
GMO Has a Plan to Profit From a Growth Stock Bubble

The firm is shorting “drastically overvalued” companies under a new strategy aimed at producing huge gains similar to what GMO reaped from the dot-com bubble burst.

由Jeremy Grantham公司共同创立的投资公司开始运行长期策略,该策略旨在从公司看到股票市场的增长泡沫的爆破中获利。

GMO股权脱位策略首先在10月下旬到全公司的液体替代品和多资产投资组合,Ben Inker,Gmo的资产配置负责人,告诉亚博赞助欧冠在电话采访中。在观察股票过度猜测之后,该公司竞选策略作为市场咆哮回来从其Covid-19引起的3月陷入困境。

“在春天,我们开始看到”愚蠢“,”墨水师。“如果你没有准备好短暂的东西,所谓的被高估了,你可以避免很多痛苦 - 但这不会让你赚钱。”

GMO的新战略 - 这是较长的股票和那些较短的股票expensive根据Inker的说法,全球 - 有可能产生累积净返还率约为80%左右。这与来自GMO美国的收益相似。积极的长/短策略,即资产经理从2000年技术,媒体和电信股的2000年泡沫的爆发中获利。


Value stocks have underperformed over the past decade, including a historic崩溃this year. The Russell 1000 Value Index lagged the Russell 1000 Growth Index by more than 40 percentage points during the 12 months through September — the measure’s largest underperformance ever over such a period, according to Inker.

In their enthusiasm for growth stocks, Inker said that investors have at times appeared to give little thought to what they’re buying. That market behavior, which he terms “the stupid,” can signal a bubble.

转基因长期以来一直是一个市场泡沫的学生. The Boston-based firm, co-founded by Grantham more than four decades ago, also profited during the 2008 global financial crisis.


Gmo于2019年10月开始讨论,当时推出另一个泡沫相关策略的时候是正确的,因为估值看起来“漂亮极端”,他告诉他II. But drawing on insights his team has gathered from Grantham over the years, Inker said that stock market valuations being stretched beyond historical averages isn’t enough to constitute a bubble.



Investors buying a three-year call option on Tesla may believe a lot of information may surface in that time that will cause people to recognize that the electric car maker is worth much more than it’s valued now, he said. By contrast, “there is no plausible information that comes out on a three-to-five-day period,” said Inker. “It is pure speculation.”



Short sellers, for example, have racked up massive losses from bets against Elon Musk’s Tesla, which has skyrocketed despite their belief that its stock price has become detached from fundamentals.

Inker说,投资者已经打桩为“Go-Go-Go-Go-Go名称”。他指出,投资者还驾驶了尼古拉公司的股份。在卖空的Hindenburg Research之前allegations电动车初创公司建立在欺诈上,送到9月份的股票价格翻滚。Nikola从“Spacs的爆炸”中受益,说墨水师,通过其合并公开专用收购公司并迅速飙升的过去et value of Ford Motor Co.


While the GMO Equity Dislocation Strategy’s “underlying crucial ingredient is the value model,” Inker said the firm is trying to diversify its risks across regions globally, as well as sectors and style and size factors.


GMO’s portfolio is net short information technology by six points, as opposed to, say, 30 points, according to Inker. While the group of tech-related companies known as FAANGM — or Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google parent Alphabet, and Microsoft — looks somewhat more expensive than the average U.S. stock, their overvaluation is not particularly extreme, according to GMO.

The investment firm plans to provide details on its equity dislocation strategy in a季刊对于预计将于周二早上发布的客户。

For the new strategy, GMO had to rebuild companies’ income statements to understand their true profitability as well as their balance sheets, according to Inker. It was a multiyear project that this year became a priority as the firm wanted to wager against companies in the growth bubble.

Inker explained that income statements can be “really flawed” for fast-growing companies whose scale today is “very different” from five or 10 years ago. “It’s only when those growth rates get to be a really big deal that this gets screwed up,” he said.

在启动GMO股权脱位策略之前,该公司需要了解哪些公司可能只是“轻微”被高估,以区分公司GMO应该击败的公司 - 以及哪些公司不应该的情况。



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