
A Short Seller’s Case Against a Medical Devices Company Just Got Even Weirder

Quintessential Capital Management claimed that a “fake doctor” wrote scientific research connected to Penumbra. Now the hedge fund claims it has new evidence about who the doctor really is.


一个多月前,精粹资本管理公司的卖空者加布里埃尔·格雷戈(Gabriel Grego)向半影发起了一次短线攻击,声称为中风患者生产的导管是安全的not safe.

Late Tuesday afternoon, the Food and Drug Administration said that it had requested Penumbra voluntarily remove the catheter, called the JET 7 Xtra Flex, from the market to protect patients. The FDA said it has received over 200 medical device reports, including 14 unique patient deaths, related to the catheter. Penumbra has begun the recall.

Last week Grego外出the fake doctor he claimed was behind much of Penumbra’s research related to the product.

Penumbra, in a statement to亚博赞助欧冠,否认制造这名假博士是为了撰写其“核心科学研究”,并称Quintsential的指控“绝对是错误的”。该公司已证实,这项研究是由其联合创始人Arani Bose博士撰写的,并说他是Antik Bose剽窃的受害者,Antik Bose是一个“真人”,一直在“试图在网上冒充医生,名字和他在全球的名字相似。”


The short seller believes the person behind the fake Dr. Antik Bose is California real estate broker Manny Khoshbin, whose identity Grego said is one of two that Antik Bose appears to have used, based on a reverse images search by Quintessential and published in a report last week unveiling the existence of the fake doctor.


“It’s very odd that his photograph shows up, and when I say ‘Let’s have a chat,’ the guy ghosts me,” said Grego.

霍什宾的YouTube页面上充斥着在社交媒体网站上发现的与Antik Bose有关的名贵汽车(Antik Bose除了是一名医生外,还被指是一名亿万富翁酒店老板)。格雷戈说,霍什宾的网页是由一个名叫内森·米兰达的人编辑的,他是霍斯宾公司的营销经理,在LinkedIn的个人资料中说,他在“内容创作”方面有经验。米兰达还说,他是一个巨大的汽车爱好者,有照片可以证明这一点。

“I did not want to blame these guys,” said Grego, but he now thinks they were hired to create the social media profile of Antik Bose.

还有第三个人。格雷戈指出,霍什宾通过加利福尼亚州奥兰治县一位名叫保罗·达夫塔纳(Paul Daftarian)的房地产经纪人出售了自己的豪宅,另一个人的身份被Antik Bose用在了他的社交媒体资料中。

“Almost every photograph ostensibly of Antik Bose on Facebook, Everipedia, Pinterest and YouTube actually belongs to Daftarian. Similarly, the featured real estate ostensibly belonging to Antik Bose, are actually some of Paul’s former real estate deals,” Quintessential’s report claimed.

“These guys are all connected,” Grego asserted, though he admitted he doesn’t have proof for his suspicions and doesn’t know of any connection of these individuals to Penumbra, aside from the fact that all live in Southern California.


A Penumbra spokeswoman dismissed the allegations, saying the company “did not hire a third-party firm to create Antik Bose or any other fake online persona.”

[深潜:A Short Seller Claims a ‘Fictional Character’ Wrote This Company’s Medical Research]



Antik Bose列出的研究和他的专业是一样的:肾移植(和Amit Basu博士一样),中风(和Arani Bose博士一样),癌症和结构生物学(和Anamika Bose博士一样)。

Grego didn’t deny that Antik Bose has posted research unrelated to Penumbra’s medical products. But he asserted that some of it also relates to clinical areas in two startups Penumbra acquired — Chemofilters and Voyage Biomedical, whose companies and related individuals “appear to have clear links with kidney transplants and diabetes, clinical areas where Antik Bose’s non-stroke related research and academic qualifications seem to converge.”


The person who extended the invite is Dr. Osama Zaidat, whom Grego called “a frequent coauthor of Antik/Arani Bose, recipient of Penumbra’s payments, and evangelist of its products.”

2017年5月,Zaidat博士邀请Antik Bose博士(而不是Arani Bose)加入一个小组,该小组包括其他四位与半影相关研究的合著者。

