
创新Dedicated to Improving DC Participant Outcomes


All of the time, effort, and investment that go into managing 401(k) plans comes down to one thing: sponsor and participant outcomes. So many elements go into driving participant outcomes that you could be forgiven for thinking everything that can be done is being done. That’s not the way they think atVanguard那however, and that matters because the firm is one of the few players in the space that can drive truly revolutionary change for the benefit of defined contribution (DC) plan participants.




Vanguard is continuing to redefine personalization via an Infosys solution called Genome. “They call it Genome because it’s like the DNA of a person,” says Czonstka. “It creates a data picture of who a participant is and how they behave when they interact with us, and as a result we will be able to tailor experiences and actions that are completely individualized to each person. And we believe that will drive outcomes. By just changing to a more个性化方法over the past few years at Vanguard, we’ve already seen participants take action whenever they receive an automated nudge or are served up a message around financial well-being. If we take this to the next level and start to personalize imagery, tone, and behavioral characteristics about the participant, we think we’re going to see more participants taking action towards financial well-being than ever before.”



“我们的衡量结果的基线是参与者对其财务健康的下一个最佳行动进行了接下来?”Czonstka说。“我们有一个层次结构,确定每个人的下一个最佳动作是什么。它可以进入正确的资产分配或右资产混合,无论是通过目标日期基金自动在滑行路径还是利用advice。If they have hit all of the financial markers, an improved outcome could be naming a beneficiary – if they haven’t already – or increasing their contribution. We measure outcomes at the individual level. Something we’re seeing more and more is plan sponsors being concerned about participants’ financial well-being outside of the plan as well as in the plan. Have they thought about contributing to an emergency fund, for example? We believe we’ll be able to have a holistic view of a participant’s financial picture that we haven’t had historically, and start to measure outcomes and our view of success on overall financial health.”

Plan design was once the beginning and end of DC discussions, and then an early version of personalization emerged – participants were put into groups based on age and how long they had to save. At Vanguard, the goal is to consider each individual.

“We’re not just offering a next best action for you to take through an email or when you log onto the web,” says Czonstka. “We’re now focused on an omni-channel way of tailoring the individual experience in real time. We call it hyper-relevance and believe it’s the key to driving outcomes. And, frankly, it’s an expectation now. Our participants expect the same experience from us as they get from Amazon and Uber – they want us to know them at a deeper level. As record-keepers, if we don’t evolve our technology to meet or exceed the expectations that our consumers have around digital service providers, we’re going to get disrupted.”



“我们认为能够在他们展示他们关心其退休账户及其金融福祉时适应参与者的需求至关重要。我们真的认为这将是我们的游戏变更者,“Czonstka说。“这使我们能够从结果的起点撤销参与者经验。这是整个意义 - 这不是关于体验本身,这是关于帮助参与者达到他们正在寻求的结果。“


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