


亿万富翁对冲基金巨头肯·格里芬并不反对一切增税 - 但肯定是那些针对投资者,他告诉同伴亿万富翁保罗·都铎·琼斯在周二的私人事件。


“But for individual investors, who are a big part of the U.S. equity story, a 39 percent tax rate is going to be quite an impediment to buying stocks... We’re going to see liquidity be lower, multiples be lower, the cost of capital be higher, less job formation,” if investor gains simply counted as income, Griffin predicted. “A multiyear headwind? Absolutely. When taxes are at 39 percent, you’re not going to sell your winners. You’re going to stay in those positions longer than you otherwise would have. That means there’s less capital flowing from those companies to the next new idea. That’s heartbreaking. Part of the reason that the U.S. economy works so damn well is that we move our capital as a nation to the next new idea continuously... It’s the mobility of the capital in our system that makes that happen.”

Should a new U.S. administration make that tax code change, “stock prices will be lower, but not as much lower as you would think, because so much of the equity market is owned by players that aren’t paying taxes — pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, and other institutions.”

亿万富翁对冲基金和私募基金经理通常会支付更低的有效税率比,也就是说,教师,可靠冒泡作为一个热门的政治话题时不时地,只再次消失。改革的倡导者称之为“漏洞” - 一个术语由厌恶领先的替代投资工业集团 - 保护的和最富有的美国人。捍卫者,格里芬其中貌似,认为征税的经济增长是一个倒退的方式去刺激经济增长,这有利于所有的社会经济水平。





但进一步的经济刺激政策都铎琼斯的建议,也许新一轮的失业充值,取得格里芬投手犯规。他会愉快地付出得到美国人重返工作岗位 - 但不是对他们保持了出来。
