soros Fund Management, Fortress Investment Group, and Stanley Druckenmiller’s Duquesne Capital, according to published reports. In 2019, Callanan left another well-known hedge fund firm — Key Square Capital, started by former Soros investment chief Scott Bessent — to start London-based Syzygy Investment Advisory.



胡佛委员会在华盛顿举行会议,D.C. 2月份三天三天,凯兰兰出席了这一点。这些会议是主题时代'报告。

在会议上,行政官员提供有关冠状病毒的美容信息,这些信息与特朗普总统和全国经济委员会主任Larry Kudlow总裁均提供的更积极的公共信息。2月24日,总统特朗普推特认为,病毒形势是“非常控制的,”和Kudlow于2月25日告诉CNBC,遏制美国病毒的病毒是“非常接近密封”。



时代reported that the memo was occasionally “breathless and inchoate” and “appears to have overstated the gravity of some administration officials’ warnings to the group and included dire projections from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, without clear attribution, that do not appear to have come from the gathering.” The时代说它只公布了它可以独立证实的备忘录的段落。


然而,“顾问的评估迅速通过投资世界的部分迅速传播,”根据该报告。Although U.S. stocks were already tanking after a federal public health official warned that the virus was likely to spread, “traders spotted the immediate significance: The president’s aides appeared to be giving wealthy party donors an early warning of a potentially impactful contagion at a time when Mr. Trump was publicly insisting that the threat was nonexistent.”

电子邮件的收件人包括David Tepper,对冲基金Appaloosa管理的创始人,其评论通常会使市场搬迁,据时代报告。在2月3日CNBC出现,Tepper成为第一批主要的货币管理人员,以便对病毒潜在爆发进行了看跌的观点。Tepper不是Callanan公司的客户。






他告诉Industry Publication似乎似乎与客户想要的更多信息对冲周在八月份采访。“Throughout my career, regardless of strategy, every investor meeting always concluded with the same question: ‘What are your top three ideas?’ That was what everybody always wanted to know,” he said at the time, adding that the firm focuses on 10 to 15 close relationships with clients who run large, long-duration pools of capital, rather than having dozens of clients, as is more typical with advisory firms.
