
“这可能是下一个杰克马”:软银正在寻求找到下一个阿里巴巴 - 以及它为什么看好韦沃

COO Marcelo Claure spoke with Starwood founder Barry Sternlicht in an interview leaked to Institutional Investor.

Softbank Group的首席运营官Marcelo Claure,他担任Wewore的执行董事长,已经花了大部分时间与之交易controversy陆续:软银行视觉基金对Wework的灾难性赌注后续诉讼从创始人Adam Neumann,来自Activist Investor的压力,以及SoftBank在15年内的第一次年度经营损失。

But in a leaked audio recording of Claure speaking at a privateRobin Hood event那he laid out an optimistic vision of SoftBank’s future — one he thinks will be boosted by an AI revolution.

While being interviewed by Starwood Capital Group chairman and CEO Barry Sternlicht, Claure pointed to SoftBank chief executive Mayayoshi Son’s $20 million investment in Chinese internet conglomerate Alibaba years ago — now worth some $150 billion — as an example of the scale of the potential the firm is looking for when trying to identify new investments.

“Every time we invest in a new entrepreneur, we go at it thinking, ‘This could be the next Jack Ma; this could be the next Alibaba,’” Claure said. “That’s the way we invest, and that’s why some people don’t understand our investment philosophy.”


克劳雷斯表示,Softbank的投资早期受到互联网爆炸的推动,但他认为人工智能的快速扩张将是一个“指数”更大的现象 - 以及Covid-19大流行的大大加速。


[II深潜:SoftBank Had a Terrible Year. Investors Didn’t Care.]

他给了两个例子。One is REEF Technology, an operator of parking lots, logistics hubs, and mobile kitchens in the U.S. The company still generates cash through operating its parking lots, but now it’s benefiting from a new revenue stream as a “last-mile distribution center” for grocery stores, restaurants, pharmacies, and other retailers taking advantage of the Covid-19-fueled demand for same-day item delivery, Claure said.


“这些都是人们不知道的公司,” said Claure. “We funded some entrepreneurs and they are just killing it. The pandemic has massively accelerated the digitalization of the world.”

他还奇怪地嘲笑 - 技术的成长 - Tiktok,该网络在中国创立的病毒视频共享网络,现在拥有数亿用户。亚慱体育appSoftBank是Tiktok父母挚友的投资者。

Calling TikTok “one of the most innovative companies in the world,” Claure praised the company’s use of AI, noting that a colleague told him, “TikTok knows me better than I know myself.”

“我们传统上认为中国作为偷走了美国的市场的市场,现在市场正在变得真实变化,”他说。“我所看到的是中国企业家的力量 - 这种决心,这种愿景,野心 - 通过技术支持。我们正在唤醒,了解中国发展的力量。“

Sternlicht also asked Claure about the status of我们工作,争议的赚钱的合作公司,SoftBank犁过数十亿美元进入,然后在投资者质疑其崇高的估值和开采支出时被迫搁置计划的IPO。克劳斯坚持Sandeep Mathrani,Wework的现任首席执行官大大削减了成本,他的潜力发誓。


致电公司“一个巨大的价值主张”,克鲁斯说Mathrani“已经将成本带到了一个水平,如果我们有同样的占用,我们患有过大流行 - 我们将 - 然后这家公司应该是一个非常有利可图的企业。从现在开始两年,从现在开始,这将是一个惊人的故事,一个我们将自豪能成为一部分。“
